

庄周 〔先秦〕

















Zhuang Zhou[Pre-Qin Dynasty]

There is a fishnamed Kun in the northern Moon. Kun big, I do not know its thousands of milesalso; Transformed into a bird, its name is Peng. The back of the Peng, I do notknow its thousands of miles also; When they fly in anger, their wings are likeclouds hanging down from the sky. If it is the birds, the sea will migrate tothe south. The South Ghost, Tianchi also. "Qi harmonic", also strangepeople. "Harmonic" said: "The migration of the peng in the southis also, water hit three thousand li, the kneading up nine thousand li, to theJune rest also. Wild horses also, dust also, living things with breath phaseblowing also. The sky is green, its color is evil? Is it far away and free fromevil? Under its view, also if it has passed. And the volume of water is notthick, then its negative boat is weak. A second cup of water above thedepression hall, then mustard for the boat; How to put a cup is glue, the wateris shallow and the boat is big. The wind is not thick, then its negative wingsare weak. So ninety thousand miles, then the wind is in the next, and then thetraining of the wind; Then, with nothing above the clear sky, and no obstaclesin the way, it glides toward the south. Dove Tiao and learning to smile yue:"I definitely up and fly, rob yu fang to a stop and is not, and in all, xito nine miles south for?" Suitable recklessly, three meals and anti,abdomen still as expected; Suitable hundred li, spring food; Fit for thousandsof miles, March gather grain. Two insects and how to know! Small knowledge isnot as good as big knowledge, small year is not as good as big. How do you knowit? The bacteria vivisystem, mantis Hui during the spring and autumn, theoff-year also. In the south of Chu, there were Mingling people who consideredfive hundred years old as spring and five hundred years old as autumn. Inancient times, there are big Toon, eight thousand years old for spring, eightthousand years old for autumn. This big year also. And Peng Zu is now a longtime to hear, so many people compete, is not also sad?

Tang asked thespine already: "In the north of poor development, there is the Hadean Sea,Tianchi also. Fish Yan, its wide thousands of miles, not know its repair, itsname Kun. There is a bird, whose name is Peng, whose back is like Mount Tai andwings like clouds hanging from the sky. The nine thousand Li who knead andshake the horn, the air of the clouds, negative sky, and then map south, andthe south also. He rebuffed him and laughed, saying, 'Is it right for him toridicule? I leap up, but a few fathoms down, soaring between the shaggyartemisia, this also fly to also. And they are also ridiculed? '" Thissmall big argument also.

Therefore, thehusband knows the effect of an official, line than a township, de unity king,and the levy of a country, its self also, if this Yi. But Song Rongzi stillsmiled. And the reputation of the world without advice, the world is not andnot Ju, depending on the internal and external division, debate on the gloryand disgrace of the country, it has passed. They are in the world, not countedbut also. Although, still have not tree also. Husband Linzi rode the wind. Hewas good, he was five days old. Those who are blessed are not counted. This isnot to do, but also to treat. If by heaven and earth, and the debate of theroyal six gas, to swim infinity, they and evil to be Zai? Therefore, it issaid: to man without himself, God without merit, sage without name.

Yao told Xu You,"When the sun and moon have risen, there is no light at all; Its in lightalso, not also difficult? When the rain fell, and still dip irrigation; Its inze also, not also laboring? The master stands and the world governs, and I amstill a corpse; I see myself as lacking, please send to the world." Xu Yousaid, "When the son governs the world, the world is already governed. Andmy son, what shall I be called? The name, the real guest also; Will I be aguest? The wren nests in the deep forest, but one; A thinrat drinks the river,but full of it. To rest on you, to no use for the world! Overall, this bookmust not be cut over the demands of each patient."

