DB2 Error Messages (Sorted by SQLCODE)

DB2 Error Messages (Sorted by SQLCODE)
DB2 Error Messages (Sorted by SQLCODE)
000 00000 The SQL statement finished successfully.
  01xxx The SQL statement finished successfully, but with a warning.
+012 01545 The unqualified column name was interpreted as a correlated reference.
+098 01568 A dynamic SQL statement ends with a semicolon.
+100 02000 No rows found to satisfy the SQL statement.
+110 01561 Update to a table defined using DATA CAPTURE was not signaled to originating subsystem. (DPROP)
+111 01590 The SUBPAGES clause was specified (and ignored) for a Type 2 index.
+117 01525 The number of values being inserted does not equal the number of columns in the table being inserted to.
+162 01514 Named tablespace placed in check pending status.
+203 01552 The named qualified column was resolved using a non-unique name.
+204 01532 Named object is not defined to DB2.
+206 01533 Named column does not exist in any table named in the SQL statement.
+218 01537 EXPLAIN cannot be executed for the SQL statement as it references a remote object.
+219 01532 The named PLAN_TABLE does not exist.
+220 01546 Improperly defined PLAN_TABLE; check definition of named column.
+236 01005 The value of SQLN in the SQLDA should be at least as large as the number of columns that are being described.
+237 01594 At least one of the columns being described is a distinct type, so additional space is required for extended SQLVAR entries.
+238 01005 At least one of the columns being described is a LOB, so additional space is required for extended SQLVAR entries.
+239 01005 At least one of the columns being described is a distinct type, so additional space is required for extended SQLVAR entries.
+304 01515 Value cannot be assigned to host variable because it is out of range for the data type.
+331 01520 String cannot be translated so it has been assigned to NULL.
+339 01569 Character conversion problem may exist due to connection to a DB2 V2.2 subsystem.
+394 01629 Optimizer "hints" used to select the access path.
+395 01628 Invalid optimizer "hints" specified; reason code specifies why. Optimizer "hints" were ignored.
+402 01521 Unknown location.
+403 01522 CREATE ALIAS object does not exist locally.
+434 01608 The specified feature will not be supported in future releases of DB2. IBM recommends that you stop using this feature.
+445 01004 Value has been truncated by a CAST function.
+462 01Hxx Warning issued by user-defined function or stored procedure.
+464 01609 Named stored procedure exceeded the limit on the number of query results sets it can return.
+466 01610 Specifies the number of query results sets returned by the named stored procedure. Successful completion.
+494 01614 Number of results sets returned by a stored procedure exceeds the number of results set locators as specified by the ASSOCIATE LOCATORS statement.
+495 01616 Warning issued because the cost estimate for the dynamic SQL exceeds the warning threshold value specified in the RLST.
+535 01591 A positioned update of a primary key or a delete from a table with a self-referencing constraint was requested.
+541 01543 Named foreign key is a duplicate referential constraint.
+551 01548 Named authorization ID lacks authority to perform the named operation on the named DB2 object.
+552 01542 Named authorization ID lacks authority to perform the named operation.
+558 01516 Already granted to PUBLIC so WITH GRANT OPTION not applicable.
+561 01523 PUBLIC AT ALL LOCATIONS not valid for ALTER. REFERENCES, INDEX, and TRIGGER privileges.
+562 01560 One or more of the privileges was ignored because the GRANTEE already possesses that privilege.
+585 01625 Schema name is specified more than once.
+599 01596 Comparison functions are not created for long string data types (BLOB, CLOB, and DBCLOB).
+610 01566 The named object is in a PENDING status due to creating an index specifying DEFER YES or because ALTER INDEX was used to change limit key values.
+625 01518 Table definition marked incomplete because primary key index was dropped.
+626 01529 Index to enforce UNIQUE constraint has been dropped; uniqueness no longer enforced.
+645 01528 WHERE NOT NULL was ignored because the key for the index being created cannot contain NULLs.
+650 01538 Cannot alter or create the named table as a dependent table.
+653 01551 Partitioned index for the named table in the named partitioned tablespace has not been created yet, so it is unavailable.
+655 01597 Specific and non-specific volume IDs specified to the CREATE or ALTER STOGROUP statement; will not be supported in later DB2 releases (post V6).
+658 01600 Cannot specify SUBPAGES clause when creating a catalog index; SUBPAGES will be ignored and default to 1.
+664 01540 Limit key for the partitioning index exceeds the maximum value.
+738 01530 The change to the named object may require like changes for the objects in read-only systems.
+799 01527 A special register that does not exist is referenced in the SET statement. The SET request is ignored.
+802 01519 Data exception error caused by data overflow or divide exception.
+806 01553 ISOLATION(RR) conflicts with LOCKSIZE PAGE.
+807 01554 Overflow may result due to decimal multiplication.
+863 01539 Connection successful, but only SBCS will be supported.
+2000 56094 Type 1 indexes where SUBPAGES does not equal 1 cannot become group bufferpool dependent in a data sharing environment.
