ua attach <免费的TOEKN>
ua version
要在 Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) 中升级 ubuntu-advantage-tools 到 27.8,请运行命令:
sudo apt install ubuntu-advantage-tools=27.8~22.04.1
ua enable realtime-kernel --beta
# 结果
sudo cyclictest -p 99 -S -i 8000 -m
[sudo] lm 的密码:
/dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 10.26 9.47 9.38 7/1308 105547
T: 0 (91316) P:99 I:8000 C:6638053 Min: 2 Act: 73 Avg: 30 Max: 193
T: 1 (91317) P:99 I:8500 C:6247579 Min: 2 Act: 72 Avg: 27 Max: 166
T: 2 (91318) P:99 I:9000 C:5900491 Min: 3 Act: 74 Avg: 29 Max: 230
T: 3 (91319) P:99 I:9500 C:5589938 Min: 3 Act: 6 Avg: 28 Max: 155
# 压力:4核满负荷
lm@lm-X550JK:~$ stress-ng -c 4 --cpu-method fft --timerfd-freq 1000000 -t 24h
stress-ng: info: [92633] setting to a 86400 second (1 day, 0.00 secs) run per stressor
stress-ng: info: [92633] dispatching hogs: 4 cpu
^Cstress-ng: info: [92633] successful run completed in 52186.24s (14 hours, 29 mins, 46.24 secs)
sc[i] = ecrt_master_slave_config(master, a[i], p[i], VID_PID)
ecrt_slave_config_pdos(sc[i], EC_END, device_syncs)
ecrt_domain_reg_pdo_entry_list(domain1, domain1_regs)
ecrt_slave_config_sdo16(sc[i], 0x1c32, 1, 2);
ecrt_slave_config_sdo16(sc[i], 0x1c33, 1, 2);
ecrt_slave_config_dc(sc[i], 0x0300, cycle_ns, cycle_ns/4, 0, 0);//8ms
用EtherCAT的分布式时钟(DC)功能使从站设备同步指的是,总线中的第一个DC从站被定义为基准时钟,EtherCAT主站将基准时钟的时间分配至所有的从站。因此,EtherCAT主站周期性发送一个ARMW命令,以此读取存储在时钟主站的ESC(EtherCAT从站控制器)上适当的寄存器中的总线时间,并将这个值写入DC-从站相应的寄存器中。这些DC从站通过整合在ESC中的一个控制器来更新他们的本地时间。为保证请求的精度(可以接收低于1us的值),特殊从站之间的EtherCAT帧延迟必须得到额外的补偿。 对于每个从站来说,一个帧从发送到接受的这段时间将被测量。然后,根据总线拓扑结构,主站计算从站之间的延迟,并将相应延迟补偿值写入到ESC中的寄存器0x928里。
2、每个定时周期到的时候,每个从站去执行自己的程序,<比如检查通道上有没有合适的新的输入数据,有的话就令其输出有效(Output valid)或者检查有没有需要输入的数据,将其放到对应的同步管理器通道上(input prepare)让主站取走>
3、对于Free Run 模式而言,好比每个人都有自己的手表,但是如果没有一起对时的话。手表的本身的时间是不一样的(可能表和表之间存在时间差,一个8点一个10点),那么在这种情况下,公司如果要求9点上班,那么每个人到公司的时间都是自己手表上的9点,但是不是统一的9点,他们到达公司的时间是不一样,所以Free Run模式没有任何的同步性可言
2、SM(Sync Manager同步管理器)指的是同步管理器的同步,它的触发方式是通过SM Event,也就是我们的数据帧在到达对应的从站的时候,会触发一个叫做同步管理器事件的信号(即SM Event),当从站接受到这个信号的时候,会进入到对应的中断服务例程(即中断保存当期任务,去执行插入的中断例程,这里指线程中断处理相关数据,这也是SM Event和 Free Run的不同之处),即SM是通过中断服务例程来处理对应的数据。
3、从站检测到SM Event事件信号的时候会进入到中断服务例程去处理相应的数据(比如把输出数据有效,然后把输入数据放到同步管理器的通道上让主站取走)
4、由于SM同步模式是根据数据帧到达特定从站的时候来触发SM Event事件信号来进行同步,那么对于一个特地给的帧来说,它到达每一个从站的时间必然是不同的,当系统很庞大的时候,每个从站接收到数据帧的时间就会相差很大,越在后边的从站接收到数据帧的时间就越晚,它的同步效果就越差。
1、Sync0 Event和SM Event事件信号是类似的,他们都是一个中断事件信号,对于一个从站而言,如果中断信号触发了而且中断屏蔽寄存器没有屏蔽掉该中断信号,那么从站就会进入到中断服务例程
3、不同于SM Event的地方是Sync0 Event是根据我们自己设定的延时时间触发而不是帧到达时候才触发
4、注意,虽然简单DC同步机制中没有用到SM Event事件信号,但是它依旧是存在的,因为只要当Frame帧到达从站的时候就会触发SM Event事件信号,这里只是不用到该信号来进行触发而已,(但是应该明白不管是哪一种同步机制,SM Event都是存在的,当从站接受到数据帧的时候都会产生SM Event事件信号)
1、优化的DC模式同时使用了SM Event事件信号和Sync0 Event事件信号,而简单DC同步机制只是使用Sync0 Event这一种事件信号进行同步,无论使用哪一种同步模式,只要当数据帧Frame到达从站的时候都会触发对应的SM Event事件信号。
2、在这种优化的DC模式中,当对应的SM Event事件信号触发后,从站会进入到中断服务例程进行数据的处理,把数据帧Frame中对应的所需数据进行计算,然后复制到管理器通道对应的用户区域,等待Sync0 Event同步信号触发之后让从站取走,然后SM Event中断完成,恢复现场,然后等待Sync0 Event信号的触发到来,也就是同步信号的触发,可以看到由于之前SM Event中断中已经完成了前期数据的处理,当Sync0 Event同步信号触发时,程序进入到中断服务例程,就只需要很短的一段Output Delay Time,马上就进入到Output Valid(输出有效)状态。
3、这种优化版的DC同步机制相对于之前的简单DC模式,优点就是Output Delay Time输出延时没有那么长了,主要是因为第二种优化的DC模式利用SM Event事件信号的触发完成了前期从数据帧中对应从站数据的计算和复制到管理器通道上,所以当Sync0 Event同步信号触发后,只需要从管理器通道取走已经计算并复制好了的数据,进入到输出有效Output Valid的延时时间自然就比较短了,而第一种简单的DC模式只是使用到了Sync0 Event同步信号,所以当Sync0 Event触发后,需要在Output Delay Time时间内完成数据的复制和计算,所以简单DC模式下的Output Delay Time延时时间就会比较长。
1、当数据帧Frame依次到达每一个从站的时候,EtherCAT的机制会触发SM Event事件信号,(数据帧依次发送到各个从站的时间是一个慢慢变长的延时时间,这是硬件上必然发生无法改善的事情)。
3、主程序等待一个DC Sync Signal同步事件中断信号(也就是Sync0 Event),这个Sync0 Event同步事件信号是所以从站同时触发的,就像规定的9点上班一样<这里的前提是主站已经通过发送帧对各个从站完成了对表计时步骤,各个从站的时间是同步一致的>。
4、当Sync0 Event事件信号同步触发时候,由于之前已经完成了数据的计算和复制,那么此时的输出抖动会非常小,约为15ns,(输出抖动jitter和主站有关,在SM Event事件之前由主站触发),同时同步性能也会非常好(Output Delay time会很短,Output Valid输出有效很快触发)。
5、在Output Valid输出有效触发之后,从站会等待一个Input Latch信号,它可以是Sync1 Event事件信号,也可以是Sync0 Event事件信号触发后一段固定的延时时间,这取决于我们在TwinCAT上的设置情况。
1、问题描述:在使用DC模式的时候会出现一种同步丢帧的情况,就是说数据帧在到达尾端从站之前,所有从站的Sync0 Event同步事件信号就已经触发了,也就是说数据帧传输的太慢,可能还来不及到达尾端从站,但是它的同步事件信号已经触发了,而此时从站却从管理器通道上获取不到数据帧中对应的数据,从站就会判断数据帧丢失了,这就是同步丢帧的问题。
这种问题一般在考前的从站中发生较少,当一个系统较大时,尾端的从站接收到数据帧的时间也比较晚,因为存在物理传输时间,所以越后面的从站接收到的数据帧时间就越晚,虽然Sync0 Event事件信号在完成DC对时之后是同步触发的,但是数据帧的传递时间是依次递增的,如果我们刚开始留出的偏移时间(shift time)不够大的话就有可能在尾端从站发生同步丢帧的情况
2、解决方案:把第一个从站和主站之间的偏移时间调大,可以在TwinCAT中对Shift Time进行调整。(由于Sync0 Event是同步触发的,只需要设置好第一个从站和主站之间的Shift time,后面的从站和主站的Shift Time也都是这个值)。
≥ (从站最小循环时间)Minimum Cycle Time,
{//计算和复制时间,output Calc and copy time
//minimum time between trigger event(SM or sync0) and sync event(sync0 or sync1)
{//sync0 周期时间
//编译:g++ -o bk14 src/bk14.cpp ipipe_64.a -I/opt/etherlab/include -L./ -L/opt/etherlab/lib -Wl,--rpath=./ -Wl,--rpath=/opt/etherlab/lib -lethercat -lm -lrt -lipipe_64
//运行:sudo ./bk14
//taike电机 以主站作为参考时间
//减小DC_FILTER_CNT, 可以降低dc_diff_ns,
#include "ecrt.h"
extern "C"
#include "ipipe_64.h"
#define pi 3.14159265
#define N 1500
#define M 3
//#define NSEC_PER_SEC 1000000000
static unsigned int cycle_ns = 8000000; /* 1 ms */
//static int run = 1;
// EtherCAT
static ec_master_t *master = NULL;
static ec_master_state_t master_state = {};
static ec_domain_t *domain1 = NULL;
static ec_domain_state_t domain1_state = {};
static ec_slave_config_t *sc[7] = {};
static ec_slave_config_state_t sc_state[7];
static ec_slave_config_state_t sc_zero_state = {};
static ec_slave_config_t *sc_5 = NULL;
static uint8_t *domain1_pd = NULL;
