From head to toe1(从头到脚)



(a:爸爸妈妈们可以用提问的方式和宝宝玩起来,宝贝更容易记忆。what is it?  It's head.它是什么?它的头 。)

1.head 头  (turn my bead转头)

2.neck脖子(bend my neck 弯脖子)

3.shoulder 肩膀(raise my shoulder耸肩膀)

4.arm 手臂(ware my arms 摆胳膊)

5.hand 手 (clap my hands拍手)

6.chest 胸部(thump my chest捶胸)

7.back 背部(arch my back 把背弓起来)

8.hips 屁股(wriggle my hips扭屁股)

9.knee膝盖(bend my kness 跪下来)

10.leg腿(kick my legs 踢后腿)

11.foot脚(stomp my foot  跺脚)

12.toe脚趾(wiggle my toe 动动脚指头)

(b:爸爸妈妈也可以和宝宝一起唱IF you're happy,根据实际情况,替换不同的动作。)

IF you're happy and you know it,

turn your head.

IF you're happy and you know it,

and you really want to show it.

IF you're happy and you know it,

turn your head.

如果你快乐你就知道转动你的头 ,



你可能感兴趣的:(From head to toe1(从头到脚))