
KXO205 –assignment Semester1, 20181KXO205 ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONINTRODUCTIONThe aim of this assignment is to create a “online survey” website. The contents and thefeatures of the website are described in details below.DUE DATEPART 1 (15%): 10PM, Thursday 8th November 2018 (Shanghai time)PART 2 (30%): 10PM, Thursday 13th December 2018 (Shanghai time)SUBMISSION METHODYou should prepare the components as follows: Files for the website:Make sure that the folder in which you have all the files for this “online survey” websiteshould be labelled with your username.You must compress the files into a .zip archive before uploading it to MyLO.PART 1 (DUE BY NOVEMBER 8)All the pages of the web site are linked, although they are not full functional yet. A couple ofinteractivities such as image swapping or your choice of interactivity, must be included. Designof pages of home, people, online survey, contact us, my page, sign up, and admin is done. Anyother functionalities of the site including Database and PHP will be implemented in Part 2.Table creation in database along with the site design is done.DESCRIPTION OF THE TASKS1. The “online survey” website contains the following pages:a. Home pageb. People pagec. Online survey paged. Contact us pagee. My pagef. Sign Up pageg. Admin page [functionality will be in PART 2]For more detailed information about the components of the pages, you should read ‘Detailsof the main contents required’ carefully for PART 2.KXO205 –assignment Semester1, 201822. There are three different level users: [PART 2]o Public user: users who have not signed up or logged in to the websiteo General Member: users who have logged in as a general member (When theuser Sign up, the default level for the new user is “General member”)o Administrator: users who have logged in as an administratorFor more detailed information about privilege for each level, you should read ‘Details of themain contents required’ [PART 2] carefully. For example, if the page is only for theadministrator, general member or public user cannot access the page (Even if they typed theurl of the page, they cannot access).3. All pages in this “online survey” website should contain the following sections:1. Header section: It should contain the title of the page. If the page is ‘People page’,the title of the page should be ‘People’.2. Navigation section: It should contain the following links Home – that links to home page People – that links to people page Online Survey – that links to survey page Contact us – that links to contact page3. Main content section: It should contain the relevant information for each page. Youcan find the detailed information about the contents from ‘Details of the maincontents required’4. Extra section [PART 2]: It contains the login/logout and sign up link Before log in: There should be four components in this section:i. A link that redirects to ‘Sign Up’ page (e.g. the text for this link’ canbe “create your account”)ii. Username field (It should have label)iii. Password field (It should have label)iv. Login (submit) buttonIf the username or password is invalid, the page should display the popup message(‘Invalid username or password’)If the username and password are valid, login bar should display as below: After log in: There should be four components in this sectioni. Welcoming text message (not pop-up message) with an accountname (e.g. Welcome! soonjayeom)ii. A link that redirects to ‘Online survey Page’iii. A link that redirects to ‘Admin Page’ – if the user is adminiv. Logout (submit) button.When the logout button is clicked, the extra section should display the componentsin “Before login” part.NOTE: Once the user logged in, user must keep logging in (all pages in the website)until the user clicks “logout” button or close entire browser.5. Footer section: It should contain the following components The utas username of the developer (e.g. soonjayeom) The student number of the developer (e.g. 101788)KXO205 –assignment Semester1, 20183DETAILS OF PROGRMMING STYLE All semantic structure of the website should be controlled by “HTML”. You should payparticular attention to the elements that you use - make sure that you use the mostappropriate element for the kind of text you are marking up. All layout and other details of the appearance of the website should be controlled by validCSS (Cascading Style Sheets) rules. You should place CSS rules in an external style sheet. All behavior of the website (the response to mouse clicking or keyboard reaction) shouldbe controlled by valid JavaScript (jQuery). If you use the jQuery plugins developed by others, you should create readme.txt file andspecify which plugins you used. (You will get half mark for the related section) For this assignment, you should use PHP as a server-side scripting. Uses built-in PHPfunction where possible You should use MySQL database in server. The detailed table structure can be found from“Details of Table Required” section. NOTE: The database and tables should be used asrequired (*database on school server is case-sensitive) All references (URI values) within the site are relative. Do NOT use absolute URL.DETAILS OF THE TABLE REQUIREDThe table structure should be exactly same as specified. NOTE: The database and tablesshould be used as required.You do not need to submit your table sql file You should make the tables exactly same as the below images.If not, your work cannot be marked.1. `users` TableThe structure of the `users` table*DOB: Date of Birth*Access: Access level. Admin should be ‘1’ General User should be ‘2’.