static ec_slave_config_t *sc_dig_out_01 = NULL;
// EtherCAT distributed clock variables
#define DC_FILTER_CNT 1024
static uint64_t dc_start_time_ns = 0LL;
static uint64_t dc_time_ns = 0;
static uint8_t dc_started = 0;
static int32_t dc_diff_ns = 0;
static int32_t prev_dc_diff_ns = 0;
static int64_t dc_diff_total_ns = 0LL;
static int64_t dc_delta_total_ns = 0LL;
static int dc_filter_idx = 0;
static int64_t dc_adjust_ns;
static int64_t system_time_base = 0LL;
static uint64_t wakeup_time = 0LL;
static uint64_t overruns = 0LL;
// offsets for PDO entries
static unsigned int off_dig_out0 = 0;
#define PANASONIC_6 0,6 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_5 0,5 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_4 0,4 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_3 0,3 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_2 0,2 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_1 0,1 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_0 0,0 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define num_ 7
uint16_t a[7]={0};
uint16_t p[7]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
#define VID_PID 0x000000ab,0x00001030 /*Vendor ID, product code*/
float t;
/*Offsets for PDO entries*/
static struct{
unsigned int operation_mode[7];
unsigned int ctrl_word[7];
unsigned int target_velocity[7];
unsigned int target_position[7];
unsigned int status_word[7];
unsigned int current_velocity[7];
unsigned int current_position[7];
unsigned int data_input[7];
unsigned int data_input1[7];
unsigned int mode_operation[7];
unsigned int error_code[7];
unsigned int profile_velocity[7];
unsigned int profile_acceleration[7];
unsigned int profile_deccleration[7];
unsigned int target_turque[7];
unsigned int current_turque[7];
unsigned int max_acceleration[7];
unsigned int max_deccleration[7];
unsigned int max_velocity[7];
unsigned int current_taque[7];
unsigned int dangqian_dianliu[7];
unsigned int current_dianliu[7];
unsigned int target_taque[7];
//unsigned int follow_error;
const static ec_pdo_entry_reg_t domain1_regs[] = {
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[0] },
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[0]},
//{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[0]},
//{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[0]},
//{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[0]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[1] },
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[1]},
//{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[1]},
//{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[1]},
//{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[1]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[2] },
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[2]},
//{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[2]},
//{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[2]},
//{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[2]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[3] },
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[3]},
//{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[3]},
//{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[3]},
//{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[3]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[4] },
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[4]},
//{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[4]},
//{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[4]},
//{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[4]},
//slave 5
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[5]},
//ANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[5]},
//{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[5]},
//{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[5]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[6] },
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[6]},
//{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[6]},
//{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[6]},
//{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[6]},
/*Config PDOs*/
static ec_pdo_entry_info_t device_pdo_entries[] = {
/*RxPdo 0x1600*/
{0x6040, 0x00, 16},
{0x6060, 0x00, 8 },
//{0x6071, 0x00, 16},
{0x607A, 0x00, 32},
//{0x60FF, 0x00, 32},
/*TxPdo 0x1A00*/
{0x6041, 0x00, 16},
//{0x6077, 0x00, 16},
{0x6064, 0x00, 32},
//{0x221C, 0x00, 16},
//{0x6078, 0x00, 16},
{0x606C, 0x00, 32},
{0x6061, 0x00, 8 },
{0x603F, 0x00, 16},
static ec_pdo_info_t device_pdos[] = {
{0x1600, 3, device_pdo_entries + 0 },
{0x1A00, 5, device_pdo_entries + 3 }
static ec_sync_info_t device_syncs[] = {
{ 2, EC_DIR_OUTPUT, 1, device_pdos + 0, EC_WD_DISABLE },
{ 3, EC_DIR_INPUT, 1, device_pdos + 1, EC_WD_DISABLE },
{ 0xFF}
* Realtime task
/** Get the time in ns for the current cpu, adjusted by system_time_base.
* \attention Rather than calling rt_get_time_ns() directly, all application
* time calls should use this method instead.
* \ret The time in ns.
uint64_t system_time_ns(void)
RTIME time = rt_get_time_ns();
if (system_time_base > time) {
/*rt_printk("%s() error: system_time_base greater than"
" system time (system_time_base: %lld, time: %llu\n",
__func__, system_time_base, time);*/
return time;
else {
return time - system_time_base;
/** Convert system time to RTAI time in counts (via the system_time_base).
