
今天碰到个很棘手的问题,因为这边我们服务器架构 ,网路是多线程 但是逻辑是单线程的,就出现了个问题,假如我此时一个操作去访问 redis 或者mysql  数据量过大,线程阻塞了,那么逻辑线程 其他消息将会延迟,如何优化?

问题如下:假如1000个玩家 都要去查询 1000名排行榜 必须在mysql 查找。



2. 做连接池,或者mysql开辟多线程可以解决一定性能问题(但是问题始终无法解决出现线程阻塞问题,无论架构设计,只要去mysql 查询数据)

3 模拟hiredis 使用异步回调。(那贱逼说我们不管redis提供的,如果写如何回调)

我回到家里,看了下hiredis 果然思路和我闲的一模一样,就是说最终我们要做成  a->b   假如b此时阻塞,但是a还是继续跑,b 阻塞结束,在通信a     a在接受消息 -> client

hiredis 同步接口问题

int redisGetReply(redisContext *c, void **reply) {

int wdone = 0;

void *aux = NULL;

/* Try to read pending replies */

if (redisGetReplyFromReader(c,&aux) == REDIS_ERR)

return REDIS_ERR;

/* For the blocking context, flush output buffer and read reply */

if (aux == NULL && c->flags & REDIS_BLOCK) {

/* Write until done */

do {

if (redisBufferWrite(c,&wdone) == REDIS_ERR)// write  假如此时是select * from player

return REDIS_ERR;

} while (!wdone);

/* Read until there is a reply */

do {

if (redisBufferRead(c) == REDIS_ERR)//然后read mysql 获取的player 信息 问题在这里,这里是阻塞的,玩意数据过大,就呵呵了。

return REDIS_ERR;

if (redisGetReplyFromReader(c,&aux) == REDIS_ERR)

return REDIS_ERR;

} while (aux == NULL);


/* Set reply object */

if (reply != NULL) *reply = aux;

return REDIS_OK;}hiredis 异步接口问题

/* Helper function for the redisAsyncCommand* family of functions. Writes a

* formatted command to the output buffer and registers the provided callback

* function with the context. */

static int __redisAsyncCommand(redisAsyncContext *ac, redisCallbackFn *fn, void *privdata, const char *cmd, size_t len) {

redisContext *c = &(ac->c);

redisCallback cb;//就是说我先把我需要的回调函数注册到一个list当中。然后在下一次read 出来在回调这个cb 这样就是异步回调模式了。这样变解决了,单逻辑线程出现的阻塞问题。

int pvariant, hasnext;

const char *cstr, *astr;

size_t clen, alen;

const char *p;

sds sname;

int ret;

/* Don't accept new commands when the connection is about to be closed. */


/* Setup callback */

cb.fn = fn;

cb.privdata = privdata;

/* Find out which command will be appended. */

p = nextArgument(cmd,&cstr,&clen);

assert(p != NULL);

hasnext = (p[0] == '$');

pvariant = (tolower(cstr[0]) == 'p') ? 1 : 0;

cstr += pvariant;

clen -= pvariant;

if (hasnext && strncasecmp(cstr,"subscribe\r\n",11) == 0) {


/* Add every channel/pattern to the list of subscription callbacks. */

while ((p = nextArgument(p,&astr,&alen)) != NULL) {

sname = sdsnewlen(astr,alen);

if (pvariant)

ret = dictReplace(ac->sub.patterns,sname,&cb);


ret = dictReplace(ac->sub.channels,sname,&cb);

if (ret == 0) sdsfree(sname);


} else if (strncasecmp(cstr,"unsubscribe\r\n",13) == 0) {

/* It is only useful to call (P)UNSUBSCRIBE when the context is

* subscribed to one or more channels or patterns. */

if (!(c->flags & REDIS_SUBSCRIBED)) return REDIS_ERR;

/* (P)UNSUBSCRIBE does not have its own response: every channel or

* pattern that is unsubscribed will receive a message. This means we

* should not append a callback function for this command. */

} else if(strncasecmp(cstr,"monitor\r\n",9) == 0) {

/* Set monitor flag and push callback */



} else {

if (c->flags & REDIS_SUBSCRIBED)

/* This will likely result in an error reply, but it needs to be

* received and passed to the callback. */






/* Always schedule a write when the write buffer is non-empty */


return REDIS_OK;


int redisvAsyncCommand(redisAsyncContext *ac, redisCallbackFn *fn, void *privdata, const char *format, va_list ap) {

char *cmd;

int len;

int status;

len = redisvFormatCommand(&cmd,format,ap);

/* We don't want to pass -1 or -2 to future functions as a length. */

if (len < 0)

return REDIS_ERR;

status = __redisAsyncCommand(ac,fn,privdata,cmd,len);


return status;

