iOS开发-Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

Guideline2.1-Information NeededThis type of app has been identifiedasone that may violate oneormore of the following[App Store Review Guidelines](,these types of apps often:1.1.6-Includefalseinformation,features,ormisleading metadata2.3.0-Undergo significant concept changes after approval2.3.1-Have hiddenorundocumented features,including hidden"switches"that redirecttoa gamblingorlottery website3.2.1-Do not come from the financial institution performing the loan services4.3.0-Are a duplicate of another apporare conspicuously similartoanother appBefore we cancontinuewith our review,please confirm thatthisapp does not violate any of the above guidelines.You may replytothismessageinResolution Centerorthe App Review Information sectioniniTunes Connecttoverifythisapp’s compliance.Given the tendencyforapps ofthistypetoviolate the aforementioned guidelines,thisreview will take additional time.If at any time we discover thatthisappisinviolation of these guidelines,the app will be rejectedandremoved from the App Store,andit may resultinthe termination of your Apple Developer Program account.Should you choosetoresubmitthisapp without confirmingthisapp’s compliance,the next submission ofthisapp will still require a longer review time.Additionally,thisapp will not be eligibleforan expedited review until we have received your confirmation.


尊敬的苹果审核人员你好:非常感谢你们对"xxxx"的耐心审核,对于回复中所涉及到的可能违反审核规则的5项内容,我们再收到回复之后,立即展开了对"xxxx"详细审查,现在明确回复如下:1.1.6"xxxx"没有任何的错误信息,属性或者误导性元数据    2.3.0"xxxx"没有任何在审核通过后修改或变更概念的功能    2.3.1"xxxx"没有任何隐藏开关,也没有任何重定向到彩票网站的功能    3.2.1"xxxx"是我们团队研发的一个xxxx性质的App,并没有包含任何贷款的功能,所以我们不太明白不来自贷款机构为什么会对我们的产品有影响    4.3.0"xxxx"是我们团队独立自主研发的一款产品,并不是任何其他App的复制品,也没有去仿照任何App希望审核团队能够继续审核"xxxx"App,我们在此表示由衷的感谢,并送上真挚的祝福.Thank you very much!


Hello,Thankyouforyour review,and according to your feedback,we have made the following adjustments:onGuideline2.1-InformationNeeded,we make the following plea:1.1.6-Includefalseinformation,features,or misleading metadata.Answer:we absolutelydonot contain anyfalseinformation and misleading user's function,all are real.2.3.0-Undergosignificant concept changes after approvalAnswer:we guarantee that we will not make any changes,when the auditispassed.2.3.1-Havehidden or undocumented features,including hidden"switches"that redirect to a gambling or lottery websiteAnswer:our game has noswitch,noswitchor something to hide.3.2.1-Donot come from the financial institution performing the loan servicesAnswer:wedonot have the loan services from financial institution performing.4.3.0-Area duplicate of another app or are conspicuously similar to another appAnswer:our gameisus;the independent development has not plagiarized any other application;Answer:our game does not violate this rule;we have the necessary licensing and permissionsforall the locationswherethe appisusedIna word,Weconfirm that this app does not violate any of the above,please reaudit the application!Thisisthe conclusion that we got after carefulself-examination.OurAppneeds to be online beforeJune,otherwise the promotion expenses we have already paid will beinvain.Thankyou!BestRegards*Wehave repeatedly inspected and tested the above-mentioned issues.Wehave not violated any criteria.Canyou tell me the reasonsforrejection specifically so that we can handle them?thank you.


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