RTIME system2count(uint64_t time)
RTIME ret;
if ((system_time_base < 0) &&
((uint64_t) (-system_time_base) > time)) {
/*rt_printk("%s() error: system_time_base less than"
" system time (system_time_base: %lld, time: %llu\n",
__func__, system_time_base, time);*/
ret = time;
else {
ret = time + system_time_base;
return nano2count(ret);
#define FREQUENCY 125
#define NSEC_PER_SEC (1000000000L)
const struct timespec cycletime = {0, PERIOD_NS};
static unsigned int sync_ref_counter = 0;
#define DIFF_NS(A, B) (((B).tv_sec - (A).tv_sec) * NSEC_PER_SEC + \
(B).tv_nsec - (A).tv_nsec)
#define TIMESPEC2NS(T) ((uint64_t) (T).tv_sec * NSEC_PER_SEC + (T).tv_nsec)
struct timespec timespec_add(struct timespec time1, struct timespec time2)
struct timespec result;
if ((time1.tv_nsec + time2.tv_nsec) >= NSEC_PER_SEC) {
result.tv_sec = time1.tv_sec + time2.tv_sec + 1;
result.tv_nsec = time1.tv_nsec + time2.tv_nsec - NSEC_PER_SEC;
} else {
result.tv_sec = time1.tv_sec + time2.tv_sec;
result.tv_nsec = time1.tv_nsec + time2.tv_nsec;
return result;
/** Synchronise the distributed clocks
void sync_distributed_clocks(void)
uint32_t ref_time = 0;
uint64_t prev_app_time = dc_time_ns;
dc_time_ns = system_time_ns();
// get reference clock time to synchronize master cycle
ecrt_master_reference_clock_time(master, &ref_time);//获取参考时钟的低32位
dc_diff_ns = (uint32_t) prev_app_time - ref_time;
// sync reference clock to master
ecrt_master_sync_reference_clock_to(master, dc_time_ns);
// call to sync slaves to ref slave
/** Return the sign of a number
* ie -1 for -ve value, 0 for 0, +1 for +ve value
* \retval the sign of the value
#define sign(val) \
({ typeof (val) _val = (val); \
((_val > 0) - (_val < 0)); })
/** Update the master time based on ref slaves time diff
* called after the ethercat frame is sent to avoid time jitter in
* sync_distributed_clocks()
void update_master_clock(void)
// calc drift (via un-normalised time diff)
int32_t delta = dc_diff_ns - prev_dc_diff_ns;
prev_dc_diff_ns = dc_diff_ns;
// normalise the time diff
dc_diff_ns =
((dc_diff_ns + (cycle_ns / 2)) % cycle_ns) - (cycle_ns / 2);
// only update if primary master
if (dc_started) {
// add to totals
dc_diff_total_ns += dc_diff_ns;
dc_delta_total_ns += delta;
if (dc_filter_idx >= DC_FILTER_CNT) {
// add rounded delta average
dc_adjust_ns +=
((dc_delta_total_ns + (DC_FILTER_CNT / 2)) / DC_FILTER_CNT);
// and add adjustment for general diff (to pull in drift)
dc_adjust_ns += sign(dc_diff_total_ns / DC_FILTER_CNT);
// limit crazy numbers (0.1% of std cycle time)
if (dc_adjust_ns < -1000) {
dc_adjust_ns = -1000;
if (dc_adjust_ns > 1000) {
dc_adjust_ns = 1000;
// reset
dc_diff_total_ns = 0LL;
dc_delta_total_ns = 0LL;
dc_filter_idx = 0;
// add cycles adjustment to time base (including a spot adjustment)
system_time_base += dc_adjust_ns + sign(dc_diff_ns);
else {
dc_started = (dc_diff_ns != 0);
if (dc_started) {
// output first diff
//rt_printk("First master diff: %d.\n", dc_diff_ns);
// record the time of this initial cycle
dc_start_time_ns = dc_time_ns;
void rt_check_domain_state(void)
ec_domain_state_t ds = {};
ecrt_domain_state(domain1, &ds);
if (ds.working_counter != domain1_state.working_counter) {
printf("Domain1: WC %u.\n", ds.working_counter);
if (ds.wc_state != domain1_state.wc_state) {
printf("Domain1: State %u.\n", ds.wc_state);
domain1_state = ds;
void rt_check_master_state(void)
ec_master_state_t ms;
ecrt_master_state(master, &ms);
printf("%u slave(s).\n", ms.slaves_responding);
printf("master AL states: 0x%02X.\n", ms.al_states);
printf("Link is %s.\n", ms.link_up ? "up" : "down");
// if (ms.slaves_responding != master_state.slaves_responding) {
// printf("%u slave(s).\n", ms.slaves_responding);
// }
// if (ms.al_states != master_state.al_states) {
// printf("AL states: 0x%02X.\n", ms.al_states);
// }
// if (ms.link_up != master_state.link_up) {
// printf("Link is %s.\n", ms.link_up ? "up" : "down");
// }
master_state = ms;
void check_slave_config_states(ec_slave_config_t *sc, int i)
ec_slave_config_state_t s;
ecrt_slave_config_state(sc, &s);
printf("slave[%d]: State 0x%02X.\n", i, s.al_state);
printf("slave[%d]: %s.\n", i, s.online ? "online" : "offline");
printf("slave[%d]: %soperational.\n", i, s.operational ? "" : "Not ");
// if (s.al_state != sc_state[i].al_state)
// {
// printf("slave[%d]: State 0x%02X.\n", i, s.al_state);
// }
// if (s.online != sc_state[i].online)
// {
// printf("slave[%d]: %s.\n", i, s.online ? "online" : "offline");
// }
// if (s.operational != sc_state[i].operational)
// {
// printf("slave[%d]: %soperational.\n", i, s.operational ? "" : "Not ");
// }
sc_state[i] = s;
/** Wait for the next period
void wait_period(void)
while (1)
RTIME wakeup_count = system2count(wakeup_time);
RTIME current_count = rt_get_time();
if ((wakeup_count < current_count)
|| (wakeup_count > current_count + (50 * cycle_ns))) {
//rt_printk("%s(): unexpected wake time!\n", __func__);
struct timespec wakeupTime;
/*wakeupTime.tv_sec= wakeup_time / NSEC_PER_SEC;
wakeupTime.tv_nsec= wakeup_time % NSEC_PER_SEC;
int s =clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_TO_USE, TIMER_ABSTIME, &wakeupTime, NULL);*/
wakeupTime.tv_sec= cycle_ns / NSEC_PER_SEC;
std::cout<< "wakeupTime.tv_sec: " <<wakeupTime.tv_sec<<std::endl;
wakeupTime.tv_nsec= cycle_ns % NSEC_PER_SEC;
int s =clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_TO_USE, 0, &wakeupTime, NULL);
if (s != 0) { //避免过度睡眠
if (s == EINTR)
printf("Interrupted by signal handler\n");
// done if we got to here
// set master time in nano-seconds
ecrt_master_application_time(master, wakeup_time);
// calc next wake time (in sys time)
wakeup_time += cycle_ns;
int32_t current_pos[7], target_pos[7];
int16_t error_co[7];
int32_t follow_err[7];
bool clear_err_zero = true;
bool _release_ = false;
int32_t current_pos_5, target_pos_5;
int16_t error_co_5;
int32_t follow_err_5;
bool state_ok = false;
int slave_op_num = 0;
void my_cyclic(void)
static uint16_t command[7] = {0x004F,0x004F,0x004F,0x004F,0x004F,0x004F,0x004F};//用来帮助判断状态字的值
int cycle_counter = 0;
unsigned int blink = 0;
//signed long temp[8]={};
uint16_t status[7]; //读取伺服状态
uint32_t target_position = 0;
int once=0;
uint32_t positions[N];
int i,dir=0;
// oneshot mode to allow adjustable wake time
// set first wake time in a few cycles
wakeup_time = system_time_ns() + 10 * cycle_ns;
// start the timer
bool kk=0;
int k1 = 10000;
// get current time
struct timespec wakeupTime, time;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_TO_USE, &wakeupTime);
while (1)
wakeupTime = timespec_add(wakeupTime, cycletime);
clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_TO_USE, TIMER_ABSTIME, &wakeupTime, NULL);
// Write application time to master
// It is a good idea to use the target time (not the measured time) as
// application time, because it is more stable.