+2002 01624 The GBPCACHE specification is ignored because the specified bufferpool does not allow caching.
+2007 01602 Optimizer "hints" cannot be specified because the DB2 subsystem parameter disabling "hints" has been activated.
+30100 01558 Distribution protocol error detected. Original SQLCODE and SQLSTATE provided.
-007 42601 Illegal character in SQL statement.
-010 42603 String constant not terminated properly; check for missing quotation marks.
-029 42601 INTO clause required.
-060 42815 Invalid length or scale specification for the specified data type.
-084 42612 SQL statement cannot be executed because it is invalid for dynamic SQL or is not valid for DB2 for OS/390.
-097 42601 Cannot use LONG VARCHAR or LONG VARGRAPHIC with CAST, or in distinct types, user-defined functions, and procedures.
-101 54001 SQL statement exceeds an established DB2 limit; for example, too many tables, too many bytes in statement, and so on.
-102 54002 String constant is too long.
-103 42604 Invalid numeric literal.
-104 42601 Illegal symbol encountered in SQL statement.
-105 42604 Invalid character string format; usually refers to an improperly formatted graphic string.
-107 42622 Object name is too long.
-108 42601 Incorrect name specified for the RENAME statement; cannot use a qualifier.
-109 42601 Invalid clause specified; for example: CREATE VIEW cannot contain an ORDER BY clause.
-110 42606 Invalid hexadecimal literal encountered.
-111 42901 Column function specified without a column name.
-112 42607 Invalid column function syntax; column function cannot operate on another column function.
-113 42602 Invalid character encountered.
-114 42961 Location name for this statement must match the current server, but it does not.
-115 42601 Invalid predicate encountered because comparison operator is not followed by an expression or list.
-117 42802 Number of inserted values not equivalent to number of columns for the inserted row.
-118 42902 Table or view is illegally named in both data modification clause (UPDATE or DELETE) and the FROM clause.
-119 42803 Column list in HAVING clause does not match column list in the GROUP BY clause.
-120 42903 The WHERE clause, SET clause, VALUES clause, or SET ASSIGNMENT statement is not allowed to reference a column function.
-121 42701 A column is illegally referenced twice in an INSERT or UPDATE statement.
-122 42803 Column function applied illegally because all columns not applied to a column function are not in the GROUP BY clause.
-123 42601 The parameter in the specified position must be either a constant or a key word.
-125 42805 Invalid number specified in the ORDER BY clause--number is either less than 1 or greater than the number of columns selected.
-126 42829 An ORDER BY clause cannot be specified for an UPDATE statement.
-127 42905 DISTINCT can only be specified once in a subselect.
-128 42601 NULL use improperly in an SQL predicate.
-129 54004 The SQL statement contains more than 15 tables.
-130 22019 Escape clause must be 1 character.
  22025 Invalid escape pattern.
-131 42818 The LIKE predicate can only be applied to character data.
-132 42824 Invalid operand in LIKE clause, ESCAPE clause, LOCATE function, or POSSTR function.
-133 42906 Invalid correlated subquery reference.
-134 42907 Column larger than 255 bytes used improperly.
-136 54005 Sort key length is greater than 4000 bytes.
-137 54006 Concatenated string is too large; maximum is 32,767 for character or 16,382 for graphic.
-138 22011 The second or third operator of the SUBSTR column function is invalid.
-142 42612 Unsupported SQL statement. The statement might be valid in another RDBMS, or the statement might be valid in another context (for example, VALUES can only appear inside a trigger).
-144 58003 Named section number is invalid.
-147 42809 A source function cannot be altered. To change the source function, it must be dropped and recreated.
-148 42809 The RENAME or ALTER cannot be executed. RENAME cannot be used to rename a view or an active RLST table; ALTER cannot be used to alter the column length because the column participates in RI, a user exit, a global temporary table, or a table with DATA CAPTURE CHANGES on.
-150 42807 Invalid view update requested or a transition table was specified in an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement during a triggered action.
-151 42808 Invalid column update requested; trying to update either a non-updateable view column, a DB2 Catalog table column, or a ROWID column.
-152 42809 DROP CHECK tried to drop a referential constraint; or DROP FOREIGN KEY tried to drop a check constraint.
-153 42908 Invalid view creation required; must provide a name for an unnamed or duplicate column listed in the select list.
-154 42909 Cannot create a view using UNION, UNION ALL, or a remote table.
-156 42809 It is invalid to create an index on a view or specify an object other than a table on the ALTER TABLE, CREATE TRIGGER, DROP TABLE, or LOCK TABLE statements.
-157 42810 Must specify a table name on the FOREIGN KEY clause.
-158 42811 View columns do not match columns in the select list.
-159 42809 Invalid DROP or COMMENT ON statement.
-160 42813 WITH CHECK OPTION invalid for this view.
-161 44000 The WITH CHECK OPTION clause of the view being updated prohibits this row from being inserted or updated as specified.
-164 42502 User does not have the authority to create this view.
-170 42605 Invalid number of arguments specified for the scalar function.
-171 42815 Invalid data type length or value for the scalar function.
