

英文 中文
Okay, guys. Let's hurry up, ' 孩子们快一点
cause we're running a little bit late this morning. 我们今天有点晚了
No mustard on mine. 我的不要芥末酱
No special orders, no substitutions. 不许订制不许挑
This is a school lunch; it's not supposed to be good. 这是学校午餐没有好吃的
I'm gonna be late for work. 我上班要迟到了
Let's finish those lunches, huh? 赶紧把午餐给他们备好
Okay, apple, apple, apple. 好苹果苹果苹果
Cheese, cheese, cheese. 奶酪奶酪奶酪
Teddy doesn't like cheese. 泰迪不爱吃奶酪
No substitutions. 不许挑
All right, babies, let's go. Love you. 好了孩子们走了爱你
Kiss, kiss,kiss, squeeze. 亲亲亲捏
How 'bout a kiss? 亲一个吧
No substitutions. 不许挑
Hey, there he is, Big Don. 你在啊老唐
Want to guess what's in my pocket? 要不要猜猜我的兜里有什么
Oh, that feels like a game you should play with your wife, 玩这种小情趣应该找你老婆去
not your brother. 不是找兄弟

Well, now you're making it weird. 气氛都被你搞僵了
Well, I think you made it weird. 分明是你先认真的
Okay, forget my pocket, listen up. 不提我的兜了听好了
You know our kitchen remodel on Broad Street? 百老汇大街上雇我们重装厨房的那家
Well, I helped the owner get his old T-Bird running. 我帮店主把他的福特雷鸟车修好了
He was so grateful, he gave me these. 他感激到不行送了我这个
Those look like Steelers tickets. 像钢人队比赛的门票
Yep, they are. For this Sunday. 没错正是本周日
50-yard-line seats, 50码线座位
section 134, seats 1 and 2. 134区1号2号座椅
That's on the aisle! 是挨着通道的
I know! 我知道
I'm not sure you do, Adam. 不确定你知不知道亚当
When I imagine heaven, one of the necessary elements 我想象中的天堂中其中一个重要元素
is convenient access to a john. 就是去厕所方便
I don't think you're gonna need a toilet in heaven. 天堂里应该不用厕所
Okay, I don't want to get into a religious argument 我不希望现在就跟你
with you right now. 争论宗教问题
I think you're about to do 你这是准备
something really fantastic for me. 跟我说个大好事儿吧
Okay, well, since Andi went back to work, 听着自从安迪重回工作岗位
I've been really busy with kid stuff 我就一直忙着带孩子
and you have really picked up the slack around here. 是你把这里的担子一肩扛起
Hey, I'm happy to do it. 我很乐意
Well, I want to say thank you by taking you to the game. 我希望向你表示谢意带你去看比赛
We've never had seats this good. 我们从来没坐过这么好的座位
You've outdone yourself, little brother. 你超越了自己兄弟
Oh, this is gonna be great. 肯定特别好
And I say, if we make it on the kiss-cam, 要我说如果亲亲环节拍到我俩
we go for it, give the people a show. 我们就上吧让观众瞧好
You know, this almost makes me regret when you were a baby, 这都快让我后悔当年在你小时候
and I took you to the pound to try to trade you for a dog. 把你带到宠物收容所想用你换条狗的事了
Now, why did you think that would work? 怎么可能成功呢
You were a very hairy baby. 你毛发那是相当重
All right, Emme, 好啊艾米
you got blackjack! 你拿到21点了
That pays three cookies to two. 下注2块赢3块
- Gambling is the best. - Yeah. -赌博最棒了-是啊
Yeah, all right, Katie, what do you bet? 好的凯蒂到你了
I fold. 我不玩

