2018-09-26 137. Single Number II

异或操作规则:相同位相同元素异或后为0,相同位不同元素异或后为1.异或操作是一种叠加状态,当把元素val异或一个元素仓库set的时候,如果set中不存在val元素,那么set = A ^ 0 = A,相当于把A元素叠加到了set上;如果set中已经存在val元素,那么set = A ^ A = 0,相当于把A元素从set中移除了。
非操作规则:针对某一特定位置,1变0,0遍1.非操作是一种反转操作,A & (!A)= 0,相当于将A从set中删除。
Here is some intuition to help understand this nice and concise solution:
First of all, consider the (set^val) as one of the following:

  1. adding "val" to the "set" if "val" is not in the "set" => A^0 = A
  2. removing "val" from the "set" if "val" is already in the "set" => A^A = 0
    Assume "ones" and "twos" to be sets that are keeping track of which numbers have appeared once and twice respectively;
    "(ones ^ A[i]) & ~twos" basically means perform the above mentioned operation if and only if A[i] is not present in the set "twos". So to write it in layman:
    IF the set "ones" does not have A[i]
    Add A[i] to the set "ones" if and only if its not there in set "twos"
    Remove it from the set "ones"
    So, effectively anything that appears for the first time will be in the set. Anything that appears a second time will be removed. We'll see what happens when an element appears a third time (thats handled by the set "twos").
    After this, we immediately update set "twos" as well with similar logic:
    "(twos^ A[i]) & ~ones" basically means:
    IF the set "twos" does not have A[i]
    Add A[i] to the set "twos" if and only if its not there in set "ones"
    Remove it from the set "twos"
    So, effectively, any number that appears a first time will be in set "ones" so it will not be added to "twos". Any number appearing a second time would have been removed from set "ones" in the previous step and will now be added to set "twos". Lastly, any number appearing a third time will simply be removed from the set "twos" and will no longer exist in either set.
    Finally, once we are done iterating over the entire list, set "twos" would be empty and set "ones" will contain the only number that appears once.
class Solution {
    int singleNumber(vector& nums) {
        int first = 0, second = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++){
            first = (first ^ nums[i]) & (~second);
            second = (second ^ nums[i]) & (~first);
        return first;

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