I asked YuLianshu and said, "I heard that the words in the Jieyu are too big to bejustified. I was terrified of what he said. The river and infinite also; Veryfar from judgment." Lian Shu said, "What is that?" 'The mountainof Yigu Shooting is inhabited by gods. The skin is like ice and snow, and thequagmire is like a virgin. It does not eat grain, it sucks the wind and drinksdew, it rides the clouds, it rides the flying dragon, and it swims beyond theseas. And their gods wilt not spots, but ripens the corn. I'm crazy and don'tbelieve it." Lian Shu said, "Yes. I am beyond the view of thearticle, the deaf beyond the sound of the bell and drum. Is the body the onlydeaf and blind? Husband knows also have! Is its words also, still time femalealso. The people also, the virtue also, will be the boundless all things as a,don't confuse the world, which is bad how to take the world as a matter! Peoplealso, things do not hurt: great immersion Ji Tian without drowning, greatdrought and gold streams, earth mountain coke without heat. It is its grime andchaff that make Kings and shunts of clay, and who will go for things?" Songpeople in chapter and suitable for the more, more people broke the body, nouse. Yao YAO RULED THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, AND PINGHAI IN THE GOVERNMENT, WENTTO SEE THE MOUNTAIN OF SIZI MIAGU SHOOTING, AND THE Yang OF FENSHUI, YAO RANLOST HER YAO IN THE WORLD.

Hui Zi said to

Zhuang Zi, "The King of Wei gave me a seed of a large gourd. I planted it

and it bore five stones. To fill the water slurry, the firm can not bootstrap

also. Dissected as gourd gourd, bottle gourd has no tolerance. Not 呺 not big also, I am useless as fist-size pile." Zhuang Zi said,

"Master Zi is too humble to use. Didn't have a good and right and not Jun

hand medicine of generations to Ping Pi 絖 for things.

Guest hears it, please buy its square 100 gold. Through a race with yue: "I

will the Ping Pi 絖, but few gold, this once, sometimes

I and jing technology please with it. 'Guest got it, in order to say the king

of Wu. When Yue was in trouble, the king of Wu made him general, and he fought

with the Yue people in water and defeated them. Split the ground and seal it.

Can not Jun hand a, or to seal, or not in Ping Pi 絖,then used different also. This son has a bottle of five stone, why not think ofa big bottle, and float in the river's lake, and worry about its bottle notolerance? Then the master still has the heart of Peng also husband!"

Huizi said to

Zhuangzi, "I have the tree that people call the Chu tree. Its big embrace

swelling and not in the line ink, its twigs curled and not in the rules, the

way, regardless of the artisan. The words of this son are big and useless.

Everyone goes with them." Zhuang zi yue: "the son see everthing alone

Sheng? One who bends over to await ao; East and west jump beam, not high and

low; In the machine, to die in. Today's 斄cow, if itsbig hanging in a cloud of the sky. This can be great, but can not hold a mouse.This son has a big tree, suffering from its useless, why not the tree in thetown of no, wide Mo, hesitation almost for its side, free and easy to sleepunder it. Not die catty axe, the thing is harmless, have no use, safe place ispoor!"