-173 42801 Isolation level UR cannot be specified on a cursor that is not read-only.
-180 22007 Invalid syntax for the string representation of a DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP value.
-181 22007 Not a valid DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP value.
-182 42816 Invalid date/time value in an arithmetic expression.
-183 22008 Result of arithmetic expression returns a DATE/TIME value that is not within the range of valid values.
-184 42610 Improper usage of parameter marker for DATE/TIME values.
-185 57008 No local date/time exits defined.
-186 22505 Local DATE/TIME exit changed causing invalid length for this program.
-187 22506 MVS returned invalid current date/time.
-188 22503 Invalid string representation.
-189 22522 The named coded character set ID is invalid or undefined.
-190 42837 Cannot ALTER the column as specified. Can only ALTER column length of VARCHAR columns.
-191 22504 String contains invalid mixed data.
-197 42877 Qualified column names cannot be used in an ORDER BY clause when two or more tables are unioned and then ordered.
-198 42617 Trying to issue a PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement on a blank string.
-199 42601 Illegal keyword used in SQL statement.
-203 42702 Ambiguous column reference.
-204 42704 Undefined object name.
-205 42703 Invalid column name for specified table.
-206 42703 Column name not in any table referenced in the FROM clause or in the table on which the trigger is defined.
-208 42707 Cannot ORDER BY specified column because it is not in the select list.
-212 42712 The specified table name is not allowed to be used more than once in the trigger.
-214 42822 Invalid expression caused by DISTINCT and ORDER BY.
-219 42704 EXPLAIN cannot be executed because PLAN_TABLE does not exist.
-220 55002 Invalid PLAN_TABLE column encountered.
-221 55002 If any optional columns are defined for the PLAN_TABLE all of them must be defined.
-229 42708 The locale specified was not found.
-240 428B4 The PART clause of a LOCK TABLE statement is invalid.
-250 42718 Local location name is not defined.
-251 42602 Invalid token.
-300 22024 String in host variable or parameter is not null-terminated.
-301 42895 Invalid host variable data type.
-302 22001 The value of an input variable is invalid for the specified column.
  22003 The value of an input variable is too large for the specified column.
-303 42806 Value cannot be assigned because of incompatible data types.
-304 22003 Value cannot be assigned because it is out of range.
-305 22002 Null indicator variable is missing.
-309 22512 Invalid predicate due to referenced host variable set to NULL.
-310 22023 Decimal host variable or parameter cannot contain non-decimal data.
-311 22501 Invalid length of input host variable; either negative or too large.
-312 42618 Undefined or unusable host variable.
-313 07001 Number of host variables does not equal number of parameter markers.
-314 42714 Ambiguous host variable reference.
-327 22525 Cannot INSERT row outside the bounds of the last partition key range.
-330 22021 String cannot be translated successfully.
-331 22021 String cannot be assigned to a host variable because of unsuccessful translation.
-332 57017 Translation not defined for the two named coded character set IDs.
-333 56010 Subtype invalid causing translation to fail.
-338 42972 Invalid ON clause; must refer to joined columns.
-339 56082 Access to DB2 V2.2 subsystem was denied because ASCII to EBCDIC translation cannot occur.
-350 42962 Invalid large object specification.
-351 56084 Unsupported data type in SELECT list.
-352 56084 Unsupported data type in input list.
-355 42993 LOB column is too large to be logged.
-372 428C1 Only one ROWID column per table is permitted.
-390 42887 The specified function is not valid in this context.
-392 42855 The SQLDA for the specified cursor was improperly changed since the previous FETCH.
-396 38505 Attempted to execute SQL statement during final call processing.
-397 428D3 Improperly specified GENERATED on a column that is not a ROWID data type.
-398 428D2 LOCATOR was requested for a host variable that is not a LOB.
-399 22511 Invalid value specified for ROWID column in the INSERT statement.
-400 54027 Cannot define more than 100 user-defined indexes in the DB2 Catalog.
-401 42818 The operands of an arithmetic or comparison operator are not compatible.
-402 42819 Arithmetic function cannot be applied to character or date/time data.
-404 22001 The SQL statement specified a string that is too long.
-405 42820 Numeric literal is out of range.
-406 22003 A calculated or derived numeric value is out of range.
-407 23502 Cannot insert a null value into a column that is defined as NOT NULL.
-408 42821 Value cannot be inserted or updated because it is incompatible with the column's data type.
-409 42607 COUNT function specified invalid operand.
-410 42820 Floating point literal longer than maximum allowable length of 30 characters.
-411 56040 Invalid CURRENT SQLID usage.
-412 42823 Multiple columns encountered in the select list of a subquery.
-413 22003 Overflow condition when converting a numeric data type.
-414 42824 The LIKE predicate cannot operate on columns defined with a numeric or date/time data type.
-415 42825 The select lists specified for the UNION operation are not union-compatible.
-416 42907 Long string columns are not allowed in SQL statements containing the UNION operator.
-417 42609 Two parameter markers specified as operands on both sides of the same predicate.
-418 42610 Invalid usage of parameter markers.