*Created: created time. Not updated time*The value of password should be encrypted.2. `survey` TableThe structure of the `survey` tableKXO205 –assignment Semester1, 20184*Created: created time. Not updated timePART 2 (DUE BY DECEMBER 13)Correct functionalities implemented to a fully functional site.DETAILS OF THE MAIN CONTENT REQUIRED1. HOME PAGEAvailable user level: Public User, General Member, and AdministratorThis main content of page includes your own contents according to the design decision of the page.2. ‘PEOPLE’ PAGEAvailable user level: Public User, General Member, and AdministratorThis main content of page must contain: Display the unordered list: Show the ‘Name’ of the users who are in ‘admin’ level – accesslevel is 1 - (a.k.a. staff). (Extract names from the table ‘users’)o When the user clicks the certain staff’s name, the detailed information of the staff(date of birth and email from table/database) should be shown. If the user clickshis/her name again, the detailed information should be hided.o The names should be sorted in alphabetical order.3. ‘ONLINE SURVEY’ PAGEAvailable user level: General Member, and AdministratorThis main content of page must contain: A Form contains following input elements:(Every fields should have the appropriate label)o [Required field] ‘Gender’ field using radio buttono [Required field] ‘Country’ field using select area (In the Country field, you shouldinclude ‘USA` and `Australia’)§ When the country is selected, the page should show:KXO205 –assignment Semester1, 20185o ‘State’ field using select area(You do not need to put all states but at least three states foreach country)§ If the country is not selected, you should not show `State` field§ When the state is selected, the page should show:o ‘City’ field using select area(You do not need to put all states but at least three city for eachcountry)§ If the country or state is not selected, you should not show `City` fieldo [Required field] `Satisfaction` field using radio button (Yes or No)o ‘Submit’ buttono ‘Reset’ button When the form is submitted (when the submit button is clicked)o The form is submitted only whe代写KXO205作业、代做website留学生作业、代写Java语言作业、代做Java实验作业 代做Database|帮n the form is completed. Show error message ifthere is any empty field in this form.o The webpage should let the user know that the form is submitted.o The submitted form data should be saved into the table ‘survey’ in database‘username’. The detailed table ‘survey’ can be found in the ‘Details of TableRequired’ section.4. ‘CONTACT US’ PAGEAvailable user level: Public User, General Member, and AdministratorThis main content of page includes your own contents according to the design decision of the page.5. ‘SIGN UP’ PAGEAvailable user level: Public UserThis main content of page must contain: A Form contains following input elements and each element should be validated when theuser entered something on each field: Every fields should have the appropriate labelo [Required field] Username –To be valid, the user must enter a value that contains atleast one letter and is not a username that has been taken.o [Required field] Password – To be valid the user must enter a value that contains atleast 5 characters which must not include any spaces (all other characters areacceptable)o [Required field] Re-type Password– To be valid the user must enter a value that isexactly the same entry as the first password entryo [Required field] Name – First and Last nameo [Required field] Date of birth- Users should be given 3 drop down lists (year, month,and day field) to enter this (it must be a valid date – February should have 28 or29) – the options in the drop down lists must make it possible to enter no date.§ The month field should be shown when the year is selected.§ The day field should be shown when the month is selected§ The year range should be: 1970 – 2018KXO205 –assignment Semester1, 20186§ NOTE: If you use the jQuery plugins developed by others, you shouldspecify which plugins you used. (You will get half mark for this section).o [Optional field] Email – User should put valid email form.o ‘Submit’ button – value is ‘Sign Up’o ‘Reset’ button When the submit button is clicked,o If all fields are valid§ The webpage should let the user know that the form is submitted.§ The submitted form data should be saved into the table ‘users’ in database‘username’. The detailed table ‘users’ can be found in the ‘Details of TableRequired’ section. (The default access level should be 2)o If any field is invalid,§ The page should show all appropriate error messages (e.g. passwordshould be more than 5 characters).§ The entered data should be remained in the field.6. ‘MY PAGE’Available user level: General Member, and AdministratorThis main content of page must contain:Authentication form (Every fields should have the appropriate label)o The page should have a form with username field and password field.