ecrt_master_application_time(master, TIMESPEC2NS(wakeupTime));
// receive EtherCAT
if(!(cycle_counter % 500))
cycle_counter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num_; i++)//检查从站
check_slave_config_states(sc[i], i);
if(master_state.al_states == 8 && sc_state[0].al_state == 8 && sc_state[1].al_state == 8
&& sc_state[2].al_state == 8 && sc_state[3].al_state == 8
&& sc_state[4].al_state == 8 && sc_state[5].al_state == 8
&& sc_state[6].al_state == 8)//检测从站激活进度
state_ok = true;
//taike control
/*Read state*/
if(state_ok == true)
for(int i = 0; i < num_; i++)
current_pos[i] = EC_READ_S32(domain1_pd + offset.current_position[i]);
status[i] = EC_READ_U16(domain1_pd + offset.status_word[i]);//读取状态字
error_co[i] = EC_READ_S16(domain1_pd + offset.error_code[i]);
// printf("-------------------------------\n");
// printf("status[%d]:%x\n", i, status[i]);
// printf("current_position[%d]:%d\n", i, current_pos[i]);
// printf("target_position[%d]:%d\n", i, target_pos[i]);
// printf("error_code[%d]:%x\n", i, error_co[i]);
// printf("mode[%d]:%d\n", i, EC_READ_S8(domain1_pd + offset.mode_operation[i]));
// printf("kk = %d\n", kk);
// printf("-------------------------------\n");
// init slave
for (int i = 0; i < num_; i++)
if( (status[i] & command[i]) == 0x0040 )
EC_WRITE_U16(domain1_pd + offset.ctrl_word[i], 0x0006 );
target_pos[i] = current_pos[i];
EC_WRITE_S8(domain1_pd + offset.operation_mode[i], 8);
command[i] = 0x006F;
//printf("command[%d] = 0x0006", i);
else if( (status[i] & command[i]) == 0x0021)
EC_WRITE_U16(domain1_pd + offset.ctrl_word[i], 0x0007 );
command[i] = 0x006F;
printf("command[%d] = 0x0007", i);
else if( (status[i] & command[i]) == 0x0023)
EC_WRITE_U16(domain1_pd + offset.ctrl_word[i], 0x000f );
command[i] = 0x006F;
//printf("command[%d] = 0x000f", i);
//write process data
for(int i = 0; i < num_; i++)
{ //operation enabled
if( (status[i] & command[i]) == 0x0027)
// current_pos[i]=EC_READ_S32(domain1_pd+offset.current_position[i]);
// EC_WRITE_S32(domain1_pd+offset.target_position[i],current_pos[i]);
//printf("\n slave[%d] is enabled\n", i);
// if (!_release_)
// {
// // target_pos = target_pos + 100 * sin(t);
// // t = t + 0.01;
// if (kk == 0)
// {
// kk = 1;
// target_pos = EC_READ_S32(domain1_pd+offset.current_position) + 100;
// }
// else
// target_pos = target_pos + 100;
// EC_WRITE_S32(domain1_pd + offset.target_position, target_pos);
// }
printf("Release time k1 = %d\n", k1);
for(int i = 0; i < num_; i++)
if(k1 == 0)
{// Prevent endless circulation
if (sync_ref_counter) {
} else {
sync_ref_counter = 1; // sync every cycle
clock_gettime(CLOCK_TO_USE, &time);//获取当前时间
ecrt_master_sync_reference_clock_to(master, TIMESPEC2NS(time));//将主站时钟同步到参考时钟
// clock_gettime(CLOCK_TO_USE, &time);//获取当前时间
// ecrt_master_application_time(master, TIMESPEC2NS(time));
// ecrt_master_sync_reference_clock(master);//将主站时钟同步到参考时钟
// ecrt_master_sync_slave_clocks(master);//将参考时钟发送给所有的从站,以实现dc同步
// queue process data
// send EtherCAT data
* Signal handler
void signal_handler(int sig)
printf("get the ctrl-c signal : %d\n\n", sig);
_release_ = true;
usleep(1000000);//wait for thread down
* Main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//ec_slave_config_t *sc_ek1100;
//ec_slave_config_t *sc_zero;
int ret;
int i = 0;
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
if (mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE) == -1)
perror("mlockall failed");
return -1;
printf("Requesting master...\n");
master = ecrt_request_master(0);
if (!master) {
return -1;
domain1 = ecrt_master_create_domain(master);
if (!domain1) {
return -1;
printf("Creating slave configurations...\n");
for(i = 0; i <num_; i++ )
if (!(sc[i] = ecrt_master_slave_config(master, a[i], p[i], VID_PID)))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get slave %d configuration.\n", i);
return -1;
if (ecrt_slave_config_pdos(sc[i], EC_END, device_syncs))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure slave %d PDOs.\n", i);
return -1;
if (ecrt_domain_reg_pdo_entry_list(domain1, domain1_regs)) {
fprintf(stderr, "slave PDO entry registration failed!\n");
return -1;
dc_start_time_ns = system_time_ns();
dc_time_ns = dc_start_time_ns;
for(i = 0; i < num_; i++)
ecrt_slave_config_sdo16(sc[i], 0x1c32, 1, 2);
ecrt_slave_config_sdo16(sc[i], 0x1c33, 1, 2);
ecrt_slave_config_dc(sc[i], 0x0300, cycle_ns, cycle_ns/4, 0, 0);//8ms
printf("Activating master...\n");
if (ecrt_master_activate(master)) {
return -1;
if (!(domain1_pd = ecrt_domain_data(domain1))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get domain data pointer.\n");
return -1;
/* Create cyclic RT-thread */
struct sched_param param;
param.sched_priority = 98;
printf("Using priority %i.\n", param.sched_priority);
if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, ¶m) == -1) {
return -1;
printf("End of Program\n");
return 0;
lm:~$sudo dmesg
[280374.468550] r8169 0000:04:00.1 enp4s0f1: Link is Down
[280374.468991] EtherCAT 0: Link state of ecm0 changed to DOWN.
[281905.622543] r8169 0000:04:00.1 enp4s0f1: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control rx/tx
[281905.624451] EtherCAT 0: Link state of ecm0 changed to UP.