-419 42911 Invalid decimal division.
-420 22018 Character string argument value did not conform to the function's requirements.
-421 42826 Same number of columns not supplied in the select lists for a UNION operation.
-423 0F001 Invalid value specified for the LOB or result set locator.
-426 2D528 COMMIT not permitted for an application server where updates are not permitted.
-427 2D529 ROLLBACK not permitted for an application server where updates are not permitted.
-430 38503 Error encountered within a user-defined function or stored procedure.
-433 22001 Specified value is too long.
-435 428B3 Invalid application-defined SQLSTATE.
-438 xxxxx Error raised by the application using the RAISE_ERROR function.
-440 42884 Number of parameters in the parameter list for a stored procedure or user-defined function does not match the number expected.
-441 42601 Improper usage of DISTINCT or ALL in combination with a scalar function.
-443 42601 Error SQLSTATE returned by the specified external function.
-444 42724 Program associated with the called stored procedure or user-defined function could not be found.
-449 42878 The EXTERNAL NAME clause is improperly missing from the CREATE or ALTER statement for the stored procedure or user-defined function.
-450 39501 The stored procedure or user-defined function overwrote storage beyond a parameter's declared length.
-451 42815 Improper data type specified in CREATE FUNCTION.
-453 42880 Invalid RETURNS clause in user-defined function.
-454 42723 The signature of the function specified matches a signature of another function that already exists.
-455 42882 Schema names do not match.
-456 42710 The specific name of the user-defined function already exists.
-457 42939 The user-defined function or user-defined type is attempting to use the name of a system-defined function or type.
-458 42883 Function not found.
-463 39001 Invalid SQLSTATE returned by the specified external routine.
-469 42886 Host variable must be provided on the CALL statement for parameters defined as OUT or INOUT.
-470 39002 Null parameter specified but the routine does not support NULLs.
-471 55023 Stored procedure or user-defined function failed; reason code provided.
-472 24517 Cursor was left open by the external function program.
-473 42918 Cannot name a user-defined data type the same as a system-defined data type.
-475 42866 The result type is not castable to the RETURNS type.
-476 42725 The function is not unique within its schema.
-478 42893 Cannot DROP or REVOKE the specified object because another object is dependent on it.
-480 51030 DESCRIBE PROCEDURE and ASSOCIATE LOCATORS cannot be issued until the stored procedure has been CALLed.
-482 51030 Stored procedure returned no locators.
-483 42885 Number of parameters in the CREATE FUNCTION statement does not match the number of parameters in the source function.
-487 38001 The specified stored procedure or user-defined function was created with the NO SQL option, but it is trying to issue an SQL statement.
-491 42601 The CREATE FUNCTION statement is invalid because it does not have a RETURNS clause, or because it does not specify a valid SOURCE or EXTERNAL clause.
-492 42879 The specified parameter number of the specified function is in error.
-495 57051 The estimated processor cost of the statement exceeds resource limit.
-496 51033 Statement cannot be executed because the current server is different than the server that called a stored procedure
-497 54041 Named database exceeded the limit of 32,767 OBIDs, or the CREATE DATABASE statement causes the limit of 32,511 DBIDs to be reached.
-499 24516 Named cursor already assigned to a result set from named stored procedure.
-500 24501 A WITH HOLD cursor was closed because the connection was destroyed.
-501 24501 Must open a cursor before attempting to fetch from it or close it.
-502 24502 Cannot open a cursor twice without first closing it.
-503 42912 Column cannot be updated because it was not specified in the FOR UPDATE OF clause of the cursor from which it was fetched.
-504 34000 Cannot reference cursor because it is not defined to the program.
-507 24501 Must open a cursor before attempting to update or delete WHERE CURRENT OF.
-508 24504 Cannot update or delete because the referenced cursor is not currently positioned on a data row.
-509 42827 Cannot update from a different table than the one specified on the cursor referenced by the WHERE CURRENT OF clause.
-510 42828 Table or view cannot be modified as requested.
-511 42829 FOR UPDATE OF is invalid for non-modifiable tables or views.
-512 56023 Invalid reference to a remote object.
-513 42924 An alias cannot be defined on another alias.
-514 26501 Cursor has not been prepared.
-516 26501 Describe attempted for an unprepared SQL statement.
-517 07005 Cursor is invalid because the SQL statement has not yet been prepared.
-518 07003 Execute attempted for an unprepared SQL statement.
-519 24506 Cursor cannot be open when issuing a prepare statement for its SQL statement.
-525 51015 Cannot execute SQL statement within named package because it was invalid at bind time.
-526 42995 Global temporary table cannot be used in the given context.
-530    23503 Invalid foreign key value specified for the specified constraint name.
-531 23504 As of V5, multi-row update of a parent key attempted to remove a parent key vale on which a foreign key was dependent.
    Prior to V5, attempting to update a primary key value when foreign keys currently exist that reference that value.
-532 23504 Deletion violates the named referential constraint.
-533 21501 Invalid multiple row insert; attempted to insert multiple rows into a self-referencing table.