The translation

There was a fishnamed Kun in the northern sea. The size of the Kun is thousands of li. Changeinto a bird, its name is called peng. Peng's back, I do not know how long tothousands of li; When it rises and flies, its wings spread out like clouds inthe sky. This peng bird will migrate to the southern sea when the wind movesthe water. The south sea is a big natural pool. Qi Harmonic is a book aboutstrange things. The book notes: "When Peng migrates to the southern sea,his wings flap on the surface of the water and stir up waves of three thousandli. He goes up ninety thousand li in a swirling wind and leaves the North Seaon a June wind." The mists of the mountains, the swirling dust, are thebreath of living things blowing against each other. The sky is grey andboundless, is it its original color? Is its immensity and height endless? WhenPeng looked down, he would have seen the same thing. If the pool of water isnot deep, it will not be strong enough to carry a large ship. Pour a cup ofwater in a low-lying place in front of the hall, and a grass can be regarded asa boat. If you put a cup on it, it will be stuck. This is the reason why thewater is shallow and the boat is large. If the gathering wind is not strongenough, then there is no power to carry a large wing. Therefore, the Peng isflying at the altitude of ninety thousand miles, the wind is under its body,with the wind, carrying the blue sky without any resistance, and then began tofly south. The cicada and the turtle dove sneered at the peng and said,"We try our best to fly. When we come to elms and sandalwood trees, westop. Sometimes we can't fly up, but land on the ground. Why fly ninetythousand miles to the South Sea?" He who goes to the outskirts of thecountry will return with a full stomach. Those who travel a hundred miles willspend an night cleaning rice to prepare dry food; For a man a thousand milesaway, it takes three months to amass food. Cicada and small turtle dove thesetwo small animals how to know? Small wisdom than great wisdom, short life thana long life. How do you know that? Fungi born in the morning die before night,and thus know neither night nor dawn; Han Chan born in spring and died in summeror died in summer, so I do not know spring and autumn. In the south of theState of Chu, there is a tree called the spirit turtle, which takes fivehundred years as a spring and five hundred years as an autumn. In ancienttimes, there was a tree called Big Toon, which regarded eight thousand years asa spring and eight thousand years as an autumn. This was longevity. However,Pengzu is still famous for his long life. How pitiful it is for people tocompare himself with him!

Shang Tang saidthe same thing when he asked Ji, "In the far north, where nothing grows,there is a deep sea, Tianchi. Inside was a fish, thousands of miles wide and noone knows how long it was. Its name was Kun. There is a bird. Its name is Peng.Peng's back is like Mount Tai, wings like clouds in the sky; Up ninety thousandmiles in swirling winds, beyond the clouds, bearing the blue sky, and thenflying south, will fly to the South Sea. The sparrow of Ozawa taunted Peng andsaid, 'Where does it fly to? I jump to fly, but a few feet down, hovering inthe Shaggy bush, this is also a very good flight. And where does it have to go?'" That's the difference between small and big.

Therefore, thosewho are wise enough to perform the duties of an official, whose conduct canprotect the people of a village, whose virtue can suit the heart of a king, andwhose power can win the trust of a nation, look upon themselves as the birdmentioned above. Song Rongzi laughed at such people. Song Rongzi was a man whowas praised by all the people in the world, but he was not particularlyencouraged because of this, and he was not depressed because all the people inthe world slandered him. He decided to distinguish between himself and externalthings, distinguish the boundary of honor and disgrace, and felt that it wasnothing more. He treated everything in the world, did not desperately pursue.Even so, there is something he has yet to achieve. The example son rides thewind, complacent, at ease. Return after fifteen days; He did not strive forhappiness. It's not a walk, but it's something to rely on. If he follows thenature of all things in heaven and earth, controls the changes of the six Qi,and swims in the infinite, what will he depend on? So said: the highestcultivation of the people can be obedient to nature, forget themselves,cultivation to reach the god of the unexpected state of people have nointention to seek merit, moral knowledge of the sage has no intention to seekfame.

Yao wanted togive the world to Xu You. He said, "The sun and moon are out, and thelittle torch is still out. Isn't it too difficult to compare its brightnesswith the sun and moon? The timely rain falls, but also irrigate the field, tomoisten the seedlings, is not in vain! If you become king, the world will be ruled,and I am so ashamed of myself that I can give it to you." Xu You said,"You rule the world, and the world is already ruled, and I will take overfrom you. Am I not here in the name of you? A name is an object attached to thereal. Am I to be an object without a name? The wren builds her nest in the deepforest on a single branch; Mole drank river water as long as his stomach wasfull. Please go back, the world is of no use to me! Although the cook does notcook, the chief priest should not exceed his authority and act as a cook."