[281905.626454] EtherCAT 0: 7 slave(s) responding on main device.
[281905.626458] EtherCAT 0: Slave states on main device: PREOP.
[281905.626611] EtherCAT 0: Scanning bus.
[281905.736375] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 27 datagrams TIMED OUT!
[281905.736380] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 199 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281906.004788] EtherCAT 0: Bus scanning completed in 378 ms.
[281906.004792] EtherCAT 0: Using slave 0 as DC reference clock.
[281907.460478] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 7 datagrams TIMED OUT!
[281907.460483] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 7 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281908.828153] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 3 datagrams TIMED OUT!
[281908.828158] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 3 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281912.095492] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams TIMED OUT!
[281912.095496] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281916.932601] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams TIMED OUT!
[281916.932615] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281920.965582] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams TIMED OUT!
[281920.965596] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281922.539623] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 1 datagram TIMED OUT!
[281922.539637] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 1 datagram UNMATCHED!
[281923.890630] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 6 datagrams TIMED OUT!
[281923.890644] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 6 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281927.266652] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams TIMED OUT!
[281927.266657] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281936.043685] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams TIMED OUT!
[281936.043690] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281936.670449] EtherCAT: Requesting master 0...
[281936.670452] EtherCAT: Successfully requested master 0.
[281936.670729] EtherCAT 0: Domain0: Logical address 0x00000000, 140 byte, expected working counter 21.
[281936.670732] EtherCAT 0: Datagram domain0-0-main: Logical offset 0x00000000, 140 byte, type LRW at 00000000d781fa5f.
[281936.670772] EtherCAT 0: Master thread exited.
[281936.670775] EtherCAT 0: Starting EtherCAT-OP thread.
[281937.043712] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 1 datagram TIMED OUT!
[281937.043717] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281942.822919] EtherCAT WARNING 0-0: Slave did not sync after 5008 ms.
[281942.878914] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 2/21.
[281943.886923] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: 3 working counter changes - now 6/21.
[281949.630973] EtherCAT WARNING 0-2: Slave did not sync after 5000 ms.
[281949.670970] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 8/21.
[281950.678980] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 9/21.
[281952.717962] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 0/21.
[281952.806997] EtherCAT WARNING: Datagram 00000000d781fa5f (domain0-0-main) was SKIPPED 7 times.
[281953.046809] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 17 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[281953.719003] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 9/21.
[281955.359033] EtherCAT WARNING 0-3: Slave did not sync after 5000 ms.
[281955.399037] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 11/21.
[281956.407019] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 12/21.
[281961.495061] EtherCAT WARNING 0-4: Slave did not sync after 5000 ms.
[281961.551058] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 15/21.
[281962.559076] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 18/21.
[281968.271133] EtherCAT WARNING 0-6: Slave did not sync after 5000 ms.
[281968.311135] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 21/21.
[281968.337007] EtherCAT 0: Slave states on main device: OP.
标签得到ecrt_slave_config_dc(sc[i], 0x0300, cycle_ns, cycle_ns/4, 0, 0);//8ms
0x0300对应寄存器0x980 = 0x00,0x981 = 0x03,即SYNC输出单元控制和激活sync0.
0x0700对应寄存器0x980 = 0x00,0x981 = 0x07,即SYNC输出单元控制和激活sync0、sync1.
2. 将主站时钟同步到参考时钟,该函数将主站的时钟同步到参考时钟(注意,此时参考时钟依然是默认的第一个带dc的slave,但是该时钟的数值被主站修改了,这样间接的实现以主站为参考时钟)
ecrt_master_sync_reference_clock_to(master, TIMESPEC2NS(time));//将主站时钟同步到参考时钟
//编译:g++ -o bk14 src/bk14.cpp ipipe_64.a -I/opt/etherlab/include -L./ -L/opt/etherlab/lib -Wl,--rpath=./ -Wl,--rpath=/opt/etherlab/lib -lethercat -lm -lrt -lipipe_64
//运行:sudo ./bk14
//7电机 以从站作为参考时间
#include "ecrt.h"
extern "C"
#include "ipipe_64.h"
#define pi 3.14159265
#define N 1500
#define M 3
#define NSEC_PER_SEC 1000000000
static unsigned int cycle_ns = 8000000; /* 1 ms */
//static int run = 1;
// EtherCAT
static ec_master_t *master = NULL;
static ec_master_state_t master_state = {};
static ec_domain_t *domain1 = NULL;
static ec_domain_state_t domain1_state = {};
static ec_slave_config_t *sc[7] = {};
static ec_slave_config_state_t sc_state[7];
static ec_slave_config_state_t sc_zero_state = {};
static ec_slave_config_t *sc_5 = NULL;
static uint8_t *domain1_pd = NULL;
static ec_slave_config_t *sc_dig_out_01 = NULL;
// EtherCAT distributed clock variables
#define DC_FILTER_CNT 1024
static uint64_t dc_start_time_ns = 0LL;
static uint64_t dc_time_ns = 0;
static uint8_t dc_started = 0;
static int32_t dc_diff_ns = 0;
static int32_t prev_dc_diff_ns = 0;
static int64_t dc_diff_total_ns = 0LL;
static int64_t dc_delta_total_ns = 0LL;
static int dc_filter_idx = 0;
static int64_t dc_adjust_ns;
static int64_t system_time_base = 0LL;
static uint64_t wakeup_time = 0LL;
static uint64_t overruns = 0LL;
// offsets for PDO entries
static unsigned int off_dig_out0 = 0;
#define PANASONIC_6 0,6 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_5 0,5 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_4 0,4 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_3 0,3 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_2 0,2 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_1 0,1 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define PANASONIC_0 0,0 /*EtherCAT address on the bus*/
#define num_ 7
uint16_t a[7]={0};
uint16_t p[7]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
#define VID_PID 0x000000ab,0x00001030 /*Vendor ID, product code*/
float t;
/*Offsets for PDO entries*/
static struct{
unsigned int operation_mode[7];
unsigned int ctrl_word[7];
unsigned int target_velocity[7];
unsigned int target_position[7];
unsigned int status_word[7];
unsigned int current_velocity[7];
unsigned int current_position[7];
unsigned int data_input[7];
unsigned int data_input1[7];
unsigned int mode_operation[7];
unsigned int error_code[7];
unsigned int profile_velocity[7];
unsigned int profile_acceleration[7];
unsigned int profile_deccleration[7];
unsigned int target_turque[7];
unsigned int current_turque[7];
unsigned int max_acceleration[7];
unsigned int max_deccleration[7];
unsigned int max_velocity[7];
unsigned int current_taque[7];
unsigned int dangqian_dianliu[7];
unsigned int current_dianliu[7];
unsigned int target_taque[7];
//unsigned int follow_error;
const static ec_pdo_entry_reg_t domain1_regs[] = {
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[0] },
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[0]},
//{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[0]},
//{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[0]},
//{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[0]},
{PANASONIC_0, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[0]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[1] },
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[1]},
//{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[1]},
//{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[1]},
//{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[1]},
{PANASONIC_1, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[1]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[2] },
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[2]},
//{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[2]},
//{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[2]},
//{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[2]},
{PANASONIC_2, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[2]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[3] },
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[3]},
//{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[3]},
//{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[3]},
//{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[3]},
{PANASONIC_3, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[3]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[4] },
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[4]},
//{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[4]},
//{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[4]},
//{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[4]},
{PANASONIC_4, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[4]},
//slave 5
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[5]},
//ANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[5]},
//{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[5]},
//{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[5]},
{PANASONIC_5, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[5]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6040, 0, &offset.ctrl_word[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6060, 0, &offset.operation_mode[6] },
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x607A, 0, &offset.target_position[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6041, 0, &offset.status_word[6]},
//{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6077, 0, &offset.current_taque[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6064, 0, &offset.current_position[6]},
//{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x221C, 0, &offset.current_dianliu[6]},
//{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6078, 0, &offset.dangqian_dianliu[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x606C, 0, &offset.current_velocity[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x6061, 0, &offset.mode_operation[6]},
{PANASONIC_6, VID_PID, 0x603F, 0, &offset.error_code[6]},
/*Config PDOs*/
static ec_pdo_entry_info_t device_pdo_entries[] = {
/*RxPdo 0x1600*/
{0x6040, 0x00, 16},
{0x6060, 0x00, 8 },
//{0x6071, 0x00, 16},
{0x607A, 0x00, 32},
//{0x60FF, 0x00, 32},
/*TxPdo 0x1A00*/
{0x6041, 0x00, 16},
//{0x6077, 0x00, 16},
{0x6064, 0x00, 32},
//{0x221C, 0x00, 16},
//{0x6078, 0x00, 16},
{0x606C, 0x00, 32},
{0x6061, 0x00, 8 },
{0x603F, 0x00, 16},
static ec_pdo_info_t device_pdos[] = {
{0x1600, 3, device_pdo_entries + 0 },
{0x1A00, 5, device_pdo_entries + 3 }
static ec_sync_info_t device_syncs[] = {
{ 2, EC_DIR_OUTPUT, 1, device_pdos + 0, EC_WD_DISABLE },
{ 3, EC_DIR_INPUT, 1, device_pdos + 1, EC_WD_DISABLE },
{ 0xFF}
* Realtime task
/** Get the time in ns for the current cpu, adjusted by system_time_base.