-534 21502 An update statement changing the value of a primary key column cannot be used to update more than one row at a time.
-535 21502 Cannot specify WHERE CURRENT OF when deleting from a self-referencing table or updating primary key column(s). This code will be raised only by non-V5 subsystems.
-536 42914 Invalid delete statement due to referential constraints existing for the specified table.
-537 42709 A single column cannot appear more than once in a foreign key or primary key clause specification.
-538 42830 Invalid foreign key; does not conform to the definition of the referenced table's primary key.
-539 42888 Foreign key cannot be defined because the referenced table does not have a primary key.
-540 57001 Table definition is incomplete until a unique index is created for the primary key or UNIQUE clause, or the ROWID column contains the GENERATED BY DEFAULT attribute.
-542 42831 Nullable columns are not permitted to be included as part of a primary key.
-543 23511 DELETE cannot occur because the table is a parent table in a referential constraint specifying the SET NULL delete rule, but the check constraint does not allow NULLs.
-544 23512 Cannot add this check constraint using ALTER because an existing row violates the check constraint.
-545 23513 INSERT or UPDATE caused a check constraint violation.
-546 42621 Invalid check constraint specified in CREATE or ALTER TABLE.
-548 42621 Invalid check constraint due to named column.
-549 42509 Invalid SQL statement for DYNAMICRULES(BIND) plan or package.
-551 42501 User is attempting to perform an operation on the specified object for which he is not authorized, or the table does not exist.
-552 42502 User is attempting to perform an operation for which he is not authorized.
-553 42503 Cannot set CURRENT SQLID because the user has not been set up to change to that ID.
-554 42502 Cannot grant a privilege to yourself.
-555 42502 Cannot revoke a privilege from yourself.
-556 42504 Cannot revoke a privilege that the user does not possess.
-557 42852 Inconsistent grant or revoke key word specified.
-558 56025 Invalid clause or clauses specified for the grant or revoke statement.
-559 57002 The DB2 authorization mechanism has been disabled. Grant and revoke cannot be issued.
-567 42501 Named authorization ID lacks the authority to bind the named package.
-571 25000 Multiple site updates are not permitted.
-573 42890 Referential constraint cannot be defined because the named parent table does not have a unique key on the specified column.
-574 42894 Specified default conflicts with the column definition.
-577 38002 Tried to modify data in a user-defined function or stored procedure that was created without the MODIFIES SQL DATA option.
-579 38004 Tried to read data in a user-defined function or stored procedure that was created without either the READS SQL DATA or MODIFIES SQL DATA option.
-580 42625 Result expressions of a CASE expression cannot all be NULL.
-581 42804 Incompatible data types in the result expressions of a CASE expression.
-582 42625 Search-condition in a searched-when-clause specifies a quantified, IN, or EXISTS predicate.
-583 42845 The specified function is invalid because it is not deterministic or may have an external action.
-585 42732 The schema name appears more than once in the current path.
-586 42907 The CURRENT PATH special register cannot exceeed 254 characters in length.
-587 428C6 The list of item-references must be of the same family.
-590 42734 The parameter name must be unique within the named stored procedure or user-defined function.
-592 42510 Not authorized to create stored procedures or user-defined functions in WLM environment.
-601 42710 Attempting to create (or rename) an object that already exists.
-602 54008 Too many columns specified in the CREATE INDEX statement.
-603 23515 Unique index cannot be created because duplicates were found.
-604 42611 Invalid length, precision, or scale specified for the data type in a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement.
-607 42832 The INSERT UPDATE or DELETE statement specified cannot be issued as written against the DB2 Catalog tables.
-611 53088 When LOCKSIZE is TABLE or TABLESPACE, LOCKMAX must 0.
-612 42711 Duplicate column names not permitted within a single table, index, or view.
-613 54008 The primary key or UNIQUE constraint is too long or contains too many columns.
-614 54008 Maximum internal key length of 255 for indexes has been surpassed.
-615 55006 Cannot drop this package because it is currently executing.
-616 42893 The specified object cannot be dropped because other objects are dependent upon it.
-617 56089 Type 1 index is invalid for DB2 Version 6. For previous releases, a type 1 index cannot be defined with LOCKSIZE ROW or LARGE tablespace.
-618 42832 Requested operation not permitted for DB2 Catalog tables.
-619 55011 DSNDB07 cannot be modified unless it has first been stopped.
-620 53001 The specified key word is not permitted for a tablespace in DSNDB07.
-621 58001 Duplicate DBID encountered; system problem encountered.
-622 56031 Cannot specify FOR MIXED DATA because the mixed data option has not been installed.
-623 55012 Cannot define more than one clustering index for a single table.
-624 42889 Cannot define more than one primary key for a single table.
-625 55014 A unique index is required for a table defined with a primary key.
-626 55015 Cannot issue an ALTER statement to change PRIQTY SECQTY or ERASE unless the tablespace has first been stopped.
-627 55016 Cannot issue an ALTER statement to change PRIQTY SECQTY or ERASE unless the tablespace has first been defined to use storage groups.
