paper:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection
在目标检测中,包含图像矩形区域的边界框bounding box作为处理的基本元素,贯穿整个检测流程,从anchors到proposals再到final predictions。矩形框的形式之所以流行,一是因为最通用的评价检测模型性能的指标IoU就是计算目标gt边界框和预测边界框的重叠区域,二是因为矩形框的形式便于在深度网络中提取特征。
其中 \(\left \{ \left ( \bigtriangleup x_{k},\bigtriangleup y_{k} \right ) \right \} ^{n}_{k=1}\) 是预测的新的采样点相对于旧的采样点的偏移。
对于模型最终预测的9个点,通过转换函数 \(\mathcal{T} \) 将其转换成bounding box的形式,一方面可以有效利用对象bounding box形式的标注,另一方面可以通过IoU的指标评估模型性能。本文考虑以下三种转换函数:
Min-max function. 即沿xy方向取最小和最大值,得到bounding box。
Partial Min-max function. 选择9个点中的前4个点,然后再沿xy方向取最小和最大值,得到bounding box。
Moment-based function. 用9个点的均值和方差来计算bbox的中心点和尺度,然后结合可学习的调节因子得到bounding box。
因为是anchor-free的方法,采用center point作为对象的初始表示。第一阶段学习center point到初始RepPoints9个点的偏移,学习过程受到两方面的监督,一是通过转换函数\(\mathcal{T} \)得到的初始预测bounding box的左上角和右下角与gt box之间的distance loss,二是分类loss。第二阶段进一步refine边界框的定位,学习初始RepPoints9个点到最终的RepPoints的偏移,最终的RepPoints通过转换函数就得到了边界框的最终预测结果。
输入batch_size=2,经过数据增强等预处理后,input_shape=(2, 3, 300, 300),backbone='ResNet-50',neck='FPN',输入经过backbone和neck后得到输出[(2,256,38,38), (2,256,19,19), (2,256,10,10), (2,256,5,5), (2,256,3,3)]。本文的创新主要在head结构、标签分配以及损失函数,head结构如图3所示,代码文件在mmdetection/mmdet/models/dense_heads/reppoints_head.py中,接下来介绍head的具体实现。
def forward_single(self, x): # (2, 256, 38, 38)
"""Forward feature map of a single FPN level."""
dcn_base_offset = self.dcn_base_offset.type_as(x) # (1, 18, 1, 1)