* \attention Rather than calling rt_get_time_ns() directly, all application
* time calls should use this method instead.
* \ret The time in ns.
#define TIMESPEC2NS(T) ((uint64_t) (T).tv_sec * NSEC_PER_SEC + (T).tv_nsec)
uint64_t system_time_ns(void)
//RTIME time = rt_get_time_ns();
RTIME time;
struct timespec time_spc;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_TO_USE, &time_spc);
time = TIMESPEC2NS(time_spc);
//printf("time:%lld\n", time);
if (system_time_base > time) {
/*rt_printk("%s() error: system_time_base greater than"
" system time (system_time_base: %lld, time: %llu\n",
__func__, system_time_base, time);*/
return time;
else {
return time - system_time_base;
/** Convert system time to RTAI time in counts (via the system_time_base).
RTIME system2count(uint64_t time)
RTIME ret;
if ((system_time_base < 0) &&
((uint64_t) (-system_time_base) > time)) {
/*rt_printk("%s() error: system_time_base less than"
" system time (system_time_base: %lld, time: %llu\n",
__func__, system_time_base, time);*/
ret = time;
else {
ret = time + system_time_base;
return nano2count(ret);
RTIME system2count_change(uint64_t time)
RTIME ret;
if ((system_time_base < 0) &&
((uint64_t) (-system_time_base) > time)) {
/*rt_printk("%s() error: system_time_base less than"
" system time (system_time_base: %lld, time: %llu\n",
__func__, system_time_base, time);*/
ret = time;
else {
ret = time + system_time_base;
return ret;
/** Synchronise the distributed clocks
void sync_distributed_clocks(void)
uint32_t ref_time = 0;
uint64_t prev_app_time = dc_time_ns;
dc_time_ns = system_time_ns();
// get reference clock time to synchronize master cycle
ecrt_master_reference_clock_time(master, &ref_time);//获取参考时钟的低32位
printf("ref_time:%d\n", ref_time);
dc_diff_ns = (uint32_t) prev_app_time - ref_time;
// sync reference clock to master
ecrt_master_sync_reference_clock_to(master, dc_time_ns);
// call to sync slaves to ref slave
/** Return the sign of a number
* ie -1 for -ve value, 0 for 0, +1 for +ve value
* \retval the sign of the value
#define sign(val) \
({ typeof (val) _val = (val); \
((_val > 0) - (_val < 0)); })
/** Update the master time based on ref slaves time diff
* called after the ethercat frame is sent to avoid time jitter in
* sync_distributed_clocks()
void update_master_clock(void)
// calc drift (via un-normalised time diff)
int32_t delta = dc_diff_ns - prev_dc_diff_ns;
prev_dc_diff_ns = dc_diff_ns;
// normalise the time diff
dc_diff_ns =
((dc_diff_ns + (cycle_ns / 2)) % cycle_ns) - (cycle_ns / 2);
// only update if primary master
if (dc_started) {
// add to totals
dc_diff_total_ns += dc_diff_ns;
dc_delta_total_ns += delta;
if (dc_filter_idx >= DC_FILTER_CNT) {
// add rounded delta average
dc_adjust_ns +=
((dc_delta_total_ns + (DC_FILTER_CNT / 2)) / DC_FILTER_CNT);
// and add adjustment for general diff (to pull in drift)
dc_adjust_ns += sign(dc_diff_total_ns / DC_FILTER_CNT);
// limit crazy numbers (0.1% of std cycle time)
if (dc_adjust_ns < -(0.001 * cycle_ns)) {
dc_adjust_ns = -0.001 * cycle_ns;
if (dc_adjust_ns > (0.001 * cycle_ns)) {
dc_adjust_ns = 0.001 * cycle_ns;
// reset
dc_diff_total_ns = 0LL;
dc_delta_total_ns = 0LL;
dc_filter_idx = 0;
// add cycles adjustment to time base (including a spot adjustment)
system_time_base += dc_adjust_ns + sign(dc_diff_ns);
else {
dc_started = (dc_diff_ns != 0);
if (dc_started) {
// output first diff
//rt_printk("First master diff: %d.\n", dc_diff_ns);
// record the time of this initial cycle
dc_start_time_ns = dc_time_ns;
void rt_check_domain_state(void)
ec_domain_state_t ds = {};
ecrt_domain_state(domain1, &ds);
if (ds.working_counter != domain1_state.working_counter) {
printf("Domain1: WC %u.\n", ds.working_counter);
if (ds.wc_state != domain1_state.wc_state) {
printf("Domain1: State %u.\n", ds.wc_state);
domain1_state = ds;
void rt_check_master_state(void)
ec_master_state_t ms;
ecrt_master_state(master, &ms);
if (ms.slaves_responding != master_state.slaves_responding) {
printf("%u slave(s).\n", ms.slaves_responding);
if (ms.al_states != master_state.al_states) {
printf("AL states: 0x%02X.\n", ms.al_states);
if (ms.link_up != master_state.link_up) {
printf("Link is %s.\n", ms.link_up ? "up" : "down");
master_state = ms;
void check_slave_config_states(ec_slave_config_t *sc, int i)
ec_slave_config_state_t s;
ecrt_slave_config_state(sc, &s);
printf("slave[%d]: State 0x%02X.\n", i, s.al_state);
printf("slave[%d]: %s.\n", i, s.online ? "online" : "offline");
printf("slave[%d]: %soperational.\n", i, s.operational ? "" : "Not ");
// if (s.al_state != sc_state[i].al_state)
// {
// printf("slave[%d]: State 0x%02X.\n", i, s.al_state);
// }
// if (s.online != sc_state[i].online)
// {
// printf("slave[%d]: %s.\n", i, s.online ? "online" : "offline");
// }
// if (s.operational != sc_state[i].operational)
// {
// printf("slave[%d]: %soperational.\n", i, s.operational ? "" : "Not ");
// }
sc_state[i] = s;
/** Wait for the next period
struct timespec timespec_add(struct timespec time1, struct timespec time2)
struct timespec result;
if ((time1.tv_nsec + time2.tv_nsec) >= NSEC_PER_SEC) {
result.tv_sec = time1.tv_sec + time2.tv_sec + 1;
result.tv_nsec = time1.tv_nsec + time2.tv_nsec - NSEC_PER_SEC;
} else {
result.tv_sec = time1.tv_sec + time2.tv_sec;
result.tv_nsec = time1.tv_nsec + time2.tv_nsec;
return result;
void wait_period(void)
while (1)
//RTIME wakeup_count = system2count(wakeup_time);
// RTIME current_count = rt_get_time();
// if ((wakeup_count < current_count)
// || (wakeup_count > current_count + (50 * cycle_ns))) {
// //rt_printk("%s(): unexpected wake time!\n", __func__);
// }
RTIME wakeup_time_change = system2count_change(wakeup_time);
