
Today,we went to the Pacific ship main port in  San Diego. We first saw the kissing of victory sculpture.

It was designed in memory of the victory of World War II. Then we went inside the museum to see about some typical ships and use the audio clip to have an experience. After that,we climbed to the top to see some military used ship in recent years fight about Iran,Iraq and Mexican and that include the 612,the Navy(black one and white one),number 155 ,number 577,number 612,rvah—12 and 41 and so on. Suddenly,Ms. Huang and Guo guide let us choose whether we spent time in the Old Town more or in UCSD more. I want to spent in the second place more as I entered for this tour for study ,for university ,not for shopping.But as the arrangement for the first week was not good,we spent too much days in UCB,this lead to the boredom of them for visiting universities as their English was too weak and they don't like study at all. So most people agree to the old Town for shopping. I talked to my mum for a while. But ms Huang and guo asked me at that time,I felt really angry. Aries and Kevon interrupted to let me make decisions quickly. I said to guo before we ate lunch I told him the answer. My mumed agreed to give way to them so that I could relax in a place for a while. I visited some museums there and then I was run out of time though the person gave us 1.5hours,I still think it would be up to1.15 hours. And for sure,though people saved 5minutes,we still had 45minutes in San Diego university of California which should be turn the opposite direction of the time arrangement. And after I using toilet,I only got 30 minutes to  tour around. And actually ,we set off our car 4 minutes earlier. So I actually tour around for  only20 minutes,which would be a pity. We had self service as usual for lunch and dinner. Tomorrow,we will go to Boston. 




yesterday's photo


today's photo

