
Thereafter, in the same way as for the wide-lane, the narrowlane ambiguity can be fixed to integer if the fractional part of the narrow-lane UPD in Eq. (28), which is actually the mixture of the fractional parts of both wide- and narrow-lane,can be estimated precisely. 


Through this reformulation, the estimated wide-lane UPD is only needed for making the fixing decision, but not for the deriving of narrow-lane ambiguities and reconstructing of the fixed ionosphere-free ambiguities. 


Thus, only biases in the estimated narrow-lane UPDs enter into the reconstructed fixed ambiguities and contaminate estimated parameters and have therefore to be estimated as precisely as possible. One must be aware of that if the estimated wide-lane UPD is biased, which is inevitable because the integer parts are not separable with the ambiguities, the fixed values for all the ambiguities of the same satellite pair will be shifted by a common integer value [see Eq. (25)]. 


Such a common shift in wide-lane will result in a constant change in their narrowlane ambiguities according to Eqs. (27)–(29), and can be absorbed by the narrow-lane UPDs. Therefore, for the ambiguity fixing, the knowledge of the fractional parts of the UPD corrections is sufficient. For the same reason, the constant pseudo-range biases in satellites have also no impact on the ambiguity fixing.


In summary, an ambiguity can be fixed on the SD-level for PPP in the similar way as on the DD-level, if the fractional parts of the SD-UPDs can be estimated and applied as corrections to SD-ambiguities

