A total eclipse


eclipse /ɪ'klɪps/ n. 日食,月食  vt. 光芒盖过,超过


ec-, 向外。 -lipse, 留下,词源同 leave, ellipse. 即留下一块阴影的。

the obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the observer:

lunar eclipse;

solar eclipse;

a sudden loss of importance in relation to a newly arrived person or thing:

The status of the lead actress was eclipsed by a young ingénue in the film.

Not to be confused with:

elapse – the passage or termination of a period of time:

Eight hours have elapsed since we ate.

ellipsis – a set of three dots indicating an omission in a text:

A foolish . . . is the hobgoblin of little minds.

· a solar eclipse=an eclipse of the Sun: 日食

· a lunar eclipse: 月食

· a partial eclipse: 日偏食,月偏食

· a total eclipse: 日全食,月全食

· Nothing is going to eclipse winning the Olympic title.



v. 遮蔽;使(黑)暗;使难理解;搞混

adj. 无名的;鲜为人知的;费解的;难以理解的

celestial - adj. 天空的;天上的

passage- n. 通道;通过;走廊;通路

termination - n. 终止;结束;端;末端

hobgoblin - n. (传说中的)淘气的小妖精

little minds - 头脑狭隘的人,小人物

ellipsis - n. (词在句子中的)省略;省略号

elapse - n. (时间的)消逝

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