# tensor([[[[-1.]],
# [[-1.]],
# [[-1.]],
# [[ 0.]],
# [[-1.]],
# [[ 1.]],
# [[ 0.]],
# [[-1.]],
# [[ 0.]],
# [[ 0.]],
# [[ 0.]],
# [[ 1.]],
# [[ 1.]],
# [[-1.]],
# [[ 1.]],
# [[ 0.]],
# [[ 1.]],
# [[ 1.]]]], device='cuda:0')
# If we use center_init, the initial reppoints is from center points.
# If we use bounding bbox representation, the initial reppoints is
# from regular grid placed on a pre-defined bbox.
if self.use_grid_points or not self.center_init: # False, True
scale = self.point_base_scale / 2
points_init = dcn_base_offset / dcn_base_offset.max() * scale
bbox_init = x.new_tensor([-scale, -scale, scale,
scale]).view(1, 4, 1, 1)
points_init = 0
cls_feat = x
pts_feat = x
for cls_conv in self.cls_convs:
cls_feat = cls_conv(cls_feat)
# (2,256,38,38)
for reg_conv in self.reg_convs:
pts_feat = reg_conv(pts_feat)
# (2,256,38,38)
# initialize reppoints
pts_out_init = self.reppoints_pts_init_out(
self.relu(self.reppoints_pts_init_conv(pts_feat))) # (2,18,38,38)
if self.use_grid_points: # False
pts_out_init, bbox_out_init = self.gen_grid_from_reg(
pts_out_init, bbox_init.detach())
pts_out_init = pts_out_init + points_init
# refine and classify reppoints
pts_out_init_grad_mul = (1 - self.gradient_mul) * pts_out_init.detach(
) + self.gradient_mul * pts_out_init
dcn_offset = pts_out_init_grad_mul - dcn_base_offset # (2,18,38,38)
cls_out = self.reppoints_cls_out(
self.reppoints_cls_conv(cls_feat, dcn_offset))) # (2,256,38,38),(2,18,38,38)->(2,256,38,38)->(2,20,38,38)
pts_out_refine = self.reppoints_pts_refine_out(
dcn_offset))) # (2,256,38,38),(2,18,38,38)->(2,256,38,38)->(2,18,38,38)
if self.use_grid_points: # False
pts_out_refine, bbox_out_refine = self.gen_grid_from_reg(
pts_out_refine, bbox_out_init.detach())
pts_out_refine = pts_out_refine + pts_out_init.detach()
return cls_out, pts_out_init, pts_out_refine # (2,20,38,38),(2,18,38,38),(2,18,38,38)
return cls_out, self.points2bbox(pts_out_refine)
这里以FPN的单层输出为例,shape=(2, 256, 38, 38),FPN所有层的输出后续head都是一样的。
self.cls_convs和self.reg_convs中分别是分类分支和定位分支中一开始的三个3x3-256卷积,得到的输出shape=(2, 256, 38, 38)保持不变。
self.reppoints_pts_init_conv和self.reppoints_pts_init_out分别是定位分支中间线上的3x3-256卷积和1x1-18卷积,得到pts_out_init的shape=(2, 18, 38, 38),就是图中的Offset 1。
然后将偏移与初始坐标相加得到RepPoints的9个点的初始坐标,pts_out_init = pts_out_init + points_init,这里对应图中的convert部分,注意这里转换过程还没完,还要加上该层FPN输出特征图上的点乘上stride得到原图上的对应坐标才能得到图中的RepPoints 1。
pts_out_init_grad_mul = (1 - self.gradient_mul) * pts_out_init.detach(
) + self.gradient_mul * pts_out_init
然后dcn_offset = pts_out_init_grad_mul - dcn_base_offset是将偏移值Offset 1减去3x3卷积核内每个点的相对坐标作为可变形卷积的偏移输入,其中dcn_base_offset是3x3卷积核内以中心点为(0, 0),
左上为(-1, -1)的9个点的相对坐标。
接下来self.reppoints_pts_refine_conv是图中定位分支的3x3-256的可变形卷积,self.reppoints_pts_refine_out是后面的1x1-18卷积,得到定位分支第二阶段9个点refine后的偏移值pts_out_refine,即图中的Offset 2。
最终与9个点第一阶段的坐标相加就得到了最终的位置,pts_out_refine = pts_out_refine + pts_out_init.detach(),即图中的\(\oplus \),但注意这里和第一阶段的RepPoints一样,都是不是在原图上的坐标,还需要加上对应center points的坐标才是。
在计算loss之前,还需要先进行lable assignment,计算对应的target。loss函数也在reppoints_head.py文件中,首先计算FPN各层输出映射到原图的坐标,如下。其中len(center_list)=batch_size,center_list[0] = [(1444,4),(,361,4),(100,4),(25,4),(9,4)],前两个值为x,y坐标,后两个值为对应的步长。
center_list, valid_flag_list = self.get_points(featmap_sizes,
img_metas, device)
下面就是将上面head中计算的偏移与center point相加得到对应阶段模型预测的9个点在原图上的位置坐标,这里输入是pts_preds_init,输出的是第一阶段的坐标,即上图中的RepPoints 1,shape为[(2,1444,18),(2,361,18),(2,100,18),(2,25,18),(2,9,18)] 。
pts_coordinate_preds_init = self.offset_to_pts(center_list,
class PointAssigner(BaseAssigner):
"""Assign a corresponding gt bbox or background to each point.
Each proposals will be assigned with `0`, or a positive integer
indicating the ground truth index.
