
班级:L3-B         姓名:Eric         学号:20193000602      

日期:2020/4/10    作业序号(Writing Assignment No.):004


题目:In some developed countries people become fat because they eat too much junk food and processed food. Suggest some ways that governments and food companies can encourage people to stay fit and eat a healthy diet.

 One way to encourage people to stay healthy is to inform people about the dangers of junk food and processed foods. If people know what the ingredients are in junk food and processed foods, I think people will be more willing to choose healthier foods. A healthy diet can bring people a healthy body and avoid the harm of disease, we all know that people today face many diseases, such as obesity, high blood pressure and so on. Because the ingredients of food are complex, the possible consequences will not be immediately revealed, will produce diseases in a few decades, so education should start from a young age, let children from an early age to develop healthy eating habits plus reasonable exercise, can let children reduce the occurrence of disease.

Another option is to mark the ingredients of the food on the product. Producers should label the raw materials they produce, the amount contained and the calories they contain, on the packaging of the food, because it gives people a clear view of what is contained. Now some people have diseases such as high blood sugar, which can be shown to allow them to cut back on ingredients they don't need. In this way, people can buy food that they want to buy that is good for them. The government should reduce taxes on companies that label the ingredients of their products appropriately, so that businesses can reduce prices accordingly to boost people's desire to buy.(246字)
