elasticsearch 迁移


"E:\esm.exe" -s -d -x 0920_full -w=5 -b=10 -c 10000 --refresh
 -s, --source=     source elasticsearch instance
  -d, --dest=       destination elasticsearch instance
  -q, --query=      query against source elasticsearch instance, filter data before migrate, ie: name:medcl
  -m, --source_auth basic auth of source elasticsearch instance, ie: user:pass
  -n, --dest_auth   basic auth of target elasticsearch instance, ie: user:pass
  -c, --count=      number of documents at a time: ie "size" in the scroll request (10000)
  --sliced_scroll_size=      size of sliced scroll, to make it work, the size should be > 1, default:"1"
  -t, --time=       scroll time (1m)
      --shards=     set a number of shards on newly created indexes
      --copy_settings copy index settings from source
      --copy_mappings copy mappings mappings from source
  -f, --force      delete destination index before copying, default:false
  -x, --src_indexes=    list of indexes to copy, comma separated (_all), support wildcard match(*)
  -y, --dest_index=    indexes name to save, allow only one indexname, original indexname will be used if not specified
  -a, --all         copy indexes starting with . and _ (false)
  -w, --workers=    concurrency number for bulk workers, default is: "1"
  -b  --bulk_size   bulk size in MB" default:5
  -v  --log         setting log level,options:trace,debug,info,warn,error
  -i  --input_file  indexing from local dump file, file format: {"_id":"xxx","_index":"xxx","_source":{"xxx":"xxx"},"_type":"xxx"  }
  -o  --output_file output documents of source index into local file, file format same as input_file.
  --source_proxy     set proxy to source http connections, ie:
  --dest_proxy       set proxy to destination http connections, ie:
  --refresh          refresh after migration finished

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