Shoulder I askedUncle Lian for advice: "I heard the talk from Jie Yu there. There was nolimit to the big talk, and I couldn't get back to the original topic. I amappalled by his speech. It is as if the Milky Way in the sky has no limit. Itis so different from the ordinary people's speech that it is really toounreasonable." Uncle Lian asked, "What is he talking about?" Irelays: "' In the remote Gusha Mountain, there lives a goddess, whose skinis white as snow and ice, and whose body is soft and beautiful as a virgin. Shedoes not eat grain, breathes the wind and drinks nectar, rides the clouds andflies the dragon, and travels beyond the seas. His expression is soconcentrated, so that everything in the world is not sick, the harvest yearafter year. 'I don't think it's true at all." After hearing this, UncleLian said, "Yes! The blind cannot appreciate patterns and colors withthem, and the deaf cannot hear the music of bells and drums with them. Is thereonly deafness and blindness in the body? There is also deafness and blindnessin the mind! That sounds like it's your fault. The man of God, whose virtue ismixed with all things, seeks to govern the whole world. Who would be so busy asto govern the world? Nothing can harm such a man, nor can the great watersdrown him, nor does the earth burn when the stone of the earth melts and themountains are scorched by the drought. The dust he had left behind, and thewaste of shrunken bran and bran, could have produced such sages as Yao andShun. How could he have taken it as his duty to be busy with the management ofall things? Some people in the northern state of Song sold hats to the southernstate of Yue. The people in the State of Yue did not grow their hair and werecovered with tattoos. There was no place for hats. Yao managed the people ofthe world well, and settled the political situation in the sea. When he went tothe mountain of Gushe and the north of Fenshui, he went to visit the fourlearned scholars. He couldn't help feeling lost and forgot his position ingoverning the world."

Hui Zi said toZhuang Zi, "The king of Wei gave me the seeds of a large calabash. After Iplanted it, the calabash produced was large enough to hold five stones. You useit to hold water, but it's too brittle to lift. Cut it into a bottle, it is toolarge and flat to hold anything. I didn't think it was small, but because itwas useless, I smashed it." Zhuang Zi said, "You are really not goodat using large objects. There was a man in the State of Song who was good atmaking medicine to prevent hand frostbite. His family had been rinsing flossfor generations. A guest heard of this and asked for 100 gold to buy hisprescription. This man of the State of Song called together his whole familyand said: 'For generations, my family has been using this medicine to rinse andwash silk flocs, and the annual income is no more than a few gold coins. Now,if you sell this prescription, you will get a hundred dollars immediately.Please promise me to sell it. When the guest got the prescription, he went toask the king of Wu. At that time, the State of Yue invaded the state of Wu, sothe king of Wu appointed him general. In winter, he fought with the State ofYue in a water war, and defeated the State of Yue. The king of Wu gave him landand made him a marquis as a reward. It is the same prescription to prevent thehand from freezing and cracking, some people will be rewarded by it, but otherswill only be used to rinse the floc, because of the different methods of use.Now you have a big gourd that can hold five stones. Why don't you tie it toyour body as a boat and float in the river's lake? But you are afraid that itis too big to contain, so your heart is too small and narrow!"

Hui Zi said toZhuang Zi, "I have a big tree, which is called the ailanthus; There aremany burls on its trunk, not rope ink, its branches crooked, out of order. Itgrew by the side of the road, and the carpenter did not even look at it. Nowyou're saying something big and useless, and no one believes it." ZhuangZi said, "Haven't you ever seen a wild cat and a weasel? Crouching there,waiting to catch small animals as they come and go; It catches small animalswhen the east jump west jump, do not avoid high and low; But one step in thetrap and he dies in the net. Look at the yak, it is as big as a cloud in thesky; That's big enough, but it doesn't catch mice. Now you have a tree, andworry that it is of no use, why not plant it in the land of nothingness, in thevast field, and wander around it at will, and lie under it at ease; So that thetree will not be cut down by the axe, and nothing will hurt it. It is of nouse, and where is the hardship?"