-628 42613 The clauses specified are mutually exclusive (for example, cannot partition a segmented tablespace).
-629 42834 SET NULL is invalid because the foreign key cannot contain null values.
-630 56089 WHERE NOT NULL cannot be specified for Type 1 indexes.
-631 54008 Invalid foreign key; is either longer than 254 bytes or contains more than 40 columns.
-632 42915 The specified delete rules prohibit defining this table as a dependent of the named table.
-633 42915 Invalid delete rule; the specified mandatory delete rule must be used.
-634 42915 DELETE CASCADE is not allowed in this situation.
-635 42915 The delete rule cannot be different or cannot be SET NULL.
-636 56016 The partitioning index must be consistent in its specification of ascending or descending for the partitioning index key.
-637 42614 Duplicate key word encountered.
-638 42601 Missing column definition in CREATE TABLE statement.
-639 56027 A nullable column of a foreign key with a delete rule of SET NULL cannot be a column of the key of a partitioning index.
-640 56089 LOCKSIZE ROW cannot be specified for this tablespace because a Type 1 index is defined on a table in the tablespace.
-642 54021 Unique constraint contains too many columns.
-643 54024 Check constraint exceeds maximum length of 3,800 characters.
-644 42615 Invalid value specified for key word in the SQL statement.
-646 55017 The table cannot be created in the specified partitioned or default tablespace because the specified tablespace already contains a table.
-647 57003 The specified bufferpool is invalid because it has not been activated.
-650 56090 ALTER INDEX cannot be executed; reason code provided.
-651 54025 Table object descriptor (OBD) would exceed maximum size (32KB) if the CREATE or ALTER TABLE were allowed.
-652 23506 Violation of EDITPROC or VALIDPROC encountered.
-653 57004 A table in a partitioned tablespace is unavailable because the partitioning index has not been created yet.
-655 56036 STOGROUP cannot specify both specific and non-specific ("*") volumes in the volume list.
-658 42917 The specified object cannot be dropped as attempted. The object must be dropped by dropping an associated object.
-660 53035 Improper partitioning index specification; must define limit keys for the clustering index.
-661 53036 Partitioning index does not specify the proper number of partitions.
-662 53037 Attempted to create a partitioning index on a non-partitioned (segmented or simple) tablespace.
-663 53038 Invalid number of key limit values specified for the partitioning index.
-665 53039 Invalid PART clause specified for ALTER TABLESPACE statement.
-666 57005 SQL statement cannot be processed because the specified function is current in progress.
-667 42917 Cannot explicitly drop the clustering index for a partitioned tablespace; must drop the partitioned tablespace to drop index.
-668 56018 Cannot add a column to a table defined with an EDITPROC.
-669 42917 Cannot explicitly drop a table in a partitioned tablespace; must drop the partitioned tablespace to drop the table.
-670 54010 The record length for the table exceeds the page size.
-671 53040 Cannot alter the bufferpool for the specified tablespace because it would change the page size of the tablespace.
-672 55035 DROP not allowed on named table.
-676 53041 Only a 4KB bufferpool can be used for an index.
-677 57011 Bufferpool expansion failed due to insufficient amount of available virtual storage.
-678 53045 The literal specified for the limit key in the partitioning index does not conform to the data type of the key value.
-679 57006 Cannot create the specified object because a drop is currently pending for that object.
-680 54011 No more than 750 columns can be specified for a DB2 table.
-681 23507 Column violates specified FIELDPROC.
-682 57010 FIELDPROC could not be loaded.
-683 42842 Invalid column, distinct type, function, or procedure because of incompatible clauses. For example, specifying INTEGER with the FOR BIT DATA option.
-684 54012 The specified literal list cannot exceed 254 bytes.
-685 58002 FIELDPROC returned an invalid field description.
-686 53043 A column defined with a FIELDPROC cannot be compared to a column defined with a different FIELDPROC.
-687 53044 A column cannot be compared to a column with an incompatible field type.
-688 58002 Incorrect data returned by the FIELDPROC.
-689 54011 Dependent table defined with too many columns.
-690 23508 Data definition control support rejected this statement.
-691 57018 The named registration table does not exist.
-692 57018 The named index does not exist, but is required for the named registration table.
-693 55003 The named column for the named registration table/index is invalid.
-694 57023 A DROP is pending on the named registration table.
-696 42898 The specified trigger is invalid due to improper use of correlation name or transition table name.
-697 42899 FOR EACH statement clause specified, so OLD and NEW correlation names are not allowed; or OLD_TABLE and NEW_TABLE cannot be specified for a BEFORE trigger.
-713 42815 The special register value specified is invalid.
-715 56064 The named program cannot be run because it depends on features of a release of DB2 that your shop has installed but backed off.
-716 56065 The named program was precompiled with an incorrect level for this release.
-717 56066 BIND failed because it depends on features of a release of DB2 that your shop has installed but backed off.
-718 56067 REBIND failed because IBMREQD column is invalid.
-719 42710 Cannot BIND ADD a package that already exists.
-720 42710 Cannot BIND REPLACE a package version that already exists.
