If you are going through a season of severe discouragement, and find yourself battling depression and suicidal thoughts,I believe the Lord has a word for you today.Don't give in to the darkness that is threatening to overwhelm you.Don’t believe the LIE that you have been an utter failure and that there is only one way to end the misery and pain that have weighed you down for so long.You are not alone.You may not feel it right now, but I want you to know that God loves you and has a plan for your life.It is not by accident that you are holding this book in your hands.He has somehow orchestrated it, and I pray that you will read on and give me a chance to share God's heart for you.


There is an enemy who wants to isolate you.He is playing mind games with you and wants to make you feel like you are a failure and that there is no hope.He wants to steal your peace, your joy and every good thing in your life.This enemy wants to destroy and kill you.BUT there is also a God who cares for you so intimately, a God who sees the pain you are going through, and who paid the price for you to enjoy, not simply endure this life.Our Lord Jesus said,“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”(John10:10).My friend, this is God's desire for you:He wants you to have a rich and satisfying life, and to enjoy life to the fullest.


I do not know what burdens you carry.Perhaps you are struggling with a secret addiction, and shame has stripped you bare.Perhaps you have been confronted with failure after failure, and it is building up to a point where you can see no way out.Perhaps you have been told over and over again that you are worthless, and demeaning things have been said and done to you.Maybe you have been struggling with various issues for so long, you are at a point where you are numb, just exhausted, and you are ready to give up.Maybe things look great on your Instagram highlight reel, but on the inside, you feel a growing emptiness,a sense of being trapped, and that things will never get better. 


I do not claim to have the answers to the questions that are weighing you down.I can’t tell you why your husband betrayed you, or why your company retrenched you just like that.I can’t explain why the medications you have been taking don't seem to work, or why you can't seem to stop the sadness that is eating you up.


What I can tell you is that the Bible is not silent on the sufferings you are going through.May the accounts that I will be sharing with you open your eyes to who God is, and how deeply He loves you.I pray that as you allow me to take this journey with you, the Lord will show you truths that will cause your heart to be filled with a supernatural peace that surpasses understanding, truths that will break you free from the bondages of depression. You may feel like giving up on yourself, but God is not willing to let you do that.


Would you allow me to introduce you to a God who wants to take your brokenness and despair, and give you His joy in exchange? Would you allow me to tell you about a God who comes to you in your darkest moments, a God who has given up everything so that you never ever need to feel alone?And would you allow me to show you some practical steps you can take as you put your hand in His, and let Him love you back into wholeness?


Thank you so much.I am praying with you for your breakthrough, and I believe your best days are ahead of you.