Teddy ate all my chips. 泰迪把我的筹码都吃光了
- Hi, Mom. - Hey, Mom. -妈妈-妈
Hi, munchkins. What's going on? 小宝贝儿们干嘛呢
Daddy's teaching us blackjack in case we need a plan B in life. 爸爸在教我们玩21点说是未雨绸缪
All right, kiddos, upstairs, do your homework. 好了孩子们上楼写作业去
Huh. Look at you. 瞧瞧你
We've had this seismic shift in our life, 我们俩的生活天翻地覆地改变
and you're just handling it. 就被你这么搞定了
- You know what it makes me realize? - What's that? -知道让我想到什么了吗-什么
How little you were doing before. 你之前做的真是太少了
Yeah, I was... I was getting away with murder. 当时我真是过着逍遥法外的日子
- Hey, you know what I just realized? - What? -你猜我刚刚意识到了什么-什么
We're alone. 就我们俩了
Yeah, we actually get to just hang out for a minute. 我们可以独处一会儿了
- When was the last time we did that? - We hang out. -上次独处是什么时候了-经常啊
We brushed our teeth together this morning. 早上不是还一起刷牙来着
It was adorable. 超可爱的
Oh, you know what I mean. 你懂我的意思
I just feel like ever since I went back to work, 感觉自从我回去工作以后
I'm going out one door, you're coming in the other. 我前脚出门你后脚进门
I just want to make sure we keep the romantic spark alive. 我希望我们之间的爱火不熄
Oh, I have got spark. 我有爱火
Too much spark, according to you, at 2:00 in the morning. 还是炽热烈火着是你说的凌晨两点
Okay, but I'm talking about romance. 好吧我说的是浪漫感觉
You know, I miss you. 我很想你知道吗
- What's this? - What? -这是什么-什么
- Oh, my God. Steelers tickets? - Yeah. -天啊钢人队球票-对
- Listen to this. - You got these for us? -听我说-你给我们俩买的吗
Well... 那个
Because our first date was at a Steelers game. 我们初次约会就是去看钢人队比赛
Oh, you missed me, too. 你也想我了
Okay, sure, but... 当然但是...
Wait. And you remembered 等等你居然记得
that Sunday is the 17th anniversary 周日是我们初次约会那美好日子的
of that incredible day, and you got us these? 十七周年还给我们买了球票
Apparently. 当然了
Why do I ever think I have to say anything to you? 我居然会跟你废话
You're nothing but sparks. 你的爱火一直熊熊
Yeah. 对头
Hey, do you remember how our first date ended? 还记得我们初次约会怎么收尾的吗
Yeah, yeah, you said 记得你说
nice girls don't go all the way in pickup trucks. 好姑娘不会在皮卡车里搞全套的
Boy, did I misjudge you. 真是看错你了
Okay, well, um, nice girls don't, 是的不过好姑娘不会
but, um, married girls do. 可已婚姑娘就会了
Come on.
- Right now? - Right now. -现在-现在
- In the truck? - In the truck. -卡车里-卡车里
I am so glad I got us those tickets. 这票买的太值了
Wow, it's so calm this morning. 今天早上这么安静呢
- Did you already make lunches? - Nope. -你做午餐了吗-没
I signed them up for hot lunch. 我给他们报名了小饭桌
Hey, kids, I hope you like, uh... eggplant goulash. 孩子们希望你们喜欢茄子炖牛肉
Okay, I got to go. 好吧我走了
I love you. I love you. I love you. 爱你爱你爱你
Hey, follow me. 你跟我来
After that truck thing, I'll follow you anywhere. 卡车春风一度后天涯海角随卿行
I just wanted to say that yesterday was very romantic. 就是想告诉你昨天太浪漫了
And I'm confident 而且我有信心
I'm gonna be feeling the same way when I get home tonight... 今晚我回家依旧会如此
Mr. Sparky. 爱火先生
I'm not sure about the new nickname, but, uh, I am in. 对这个新爱称持保留意见但我同意
Yeah. 谁啊
Hey, there you are! 你在这呢
I got a surprise for you. 我给你准备了惊喜
Oh, are you two in the middle of something? 你俩现在有事吗
No, no. 没有
Adam was just walking me to the door 亚当正要送我出门
because he's the most romantic husband in the world. 因为他是全世界最浪漫的丈夫
You would not believe what he surprised me with. He... 你都想不到他给了我什么惊喜他...
Okay, no time for small talk. Bye-bye! 行了别扯家常了再见
- What are you...? - Hold on. -你这是...-等着
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. 等一会一会儿的
Okay, okay, she was confused for a minute, 好了她疑惑了一会儿
but she's leaving. 不过还是走了
Okay, listen, I got to talk to you about the Steelers game. 听着我要跟你说说钢人队比赛的事
That's why I'm here! 我就是为这个来的
Let me do mine first. It's better. 我先说我的我的好
I ordered us, 我给我们俩买的
via next day air... 还是通过极速达邮来的
which you know I hate to pay for... 你知道我讨厌多花这个钱
vintage 1976 Steelers jerseys. 钢人队1976年原版球衣
A little thank you for taking me to the game. 作为感谢你带我去看球的小谢礼
I don't know what to say. 我都不知道说什么了
Well, I'll say it. I'm a good guy. 我来说我是个好人
You are. 确实是
And you're a good guy, too. 你也是个好人
Eh. Not... 再说吧
No, no, no, no, it means a lot. 不不不对我来说意义重大
We grew up watching the Steelers. 我们是一起看着钢人队比赛长大的
It's our thing. 这是我俩的羁绊
Is it? 有吗
And is it exclusively our thing? 这也不单单属于我俩吧
I mean, you know, 你很清楚
you could've easily invited Andi, but who'd you pick? 本来可以找安迪的但你选了谁啊
You know, I'm not much for physical displays of affection, 你也知道我这人不喜欢用肢体表达情感
but I'm gonna give you one of these. 不过我准备赐你这个
Wow. Three pats? 三拍
That's two more than my wedding day. 比我婚礼那天还多两拍
Don't tell the guys at work about this. 不许把这事告诉同事
I don't want them to think I'm a sissy. 不希望他们认为我很娘
- Bye, Dad! - Bye! -老爸再见-再见
Where are you going, Mr. Burns? 您这是去哪儿伯恩斯先生
There's a parent education seminar this morning. 今早有一个家长讲座要开
Oh, well, listen, not only do I have 是这样我家里没有什么
a pressing family situation I need to handle, 压抑抑郁的事要处理
I don't want to go to that. 所以我不想参加
So, what, are you just gonna stare at me? 干嘛你瞅啥
You think that's gonna intimidate me? 以为这就能吓到我吗
Well, we'll find out after the seminar. 讲座以后就知道了
Adam! Adam! 亚当亚当
I saved you a seat. 我给你留了个位置
Right here. Adam. 就在这亚当
Hey, Marie. 好啊玛丽亚
I don't know if you heard, but Lowell saved you a seat. 你听到了吗洛厄尔给你留了个位置
Yeah. Thanks. 听到了谢谢
Welcome parents. 欢迎各位家长
Today's topic will be: "How to stop playground bullying." 今天的主题是"如何阻止操场霸凌"
Before we begin, 在开始之前
I'd like to apologize for the lack of refreshments. 我想为没有供应茶点道歉

