[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第1张图片

1. Motivation

本文是基于fine-tuning based方法

  • In this work, we observe and address the essential weakness of the fine- tuning based approach – constantly mislabeling novel in- stances as confusable categories, and improve the few-shot detection performance to the new state-of-the-art (SOTA)

2. Contribution


  • We present Few-Shot object detection via Contrastive pro- posals Encoding (FSCE), a simple yet effective fine-tune based approach for few-shot object detection

本文通过一个对比的分支来加强RoI,对比分支衡量proposal encoding之间的相似度。

  • When trans- fer the base detector to few-shot novel data, we augment the primary Region-of-Interest (RoI) head with a contrastive branch, the contrastive branch measures the similarity between object proposal encodings
  • contrastive proposal encoding (CPE) loss,

3. Methods

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第2张图片

3.1 Preliminary

Rethinking the two-stage fine-tuning approach

作者指出,冻结了RPN,FPN以及ROI 特征提取的部分是不太合理的,因为这样子会使得特征只含有base classes。

虽然在TFA baseline中,不冻结RPN和ROI会造成性能的下降,但是本文指出,fine-tune ROI feature extractor 以及 box predictor效果更好

  • In baseline TFA, unfreezing RPN and RoI feature extractor leads to degraded results for novel classes.
  • We propose a stronger baseline which adapts much better to novel data with jointly fine-tuned feature extractors and box predictors

FSCE是对于TFA的改进,因此也是属于tranfer-learning based的方法。FSCE对于第二阶段的冻结层,只冻结了ROI之前的部分。将RoI feature extractor通过对比函数来监督。

  • However it is counter-intuitive that Feature Pyramid Network , RPN, especially the RoI feature extractor which contain semantic information learned from base classes only, could be transferred directly to novel classes without any form of training.

  • The backbone feature extractor is frozen during fine-tuning while the RoI feature extractor is supervised by a contrastive objective.

从图4可以得出,TFA在fine-tune阶段 rpn的positive anchor比base training少了很多。

那么作者的观点就是改善这些得分较低proposal objectness ,它们都无法通过RPN的nms操作,就被淘汰了。


  • Our insight is to rescue the low objectness positive anchors that are suppressed.
  • Besides, re-balancing the foreground proposals fraction is also critical to prevent the diffusive yet easy backgrounds from dominating the gradient descent for novel instances in fine-tuning

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第3张图片

因此,作者的改进方法是解冻了RPN和RoI层,使用2个新的设定:使得RPN NMS后的proposals更多,并且使得在RoI head 部分进行loss计算采样的proposals减半,也就是在fine-tuning阶段减半的porposal只包含背景部分(即 1:1 各128个)。

  • double the maximum number of proposals kept after NMS, this brings more foreground proposals for novel instances
  • halving the number of sampled proposals in RoI head used for loss computation, as in fine-tuning stage the discarded half contains only backgrounds(standard RoI batch size is 512, and the number of foreground proposals are far less than half of it)
# default
# new for FSCE in configs


其中Fine-tune FPN指的是不冻结FPN层。 refinement RPN、 ROI指的是对于2部分进行更改。总体而言相比TFA原先的backbone,提升很明显。

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第4张图片

3.2. Contrastive object proposal encoding

本文在ROI的双分支结构中,引入并行的contrastive branch,由于ROI阶段会引入ReLU 非线性操作,本文认为这样子做会在0处截断,从而导致2个proposal embedding之间的特征无法被计算出来,因此改用MLP结构,得到的对比特征为128,从而是的类别相同的proposal之间的相似度越大,类别不同的proposal更有区分度(使用constrastive loss)

  • we introduce a contrastive branch to the primary RoI head, parallel to the classifica- tion and regression branches.
  • Therefore, the contrastive branch ap- plies a 1-layer multi-layer-perceptron (MLP) head with neg- ligible cost to encode the RoI feature to contrastive feature

3.3. Contrastive Proposal Encoding (CPE) Loss

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第5张图片
[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第6张图片

  • Proposal consistency control

对于这个分支的输入是 { z i , u i , y i } i = 1 N \{z_i, u_i, y_i\}^N_{i=1} {zi,ui,yi}i=1N,其中 z i z_i zi是contrastive 的特征, y i y_i yi表示proposal boxes的gt-label, u i u_i ui是IOU

  • training objectives

第一阶段的训练方法和TFA保持一致,在fine-tuning stage中,加入CPE loss。


4. Experiments

4.1 COCO

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第7张图片

不过相比于GFSD,FSCE的方法还是会forget base class。(5-shot VOC GFSD是:80.7)

