svn commit 500

svn服务器用的是visualSVN Server图形界面管理的

有一天无法commit,爆500错误 什么!svn/me  什么的



在界面的全局设置里面的常规选项卡auto xxxx 勾选/取消勾选重启 然后再勾选 ok了



  1. Open the VisualSVN Server GUI.

  2. Right-Click on "VisualSVN Server (domain)" at the root of the left navigation pane and select "Properties".

  3. Under the General Tab, you will see a check box for "Automatically adjust permissions".

    A. If this is not checked, check it and click "Apply". This will stop and restart the VisualSVN service and should fix the issue.

    B. If this is checked, un-check it and click "Apply". This will stop and restart the Visual SVN service. Once complete, re-check the option and click "Apply" once more. After the service is restarted, the issue should now be resolved.