struct timespec wakeupTime;
wakeupTime.tv_sec= wakeup_time_change / NSEC_PER_SEC;
wakeupTime.tv_nsec= wakeup_time_change % NSEC_PER_SEC;
printf("\nwakeupTime is :%lds,%ldns\n", wakeupTime.tv_sec, wakeupTime.tv_nsec);
int s = clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_TO_USE, TIMER_ABSTIME, &wakeupTime, NULL);
printf("\n s is :%d\n", s);
// wakeupTime.tv_sec= cycle_ns / NSEC_PER_SEC;
// std::cout<< "wakeupTime.tv_sec: " <
// wakeupTime.tv_nsec= cycle_ns % NSEC_PER_SEC;
// std::cout<< "wakeupTime.tv_nsec: " <
// int s = clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_TO_USE, 0, &wakeupTime, NULL);
if (s != 0) { //避免过度睡眠
if (s == EINTR)
printf("Interrupted by signal handler\n");
// done if we got to here
// set master time in nano-seconds
ecrt_master_application_time(master, wakeup_time);
// calc next wake time (in sys time)
wakeup_time += cycle_ns;
int32_t current_pos[7], target_pos[7];
int16_t error_co[7];
int32_t follow_err[7];
bool clear_err_zero = true;
bool _release_ = false;
int32_t current_pos_5, target_pos_5;
int16_t error_co_5;
int32_t follow_err_5;
bool state_ok = false;
void *my_cyclic(void *data)
static uint16_t command[7] = {0x004F,0x004F,0x004F,0x004F,0x004F,0x004F,0x004F};//用来帮助判断状态字的值
int cycle_counter = 0;
unsigned int blink = 0;
//signed long temp[8]={};
uint16_t status[7]; //读取伺服状态
uint32_t target_position = 0;
int once=0;
uint32_t positions[N];
int i,dir=0;
// oneshot mode to allow adjustable wake time
// set first wake time in a few cycles
wakeup_time = system_time_ns() + 10 * cycle_ns;
// start the timer
bool kk=0;
int k1 = 10000;
while (1) {
// wait for next period (using adjustable system time)
// receive EtherCAT
if(!(cycle_counter % 500))
cycle_counter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num_; i++)//检查从站
check_slave_config_states(sc[i], i);
if(master_state.al_states == 8 && sc_state[0].al_state == 8 && sc_state[1].al_state == 8
&& sc_state[2].al_state == 8 && sc_state[3].al_state == 8
&& sc_state[4].al_state == 8 && sc_state[5].al_state == 8
&& sc_state[6].al_state == 8)//检测从站激活进度
state_ok = true;
//taike control
/*Read state*/
if(state_ok == true)
for(int i = 0; i < num_; i++)
current_pos[i] = EC_READ_S32(domain1_pd + offset.current_position[i]);
status[i] = EC_READ_U16(domain1_pd + offset.status_word[i]);//读取状态字
error_co[i] = EC_READ_S16(domain1_pd + offset.error_code[i]);
printf("status[%d]:%x\n", i, status[i]);
printf("current_position[%d]:%d\n", i, current_pos[i]);
printf("target_position[%d]:%d\n", i, target_pos[i]);
printf("error_code[%d]:%x\n", i, error_co[i]);
printf("mode[%d]:%d\n", i, EC_READ_S8(domain1_pd + offset.mode_operation[i]));
printf("kk = %d\n", kk);
// init slave
for (int i = 0; i < num_; i++)
if( (status[i] & command[i]) == 0x0040 )
EC_WRITE_U16(domain1_pd + offset.ctrl_word[i], 0x0006 );
target_pos[i] = current_pos[i];
EC_WRITE_S8(domain1_pd + offset.operation_mode[i], 8);
command[i] = 0x006F;
printf("command[%d] = 0x0006", i);
else if( (status[i] & command[i]) == 0x0021)
EC_WRITE_U16(domain1_pd + offset.ctrl_word[i], 0x0007 );
command[i] = 0x006F;
printf("command[%d] = 0x0007", i);
else if( (status[i] & command[i]) == 0x0023)
EC_WRITE_U16(domain1_pd + offset.ctrl_word[i], 0x000f );
command[i] = 0x006F;
printf("command[%d] = 0x000f", i);
//write process data
for(int i = 0; i < num_; i++)
{ //operation enabled
if( (status[i] & command[i]) == 0x0027)
// current_pos[i]=EC_READ_S32(domain1_pd+offset.current_position[i]);
// EC_WRITE_S32(domain1_pd+offset.target_position[i],current_pos[i]);
printf("\n slave[%d] is enabled\n", i);
// if (!_release_)
// {
// // target_pos = target_pos + 100 * sin(t);
// // t = t + 0.01;
// if (kk == 0)
// {
// kk = 1;
// target_pos = EC_READ_S32(domain1_pd+offset.current_position) + 100;
// }
// else
// target_pos = target_pos + 100;
// EC_WRITE_S32(domain1_pd + offset.target_position, target_pos);
// }
printf("Release time k1 = %d\n", k1);
for(int i = 0; i < num_; i++)
if(k1 == 0)
{// Prevent endless circulation
// queue process data
// sync distributed clock just before master_send to set
// most accurate master clock time
// send EtherCAT data
// update the master clock
// Note: called after ecrt_master_send() to reduce time
// jitter in the sync_distributed_clocks() call
return NULL;
* Signal handler
void signal_handler(int sig)
printf("get the ctrl-c signal : %d\n\n", sig);
_release_ = true;
usleep(1000000);//wait for thread down
* Main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//ec_slave_config_t *sc_ek1100;
//ec_slave_config_t *sc_zero;
int ret;
int i = 0;
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
if (mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE) == -1) {
perror("mlockall failed");
return -1;
printf("Requesting master...\n");
master = ecrt_request_master(0);
if (!master) {
return -1;
domain1 = ecrt_master_create_domain(master);
if (!domain1) {
return -1;
printf("Creating slave configurations...\n");
for(i = 0; i <num_; i++ )
if (!(sc[i] = ecrt_master_slave_config(master, a[i], p[i], VID_PID)))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get slave %d configuration.\n", i);
return -1;
if (ecrt_slave_config_pdos(sc[i], EC_END, device_syncs))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure slave %d PDOs.\n", i);
return -1;
if (ecrt_domain_reg_pdo_entry_list(domain1, domain1_regs)) {
fprintf(stderr, "slave PDO entry registration failed!\n");
return -1;
/* Set the initial master time and select a slave to use as the DC
* reference clock, otherwise pass NULL to auto select the first capable
* slave. Note: This can be used whether the master or the ref slave will
* be used as the systems master DC clock.