-721 42710 Consistency token must be unique for package.
-722 42704 Bind error due because the named package does not exist.
-723 09000 A triggered SQL statement received an error.
-724 54038 Maximum number of cascading indirect SQL statements reached (16).
-725 42721 Invalid value supplied to the specified special register.
-726 55030 Cannot bind this package because of SYSPKSYSTEM entries.
-728 56080 The specified data type cannot be used with private protocol distribution.
-729 429B1 A stored procedure defined using COMMIT ON RETURN cannot be the target of a nested procedure CALL.
-730 56053 Invalid referential integrity definition for a table in a read-only shared database.
-731 56054 VSAM data set must be defined using SHAREOPTION(1,3).
-732 56055 Read-only database defined, but the owning DB2 subsystem has not defined the tablespace or index space.
-733 56056 Inconsistent read-only shared database definition.
-734 56057 Once a database has been defined as ROSHARE READ, it cannot be altered to a different ROSHARE state.
-735 55004 The database identified by the named DBID is no longer a read-only shared database.
-736 53014 The named OBID is invalid.
-737 56056 Cannot create an implicit tablespace under these circumstances.
-739 56088 The specified function cannot be altered because both the ALLOW PARALLEL and MODIFIES SQL DATA clauses were specified.
-740 51034 The specified function cannot be defined with MODIFIES SQL DATA in this way.
-741 55030 Work file database already defined for named data sharing group member.
-742 53004 DSNDB07 is the implicit work file database.
-746 57053 The SQL statement in the specified trigger, stored procedure, or function violates the nesting SQL restriction.
-747 57054 The specified table is not available until the required auxiliary tables have been created for the LOB data columns.
-748 54042 An index already exists on the specified auxiliary table.
-750 42986 Cannot rename the named table because it is referenced in at least one existing view or trigger.
-751 42987 A stored procedure or user-defined function tried to execute an SQL statement that is not allowed. The DB2 thread is placed in MUST_ROLLBACK state.
-752 0A001 Invalid CONNECT statement.
-763 560A1 Invalid tablespace name.
-764 560A2 The LOB tablespace must be in the same database as its associated base tablespace.
-765 560A3 The table is not compatible with the database.
-766 560A4 Cannot perform the requested operation on an auxiliary table.
-767 42626 The CREATE INDEX failed because columns were specified for an index on an auxiliary table, or because columns were not specified on an index on a non-auxiliary table.
-768 560A5 Cannot create an auxiliary table for the specified column or partition because one already exists.
-769 53096 The specs for the CREATE AUX TABLE do not match the base table.
-770 530A6 The specified table must have a ROWID column before it can contain a LOB column.
-771 428C7 Invalid ROWID column specification.
-797 42987 The CREATE TRIGGER contains unsupported syntax.
-798 428C9 Cannot insert a value into a ROWID column defined with GENERATED ALWAYS.
-802 22012 Exception error has occurred for the specified operation. Divide by zero.
  22003 Exception error has occurred for the specified operation. Other than divide by zero.
-803 23505 Cannot insert row because it would violate the constraints of a unique index.
-804 07002 The call parameter list for the SQLDA is in error.
-805 51002 The DBRM or package name not found in plan.
-807 23509 Package not enabled for the named environment and connection.
-808 08001 The CONNECT statement is not consistent with the program's first CONNECT statement.
-811 21000 Must use a cursor when more than one row is returned as the result of an embedded select statement.
-812 22508 Collection-ID is blank in the CURRENT PACKAGESET; statement cannot be executed.
-815 42920 A GROUP BY or HAVING clause is implicitly or explicitly specified in an embedded select statement or a subquery of a basic predicate.
-817 25000 Execution of the SQL statement would result in a prohibited update to user data or the DB2 Catalog.
-818 51003 Plan <--> load module timestamp mismatch. The DBRM in the executing plan was not created from the same precompilation as the load module.
-819 58004 View cannot be recreated because the length of the parse tree stored in the DB2 Catalog is zero.
-820 58004 Invalid value encountered in DB2 Catalog for this DB2 release.
-822 51004 Invalid address encountered in the SQLDA.
-840 54004 Too many items returned in a select list or insert list.
-842 08002 A connection to the named location already exists.
-843 08003 The SET CONNECTION or RELEASE statement cannot be executed because the connection does not exist.
-870 58026 The number of host variable descriptors does not equal the number of host variables in the statement.
-872 51032 A valid CCSID has yet to be specified for this subsystem.
-873 53090 Cannot refer to a column defined in an ASCII table in the same SQL statement as a column defined in an EBCDIC table.
-874 53091 The encoding scheme for the specified object does not match the encoding scheme for its tablespace.
-875 42988 Specified operand cannot be used with ASCII data.
-876 53092 Object cannot be created for the specified reason; reason code provided.
-877 53093 ASCII not permitted for the database or tablespace; EBCDIC must be used.
-878 53094 This PLAN_TABLE cannot be ASCII; EBCDIC must be used.