- 0: negative sample, no assigned gt
- positive integer: positive sample, index (1-based) of assigned gt
def __init__(self, scale=4, pos_num=3):
self.scale = scale
self.pos_num = pos_num
def assign(self, points, gt_bboxes, gt_bboxes_ignore=None, gt_labels=None):
# points.shape=(1939,4)
# 只有init阶段采用point_assigner,这里points就是每一层feature_map上的每个点乘以stride对应到原图上的点的坐标
"""Assign gt to points.
This method assign a gt bbox to every points set, each points set
will be assigned with the background_label (-1), or a label number.
-1 is background, and semi-positive number is the index (0-based) of
assigned gt.
The assignment is done in following steps, the order matters.
1. assign every points to the background_label (-1)
2. A point is assigned to some gt bbox if
(i) the point is within the k closest points to the gt bbox
(ii) the distance between this point and the gt is smaller than
other gt bboxes
points (Tensor): points to be assigned, shape(n, 3) while last
dimension stands for (x, y, stride).
gt_bboxes (Tensor): Groundtruth boxes, shape (k, 4).
gt_bboxes_ignore (Tensor, optional): Ground truth bboxes that are
labelled as `ignored`, e.g., crowd boxes in COCO.
NOTE: currently unused.
gt_labels (Tensor, optional): Label of gt_bboxes, shape (k, ).
:obj:`AssignResult`: The assign result.
num_points = points.shape[0] # 1939
num_gts = gt_bboxes.shape[0]
if num_gts == 0 or num_points == 0:
# If no truth assign everything to the background
assigned_gt_inds = points.new_full((num_points, ),
if gt_labels is None:
assigned_labels = None
assigned_labels = points.new_full((num_points, ),
return AssignResult(
num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, None, labels=assigned_labels)
points_xy = points[:, :2]
points_stride = points[:, 2]
points_lvl = torch.log2(
points_stride).int() # [3...,4...,5...,6...,7...]
# (1939,)
lvl_min, lvl_max = points_lvl.min(), points_lvl.max()
# assign gt box
gt_bboxes_xy = (gt_bboxes[:, :2] + gt_bboxes[:, 2:]) / 2
gt_bboxes_wh = (gt_bboxes[:, 2:] - gt_bboxes[:, :2]).clamp(min=1e-6)
scale = self.scale
gt_bboxes_lvl = ((torch.log2(gt_bboxes_wh[:, 0] / scale) +
torch.log2(gt_bboxes_wh[:, 1] / scale)) / 2).int()
gt_bboxes_lvl = torch.clamp(gt_bboxes_lvl, min=lvl_min, max=lvl_max) # (2,), tensor([5, 5], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.int32)
# stores the assigned gt index of each point
assigned_gt_inds = points.new_zeros((num_points, ), dtype=torch.long)
# stores the assigned gt dist (to this point) of each point
assigned_gt_dist = points.new_full((num_points, ), float('inf'))
points_range = torch.arange(points.shape[0]) # 1939
for idx in range(num_gts):
gt_lvl = gt_bboxes_lvl[idx]
# get the index of points in this level
lvl_idx = gt_lvl == points_lvl # (1939,), 对应位置为True或False
points_index = points_range[lvl_idx] # (100,)
# get the points in this level
lvl_points = points_xy[lvl_idx, :] # (100,2)
# get the center point of gt
gt_point = gt_bboxes_xy[[idx], :] # (1,2)
# get width and height of gt
gt_wh = gt_bboxes_wh[[idx], :] # (1,2)
# compute the distance between gt center and
# all points in this level
points_gt_dist = ((lvl_points - gt_point) / gt_wh).norm(dim=1) # (100,2)->(100,)
# find the nearest k points to gt center in this level
min_dist, min_dist_index = torch.topk(
points_gt_dist, self.pos_num, largest=False) # (1,)
# the index of nearest k points to gt center in this level
min_dist_points_index = points_index[min_dist_index] # (1,)
# The less_than_recorded_index stores the index
# of min_dist that is less then the assigned_gt_dist. Where
# assigned_gt_dist stores the dist from previous assigned gt
# (if exist) to each point.
less_than_recorded_index = min_dist < assigned_gt_dist[
min_dist_points_index] # (1,), tensor([True], device='cuda:0')