dc_start_time_ns = system_time_ns();
dc_time_ns = dc_start_time_ns;
printf("1.dc_time_ns:%ld\n", dc_time_ns);
for(i = 0; i < num_; i++)
ecrt_slave_config_sdo16(sc[i], 0x1c32, 1, 2);
ecrt_slave_config_sdo16(sc[i], 0x1c33, 1, 2);
ecrt_slave_config_dc(sc[i], 0x0300, cycle_ns, cycle_ns/2, 0, 0);//8ms
ret = ecrt_master_select_reference_clock(master, sc[0]);
if (ret < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to select reference clock: %s\n",
return ret;
printf("Activating master...\n");
if (ecrt_master_activate(master)) {
return -1;
if (!(domain1_pd = ecrt_domain_data(domain1))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get domain data pointer.\n");
return -1;
// /* Create cyclic RT-thread */
// struct sched_param param;
// param.sched_priority = 98;
// printf("Using priority %i.", param.sched_priority);
// if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, ¶m) == -1) {
// perror("errno");
// return -1;
// }
// my_cyclic();
/* Set priority */
struct sched_param param = {};
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_t thread;
int ret_;
/* Initialize pthread attributes (default values) */
ret_ = pthread_attr_init(&attr);
if (ret_) {
printf("init pthread attributes failed\n");
goto out;
/* Set a specific stack size */
ret_ = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, PTHREAD_STACK_MIN);
if (ret_) {
printf("pthread setstacksize failed\n");
goto out;
/* Set scheduler policy and priority of pthread */
ret_ = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_FIFO);
if (ret_) {
printf("pthread setschedpolicy failed\n");
goto out;
param.sched_priority = 98;
ret_ = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, ¶m);
if (ret_){
printf("pthread setschedparam failed\n");
goto out;
/* Use scheduling parameters of attr */
ret_ = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
if (ret_) {
printf("pthread setinheritsched failed\n");
goto out;
/* Create a pthread with specified attributes */
ret_ = pthread_create(&thread, &attr, my_cyclic, NULL);
if (ret_) {
printf("create pthread failed\n");
goto out;
/* Join the thread and wait until it is done */
ret_ = pthread_join(thread, NULL);
printf("End of Program\n");
return 0;
修改,clock_gettime获取时间ret = ecrt_master_select_reference_clock(master, sc[0]);
ecrt_master_reference_clock_time(master, &ref_time);//获取参考时钟的低32位
dc_diff_ns = (uint32_t) prev_app_time - ref_time;
int32_t delta = dc_diff_ns - prev_dc_diff_ns;
dc_diff_ns = ((dc_diff_ns + (cycle_ns / 2)) % cycle_ns) - (cycle_ns / 2);
[285162.618427] EtherCAT: Requesting master 0...
[285162.618433] EtherCAT: Successfully requested master 0.
[285162.618828] EtherCAT 0: Application selected DC reference clock config (0-0) set by application.
[285162.618834] EtherCAT 0: Using slave 0 as application selected DC reference clock.
[285162.618836] EtherCAT 0: Using slave 0 as DC reference clock.
[285162.618866] EtherCAT 0: Domain0: Logical address 0x00000000, 140 byte, expected working counter 21.
[285162.618870] EtherCAT 0: Datagram domain0-0-main: Logical offset 0x00000000, 140 byte, type LRW at 000000001de6bb29.
[285162.618899] EtherCAT 0: Master thread exited.
[285162.618902] EtherCAT 0: Starting EtherCAT-OP thread.
[285162.619003] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 1 datagram TIMED OUT!
[285162.619007] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 2 datagrams UNMATCHED!
[285163.907391] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 2/21.
[285164.915418] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: 3 working counter changes - now 6/21.
[285165.923446] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: 2 working counter changes - now 9/21.
[285171.011438] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 11/21.
[285172.018424] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 12/21.
[285173.025458] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 15/21.
[285174.032442] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 18/21.
[285174.433663] EtherCAT 0: Slave states on main device: OP.
[285175.039456] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 21/21.
typedef long long RTIME;
RTIME rt_get_time(void);
RTIME rt_get_time_ns(void);
RTIME count2nano(RTIME counts);
RTIME nano2count(RTIME ns);
/*no more*/
/*1,gcc -c -fPIC ipipe_64.c
*2,gcc -shared -fPIC -o libipipe_64.so ipipe_64.o
//1,gcc -c ipipe_64.c
//2,ar -rc ipipe_64.a ipipe_64.o
#include "ipipe_64.h"
double cpu_mhz;
unsigned long clock_freq;
#define ipipe_read_tsc(t) do { \
unsigned int __a,__d; \
asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a" (__a), "=d" (__d)); \
(t) = ((unsigned long)__a) | (((unsigned long)__d)<<32); \
} while(0)
#define rtai_rdtsc() ({ unsigned long long t; ipipe_read_tsc(t); t; })
static inline long rtai_imuldiv (long i, long mult, long div) {
/* Returns (int)i = (int)i*(int)(mult)/(int)div. */
int dummy;
__asm__ __volatile__ ( \
"mulq %%rdx\t\n" \
"divq %%rcx\t\n" \
: "=a" (i), "=d" (dummy)
: "a" (i), "d" (mult), "c" (div));
return i;
static inline long long rtai_llimd(long long ll, long mult, long div) {
return rtai_imuldiv(ll, mult, div);
static double get_cpu_freq(void){
FILE *fp;
char s[81];
fp=popen("cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep cpu\\ MHz|sed -e 's/.*:[^0-9]//'","r");
printf("read CPU freq failed.\n");
return 0;
return (double)atof(s);
RTIME rt_get_time(void)
return rtai_rdtsc();
RTIME rt_get_time_ns(void)
return rtai_llimd(rtai_rdtsc(), 1000000000, clock_freq);
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TIME CONVERSIONS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
RTIME count2nano(RTIME counts)
return (counts >= 0 ? rtai_llimd(counts, 1000000000, clock_freq) : -rtai_llimd(-counts, 1000000000, clock_freq));
RTIME nano2count(RTIME ns)
return (ns >= 0 ? rtai_llimd(ns, clock_freq, 1000000000) : -rtai_llimd(-ns, clock_freq, 1000000000));
/*initialize the library*/
void __attribute__ ((constructor)) my_init(void){
cpu_mhz = get_cpu_freq();
clock_freq = (unsigned long)((double)cpu_mhz * 1000000l);
/*finitialize the library*/
void __attribute__ ((destructor)) my_fini(void){
/*no more*/