-879 53095 The CREATE or ALTER statement for the specified object cannot define the column, distinct type, or parameter of a stored procedure or user-defined function parameter as MIXED DATA, GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, or LONG VARGRAPHIC because the system does not have an appropriate CCSID defined for the encoding scheme specified.
-900 08003 Application process is not connected to an application server; statement cannot be executed.
-901 58004 Intermittent system error encountered that does not inhibit subsequent SQL statements from being executed.
-902 58005 Internal control block pointer error; rebind required.
-904 57011 The specified resource is unavailable.
-905 57014 Resource limit has been exceeded.
-906 51005 SQL statement cannot be executed because of prior error.
-908 23510 Current Resource Limit Facility specification or Auto-Rebind system parameter does not permit the BIND, REBIND, or AUTO-REBIND.
-909 57007 The object has been deleted.
-910 57007 Cannot access an object for which a DROP is pending.
-911 40001 The current unit of work has been rolled back.
-913 57033 Unsuccessful execution caused by either a deadlock or a timeout.
-917 42969 Bind package has failed.
-918 51021 SQL statement cannot be executed because connection was lost.
-919 56045 A ROLLBACK is required.
-922 42505 Connection authorization failure. Attempting to access DB2 from TSO, CICS, or IMS, and appropriate attachment facility is inactive.
-923 57015 Connection not established because DB2 is unavailable.
-924 58006 DB2 internal connection error encountered; reason code provided.
-925 2D521 The SQL COMMIT statement cannot be issued from CICS or IMS/TM.
-926 2D521 The SQL ROLLBACK statement cannot be issued from CICS or IMS/TM.
-927 51006 The language interface was called when the connecting environment was not established. Invoke the program using the DSN command.
-929 58002 Data capture exit has failed. (DPROP)
-939 51021 Rollback is required due to unrequested rollback of a remote server.
-947 56038 SQL statement failed because update cannot be propagated. (DPROP)
-948 56062 DDF not started; distributed operation is invalid.
-950 42705 Location specified in the SQL statement not defined in SYSIBM.LOCATIONS.
-965 51021 Stored procedure terminated abnormally (prior to DB2 Version 6).
-981 57015 Attempt to execute SQL in the RRSAF when it was not in a state to allow SQL.
-991 57015 Call attach was not able to establish an implicit connect or open to DB2.
-2001 53089 Number of host variable parameters specified for a stored procedure does not equal the expected number of parameters.
-20003 560A7 Cannot specify GBPCACHE NONE for tablespace or index in GRECP.
-20004 560A8 8KB or 16KB bufferpool page size is invalid for a WORKFILE object.
-20005 54035 The internal ID limit has been exceeded for the specified object type.
-20006 53097 A LOB cannot be specified as a parameter when no WLM environment is specified.
-20070 53098 Cannot create an auxiliary table for a non-LOB column.
-20071 53099 Must specify the WLM environment name.
-20072 56052 Specified authid does not possess the needed authority to perform the BIND on the trigger package.
-20073 42927 Cannot alter the named function as specified because it is referenced in existing view definitions.
-20074 42939 The specified object cannot be created because "SYS" is a reserved prefix.
-20100 56059 BIND error in triggered SQL statement; SQLCODE and SQLSTATE of the error is specified.
-20101 56059 The function failed for the specified reason code.
-20102 42849 Cannot use the specified option in the CREATE or ALTER FUNCTION statement.
-20104 42856 Failed attempt to alter a CCSID.
-20106 42945 Cannot change the CCSID for the tablespace or database because of existing view references.
-30000 58008 DRDA distribution protocol error; processing can continue.
-30002 57057 A distributed client using DRDA chained an OPEN statement to a PREPARE, but the PREPARE received a SQLCODE +495 warning.
-30020 58009 DRDA distribution protocol error; conversation deallocated.
-30021 58010 DRDA distribution protocol error; processing cannot continue.
-30030 58013 Distribution protocol violation; COMMIT unsuccessful, conversation deallocated. (AS)
-30040 57012 Execution failed due to unavailable resource(s); processing can continue. (AS)
-30041 57013 Execution failed due to unavailable resource(s); processing cannot successfully continue.
-30050 58011 Execution unsuccessful; statement cannot be executed during the BIND process.
-30051 58012 Failure caused by specific BIND process not being active. (Remote BIND)
-30052 42932 Program preparation assumption incorrect.
-30053 42506 Authorization failure encountered for package owner.
-30060 08004 Authorization failure encountered for RDB.
-30061 08004 Invalid or non-existent RDB specified.
-30070 58014 Target subsystem does not support this command.
-30071 58015 Target subsystem does not support this object.
-30072 58016 Target subsystem does not support this parameter.
-30073 58017 Target subsystem does not support this parameter value.
-30074 58018 Reply message not supported.
-30080 08001 SNA communication error.
-30081 58019 TCP/IP communication error.
-30082 08001 Communication failed due to security violation; reason code provided.
-30090 25000 Specified operation invalid for remote execution.
-30104 56095 Error in bind option and bind value.
-30105 56096 The specified bind options are incompatible.