# The min_dist_points_index stores the index of points satisfy:
# (1) it is k nearest to current gt center in this level.
# (2) it is closer to current gt center than other gt center.
min_dist_points_index = min_dist_points_index[
less_than_recorded_index] # tensor([1870]), tensor([True], device='cuda:0'), tensor([1870])
# assign the result
assigned_gt_inds[min_dist_points_index] = idx + 1
assigned_gt_dist[min_dist_points_index] = min_dist[
if gt_labels is not None:
assigned_labels = assigned_gt_inds.new_full((num_points, ), -1)
pos_inds = torch.nonzero(
assigned_gt_inds > 0, as_tuple=False).squeeze()
if pos_inds.numel() > 0:
assigned_labels[pos_inds] = gt_labels[
assigned_gt_inds[pos_inds] - 1]
assigned_labels = None
return AssignResult(
num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, None, labels=assigned_labels)
scale = self.scale # 4
gt_bboxes_lvl = ((torch.log2(gt_bboxes_wh[:, 0] / scale) +
torch.log2(gt_bboxes_wh[:, 1] / scale)) / 2).int()
gt_bboxes_lvl = torch.clamp(gt_bboxes_lvl, min=lvl_min, max=lvl_max)
# (2,), tensor([5, 5], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.int32)
只有落在同一level的center point才作为candidate继续计算,其它层级的points都不负责该gt。如下,其中gt_lvl是某个gt所属的level,points_lvl是FPN输出的5个level所有points对应的层级,最后lvl_points是与gt属于同一层级的所有points的坐标。
lvl_idx = gt_lvl == points_lvl # (1939,), 对应位置为True或False
points_index = points_range[lvl_idx] # (100,)
# get the points in this level
lvl_points = points_xy[lvl_idx, :] # (100,2)
然后计算该gt box的中心点与同一层级所有points的距离,选择距离最近的topk的points作为正样本,负责回归该gt,文中取k=1。
# compute the distance between gt center and
# all points in this level
points_gt_dist = ((lvl_points - gt_point) / gt_wh).norm(dim=1) # (100,2)->(100,)
# find the nearest k points to gt center in this level
min_dist, min_dist_index = torch.topk(
points_gt_dist, self.pos_num, largest=False) # (1,)
# the index of nearest k points to gt center in this level
min_dist_points_index = points_index[min_dist_index] # (1,)
这里还需要注意一种情况,当多个gt box挨得很近时,且大小相近映射到同一层级,这是可能存在一个point同时负责多个gt box的回归的情况,这时选择距离该point最近的那个gt box作为回归目标,如下
# The less_than_recorded_index stores the index
# of min_dist that is less then the assigned_gt_dist. Where
# assigned_gt_dist stores the dist from previous assigned gt
# (if exist) to each point.
less_than_recorded_index = min_dist < assigned_gt_dist[
min_dist_points_index] # (1,), tensor([True], device='cuda:0')
# The min_dist_points_index stores the index of points satisfy:
# (1) it is k nearest to current gt center in this level.
# (2) it is closer to current gt center than other gt center.
min_dist_points_index = min_dist_points_index[
less_than_recorded_index] # tensor([1870]), tensor([True], device='cuda:0'), tensor([1870])
第二阶段采用的是MaxIoUAssigner,即将第二阶段的9个点根据转换函数转换成bounding box的形式,然后根据与gt box的IoU大小来分配标签,上面提到一共有3种转换函数,代码如下,mmdet中默认采用'moment'转化函数。MaxIoU是最常见的标签分配方法,这里不多做介绍。
def points2bbox(self, pts, y_first=True):
"""Converting the points set into bounding box.
:param pts: the input points sets (fields), each points
set (fields) is represented as 2n scalar.
:param y_first: if y_first=True, the point set is represented as
[y1, x1, y2, x2 ... yn, xn], otherwise the point set is
represented as [x1, y1, x2, y2 ... xn, yn].
