【随笔】Team Building

春节前,参加WEM team building写的一篇内部报道,发表在Citrix Backstage上。感谢小J同学的编辑修改,也感谢美国编辑的大刀阔斧的删除与润色--也让自己看到英语随笔写作之路上还有漫漫征程。有目标总是件好事,有机会,要多练练笔。

Nanjing Citrites get a head start on our Global Day of Impact

Earlier this year, our Citrix Nanjing celebrated their 10-year anniversary. They extended the celebration by honoring their communities through local clean-up efforts.

The cold January weather could not stop the enthusiastic passion of more than 40 Nanjing Citrites, who gathered on the peak of Purple Mountain in Nanjing, a 449-meter-high mountain (that’s 1473.1 feet for anyone on the imperial measuring system) located on the eastern side of Nanjing.

Making a difference

After splitting in two groups, the teams went on different routes to gather trash and make the famous hiking trails of Nanjing clean. Even though at first glance the routes looked clean, the team quickly discovered litter along the side of the trails. After a while, each piece of gathered trash became a cause for celebration among the team, demonstrating that even the smallest amount of progress can inspire the passion needed to keep going.

To thank Citrites for this act of volunteerism, the local community has posted our group photo on the volunteer board at the summit of the mountain. We will always remember this winter afternoon when we came together as a team and shared the winning Citrix culture with our community by making the world a better place by giving back in ways that matter.

Get excited for our Global Day of Impact

Our Global Day of Impact is back for 2022! Last year, Citrites logged over 14,000 volunteer hours and we supported over 1,800 global nonprofit organizations. Stay tuned later this month for more information from our Corporate Citizenship team on how to get involved and make in impact on your community.

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