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第8张图片

4.2 VOC

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第9张图片

4.3 Ablation

4.3.1 Components of our proposed FSCE

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第10张图片

4.3.2 Ablation for contrastive branch hyper-parameters

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第11张图片

4.3.3 Ablation for Proposal Consistency Control

[FSCE]FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(CVPR. 2021)_第12张图片

class ContrastiveHead(nn.Module):
    """MLP head for contrastive representation learning, https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.04297
        dim_in (int): dimension of the feature intended to be contrastively learned
        feat_dim (int): dim of the feature to calculated contrastive loss

        feat_normalized (tensor): L-2 normalized encoded feature,
            so the cross-feature dot-product is cosine similarity (https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.11362)
    def __init__(self, dim_in, feat_dim):
        dim_in 1024
        feat_dim 128
        self.head = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(dim_in, dim_in),
            nn.Linear(dim_in, feat_dim),
        for layer in self.head:
            if isinstance(layer, nn.Linear):
        # pdb.set_trace()
    def forward(self, x):
        feat = self.head(x)
        feat_normalized = F.normalize(feat, dim=1) # [bs x 256, 128]
        # pdb.set_trace()
        return feat_normalized

class SupConLoss(nn.Module):
    """Supervised Contrastive LOSS as defined in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.11362.pdf."""

    def __init__(self, temperature=0.2, iou_threshold=0.5, reweight_func='none'):
            tempearture: a constant to be divided by consine similarity to enlarge the magnitude
            iou_threshold: consider proposals with higher credibility to increase consistency.
        self.temperature = temperature # 0.2
        self.iou_threshold = iou_threshold # 0.8
        self.reweight_func = reweight_func # none
        # pdb.set_trace()
    def forward(self, features, labels, ious):
            features (tensor): shape of [M, K] where M is the number of features to be compared,
                and K is the feature_dim.   e.g., [8192, 128]
            labels (tensor): shape of [M].  e.g., [8192]
        assert features.shape[0] == labels.shape[0] == ious.shape[0]

        if len(labels.shape) == 1:
            labels = labels.reshape(-1, 1) # [bs x 256, 1]

        # mask of shape [None, None], mask_{i, j}=1 if sample i and sample j have the same label
        label_mask = torch.eq(labels, labels.T).float().cuda() # [bs x 256, bs x 256] label_mask 用于过滤
        # 这里注意下 features x features.T 在对角线上的元素由于L2正则化的原因, 都是1
        similarity = torch.div(torch.matmul(features, features.T), self.temperature) # [bs x 256, bs x 256] according to eq(3)   
        # for numerical stability
        # bs x 512, bs 512  -->   bs x 512;  每一个proposal和其他的所有proposal 相似度最大的一个值(其实取得的最大的值也就是自己和自己的attention similarity) 因此下一步需要减去
        sim_row_max, _ = torch.max(similarity, dim=1, keepdim=True) 
        similarity = similarity - sim_row_max.detach() # 做一个广播的减法   对于每一个proposal的特征值: 512  -  1(x512)  这样对角线上的值都是0

        # mask out self-contrastive
        logits_mask = torch.ones_like(similarity) 
        # 为什么不是在一个batch内计算 Contrastive loss? 
        exp_sim = torch.exp(similarity) * logits_mask # [bs x 256, bs x 256] according to eq(3)  因为e^0 = 1 所以需要logits_mask过滤对角线的元素
        log_prob = similarity - torch.log(exp_sim.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)) # [bs x 256, bs x 256]
        # log_prob * logits_mask * label_mask 各个元素特征点乘 过滤每一行不同类别的、过滤对角线(自己和自己的similarity)
        # sum(1) 512 --> 1 求和
        # label_mask.sum(1) 表示每一个proposal的数量 相当于eq(3)的N_y
        per_label_log_prob = (log_prob * logits_mask * label_mask).sum(1) / label_mask.sum(1) # [bs x 256]

        keep = ious >= self.iou_threshold # [512]
        per_label_log_prob = per_label_log_prob[keep] # 过滤
        loss = -per_label_log_prob # 直接取负

        coef = self._get_reweight_func(self.reweight_func)(ious) # none  
        coef = coef[keep]

        loss = loss * coef
        return loss.mean()

    def _get_reweight_func(option):
        def trivial(iou):
            return torch.ones_like(iou)
        def exp_decay(iou):
            return torch.exp(iou) - 1
        def linear(iou):
            return iou

        if option == 'none':
            return trivial
        elif option == 'linear':
            return linear
        elif option == 'exp':
            return exp_decay