:return: each points set is converting to a bbox [x1, y1, x2, y2].
pts_reshape = pts.view(pts.shape[0], -1, 2, *pts.shape[2:]) # (2,18,38,38)->(2,9,2,38,38)
pts_y = pts_reshape[:, :, 0, ...] if y_first else pts_reshape[:, :, 1,
...] # (2,9,38,38)
pts_x = pts_reshape[:, :, 1, ...] if y_first else pts_reshape[:, :, 0,
...] # (2,9,38,38)
if self.transform_method == 'minmax':
bbox_left = pts_x.min(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] # (2,1,38,38)
bbox_right = pts_x.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
bbox_up = pts_y.min(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
bbox_bottom = pts_y.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
bbox =[bbox_left, bbox_up, bbox_right, bbox_bottom],
elif self.transform_method == 'partial_minmax':
pts_y = pts_y[:, :4, ...] # (2,4,38,38)
pts_x = pts_x[:, :4, ...]
bbox_left = pts_x.min(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
bbox_right = pts_x.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
bbox_up = pts_y.min(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
bbox_bottom = pts_y.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
bbox =[bbox_left, bbox_up, bbox_right, bbox_bottom],
elif self.transform_method == 'moment':
pts_y_mean = pts_y.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) # (2,1,38,38)
pts_x_mean = pts_x.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
pts_y_std = torch.std(pts_y - pts_y_mean, dim=1, keepdim=True) # (2,1,38,38)
pts_x_std = torch.std(pts_x - pts_x_mean, dim=1, keepdim=True)
moment_transfer = (self.moment_transfer * self.moment_mul) + (
self.moment_transfer.detach() * (1 - self.moment_mul)) # torch.Size([2])
moment_width_transfer = moment_transfer[0]
moment_height_transfer = moment_transfer[1]
half_width = pts_x_std * torch.exp(moment_width_transfer) # (2,1,38,38)
half_height = pts_y_std * torch.exp(moment_height_transfer)
bbox =[
pts_x_mean - half_width, pts_y_mean - half_height,
pts_x_mean + half_width, pts_y_mean + half_height
raise NotImplementedError
return bbox # (2,4,38,38)
分类是第一阶段即图中的RepPoints 1进行标签分配的,代码如下,其中bbox_list是将第一阶段pts_preds_init转换成bbox,然后后续再与gt进行标签分类,分配方法也是MaxIoUAssign,当与某个gt box的iou大于0.5时作为正样本,小于0.4时作为负样本,0.4到0.5之间的忽略。
# target for refinement stage
center_list, valid_flag_list = self.get_points(featmap_sizes,
img_metas, device)
pts_coordinate_preds_refine = self.offset_to_pts(
center_list, pts_preds_refine)
bbox_list = []
for i_img, center in enumerate(center_list):
bbox = []
for i_lvl in range(len(pts_preds_refine)):
bbox_preds_init = self.points2bbox(
pts_preds_init[i_lvl].detach()) # (2,4,38,38)
bbox_shift = bbox_preds_init * self.point_strides[i_lvl] # (2,4,38,38)
bbox_center =
[center[i_lvl][:, :2], center[i_lvl][:, :2]], dim=1) # (1444,4)
bbox.append(bbox_center +
bbox_shift[i_img].permute(1, 2, 0).reshape(-1, 4)) # (1444,4)
第一阶段和第二阶段的回归损失采用的都是Smooth L1 Loss,分别将RepPoints 1和RepPoints 2转换成bbox,然后计算bbox左上角坐标和右下角坐标与对应gt box的对应点的Smooth L1 Loss。
分类采用的Focal Loss。
为了证明本文提出的RepPoints的表示方法的有效性,作者将两阶段的RepPoints换成bounding box作为baseline,标签分配方法都是max iou assignment,下面是RepPoints和bounding box的对比结果
然后对比了用center point和单一anchor作为初始表示的性能,如下可以看出,center point的精度更高。