§ Username field: The value of username should be the current logged-inusername. The field should be un-clickable§ Password field: text field§ Submit buttono If the user submits invalid password, the page should display the alert message “Youhave entered wrong password. Please try again.”o If the user submits the valid password, the page should display as follows:§ A Form contains following input elements and each element should bevalidated when the user enters something on each field:§ Each input elements should extract and display the saved value that userstyped when he/she signed up Username field: un-clickable. Display the username [Required field] Name – same as field in ‘Sign up’ page [Required field] Date of birth– same as field in ‘Sign up’ page [Optional field] Email – same as field in ‘Sign up’ page. ‘Submit’ button – value is ‘Edit’ ‘Reset’ button§ When the submit button is clicked, If all fields are valido The webpage should let the user know that the form is submitted.KXO205 –assignment Semester1, 20187o The submitted form data should be saved into the table ‘users’ indatabase ‘username’. The detailed table ‘users’ can be found inthe ‘Details of Table Required’ section.If any field is invalid,o The page should show all appropriate error messages.o The entered data should be remained in the field.7. ‘ADMIN PAGE’Available user level: AdministratorThis main content of page must contain: Authentication form Every fields should have the appropriate labelo The page should have a form with username field and password field.§ Username field: The value of username should be the current logged-inusername. The field should be un-clickable§ Password field: text field§ Submit buttono If the user submits invalid password, the page should display the alert message “Youhave entered wrong password. Please try again.”o If the user submits the valid password, the page should display as follows:§ User management table The table should display the following columns for all users (all rowsin the table ‘users’)§ ID§ Username§ Name§ DOB§ Email§ Access The value of table headings () should be exactly same as thecolumn names in the table ‘users’. The value of Access column should be displayed as drop down listthat has two options: ‘General’ and ‘Admin’. It should select theappropriate level for each user when the page is loaded. If the user islevel 2 in the table ‘users’, the drop down list should be selected as‘General’ when the page is loaded. NOTE: Admin can modify the user’s access level. ‘Submit’ button ‘Reset’ buttono When the submit button is clicked, The webpage should let the user know that the form is submitted. The submitted form data should be saved into the table ‘users’ indatabase ‘username’. The detailed table ‘users’ can be found in the‘Details of Table Required’ section.KXO205 –assignment Semester1, 20188MARKINGDetailed information is available in rubrics.MARKING INFORMATIONYour submitted work will be marked by using the browser ‘Firefox’ on a Windows computer withWAMP installed. If your work does not work properly in the above mentioned environment, thework will not be marked.LATE SUBMISSIONS Late assignments will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances and provided thatthe proper procedures have been followed. Assignments that are submitted late withoutlecturer’s approval will be subject to mark penalties if they are accepted at all (see theDiscipline web site for details on this).Forms to request extensions of time to submit assignments are available from the Disciplineweb site. Requests must be accompanied by suitable documentation and should besubmitted before the assignment due date.HELPS Read the specification carefully and make sure that you know what application needs to do. Look at the examples in self-studies, tutorials, and lectures, to see whether you have seen similartasks before. DO NOT neglect your self-study and tutorial work in the unit to work on theassignment. Some of the activities may lead you to see what needs to be done in the assignment. You may seek help with this assignment by calling or emailing to the unit coordinator([email protected]). When you ask, please do:o Make sure you know (or think you know) what your problem is.o Have details of the work you have done so far and the progress you have made on handwhen you seek help. The more specific you can be in your request for help the moreimmediately useful the help is likely to be.COPYRIGHT & PLAGIARISMPractical assignments are used by the Discipline of ICT for students to both reinforce anddemonstrate their understanding of material which has been presented in class. They have arole both for assessment and for learning. It is a requirement that work you hand in forassessment is substantially your own. You are reminded that you need to check if any objecthas copyright. If it is copyright free, you may use it. Nevertheless you state it when you useobjects including picture, photo, symbols and/or icons in your assignment.转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2018121327928224.html
