



The Mac, just like iOS, has more than its fair share of fancy animations that accompany most user interactions. They can look pretty great, but they can also make people prone to motion sickness feel unwell. That’s no good, so here’s how to disable them.

Mac与iOS一样,拥有比大多数用户交互都要多的精美动画。 它们看起来很不错,但也可能使容易晕车的人感到不适。 那不好,所以这是禁用它们的方法。

Unfortunately, no matter what you do it’s impossible to stop macOS from getting a little carried away with itself, flinging interface elements around the screen with nary a thought for your health. You can, however, limit the amount of on-screen motion to which you are subjected to by ticking one checkbox.

不幸的是,无论您做什么,都无法阻止macOS自身被带走,让屏幕上的界面元素不带任何健康提示。 但是,您可以通过勾选一个复选框来限制屏幕上的运动量。

The “Reduce Motion” option is one that does exactly what it sounds like. By reducing the motion and animations on-screen, the setting should make it easier for everyone to use their Mac without feeling queasy. If you suffer from motion sickness, this is a setting you absolutely ought to try.

“降低动作”选项可以完全按照听起来的效果进行操作。 通过减少屏幕上的运动和动画,该设置应使每个人都更容易使用Mac,而不会感到不适。 如果您晕动病,这是您绝对应该尝试的设置。

启用减震 (Enabling Reduce Motion)

As the description of the feature might lead you to believe, “Reduce Motion” is an accessibility setting, so to get started head on over to System Preferences. To do that, click the Apple logo at the top of the screen and then click “System Preferences.”

由于该功能的描述可能会让您相信,“ Reduce Motion”是一种可访问性设置,因此请首先进入“系统偏好设置”。 为此,请单击屏幕顶部的Apple徽标,然后单击“系统偏好设置”。


Next, click “Accessibility.” You’ll find it towards the bottom of the System Preferences panel.

接下来,点击“辅助功能”。 您会在“系统偏好设置”面板的底部找到它。


In the left pane, click the “Display” category. On the right, tick the “Reduce Motion” checkbox to enable to feature.

在左窗格中,单击“显示”类别。 在右侧,选中“降低运动”复选框以启用该功能。


That’s all there is to it, and you can close System Preferences. You should now notice that motion is greatly reduced as you use your Mac. Things like changing Spaces and entering Mission Control will immediately appear different, with fades replacing sliding panes and windows. The new transitions are easier on the eye and, depending on your preferences, may even seem faster.

这就是全部,您可以关闭系统偏好设置。 您现在应该注意到,使用Mac时,运动会大大减少。 更改空间和进入任务控制之类的事情将立即显示出不同之处,淡入淡出取代了滑动窗格和窗口。 新的过渡看起来更容易,并且根据您的喜好,甚至看起来更快。

Unfortunately, not all areas of macOS respect this setting. The Mac App Store in particular will continue to work as it did, although you should notice that videos will no longer automatically play.

不幸的是,并非macOS的所有区域都遵守此设置。 尽管您应注意,视频将不再自动播放,但特别是Mac App Store仍将继续工作。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/402725/how-to-reduce-desktop-animations-on-a-mac-with-reduce-motion/

