2019-05-22 英语修炼册

This is the log about my self-learning English.
Maybe it will be kind of weird, but that's okay, cause FIRST STEP is to express fluently!
English is a language which is written based on it's pronouncing like Chinese PINYIN.
This is Good News for an ESL beginner.
Step ONE, two express freely, fluently, even mistakes often, but OKEY, if your express could be followed by the listeners.
Step TWO, reduce the spelling, grammar mistakes, to be fluent and correct.
Step THREE, Join IELTS and get a good score.




Ways of greeting:

How are you today?
How are you doing?
Ho is it going?
How is everything going?
Have a nice(good) day!
Have a good night!
Good evening!
Nice to meet you here!
Nice meeting young
What's up, man?(最近咋样?也可以用于“咋了” to inquire about a current or recent state of affairs (“You seem sad. What’s up?”).)
I haven't seen you for a long time. (Long time no see.)
What have you been up to?(最近在忙啥?)
What's new?
Things have been great?

Answer a "Hi" or even ask back:

I'm fine, thank you, and you?
You, too.
I'm doing OK(GOOD, alright).
Pretty good.
What about you?
Noting much. (Like nothing special, 没啥别,老样子)
It's going pretty well.

say Goodbye!

See ya!
See you tomorrow!
Have a good weekend!
I'll see you around.
Goodbye! Bye-bye!
Not so good. Just hanging in there.

Thanks & Response

Thank you!
Thanks! I really appreciate it.
Thank you so much!
Thanks for your help!
Thank you! I owe you one,
I can't thank you enough.

No worries!(小事儿!)
You're welcome!(字面含义,你是welcome的)
It's alright.
It's OK.
It's my pleasure.
My pleasure.
Thank you!
You're welcome!
No problem.(这不是应该回答“抱歉”吗?还是说类似“没事儿,不用客气!”)
Sure. (应该的?不是说对方应该谢谢自己,而是说自己应该帮助对方。这也太简单有歧义了吧)
Don't mention it. (不足挂齿)

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