Finding parts of Text--Tokenization

  • Tokenization
  • Uses of tokenizers
    • Specifying the delimiter
  • Understanding normalization


Tokenization is the process of breaking text down into simpler units

For most text, we are concerned with isolating words. Tokens are split based on a set of delimiters. These delimiters are frequently whitespace characters.

The tokenization process is complicated by a large number of factors such as:

  • Language
  • Text format–palin,html,markups
  • Stopwords
  • Text Expansion–acronyms and abbreviations
  • Case–upper or lower
  • Stemming/lemmatization

Uses of tokenizers

  • spell check
  • process simple search
  • downstream NLP tasks such as identifying POS, sentence detection, and classification

Specifying the delimiter

usedelimiter–based on sting or pattern
useRadix–with numbers

Understanding normalization

Normalization is a process that converts a list of words to a more uniform sequence. This is useful in preparing text for later processing.

eg. toLowerCase facilitate searching process

Operations include:

  • Changing character to lowercase
  • Expanding abbreviations
  • Removing stopwords
  • Stemming and lemmatization

tokenize-Tokenization, ssplit-Sentence Spliting, pos,lemma,ner-NER,parse-Syntatic parsing, dcoref-Coreference resolution
