

Stayed at night to 1:45 a.m. ,getting up at 7 a.m..I feel so sleepy and dizzy.I  believe a man will defeat laziness cause the ambition and  future support her . I am one.Come on ,keep do it and find yourself.


I saw《Wife&Husband 》last Thursday,about 1.5h,Italrian.Not only see a America or British mocie,but also other country's film. I am trying to open myself through watching different movie,knowing more . More you know,more valueable you are.We will make it clear that what we want,what suitable for you,what you should give efforts to. 


I tell myself,"Please clam down whatever you met,just open and think about it in another positive way. Don't cost whole of your time and caution on work.Acually, other more important things you can do,that is to recognize yourself,reinvent yourself and make yourself value-added.

我只有有限的生命,有限的时间,有限的资  源,没有经历过的人生,从电影中感受,是一个很不错的增长见识的另一个办法。加速成长。

My life is limittd,what I have is limitted. Life I don't experienced can be showed in movie.This is one way to see the colorful world.Growth speed up.

安德烈是个杰出的脑科医生,正专注一项神奇的研究;他的妻子苏菲亚是个两性节目主持人,希望能闯出自己的一片天。工作忙碌的两人,感情已不复从前甜蜜,并在充满怨怼之下,决定分道扬镳…… 就在分手前夕,安德烈请求苏菲亚协助,参与一项不可思议的实验,两人竟意外灵魂互换,人生突然逆转。被迫穿上彼此衣裳、过着对方生活的两人,意外得此机会,从一个完全不同的角度,重新省视了彼此的关系。在历经一连串逗趣荒谬事件后,这场婚姻危机终告解除,安德烈与苏菲亚,决定要再爱一次……

     Andre was a outstanding  Brain surgeon , doing a magic reseach about how to get ccurate information from one without the help of  language or body language,but through eye's watching and connection between brain and computer.The reseach was still tested.Ansre's wife was a bisexul show host who was eager to achieve great success on her career. Due to their busy work, they lived unhappyly but full of resentment with each other.Finally they made a decision that went  their own way.On the eve of divoce, Andre asked Sophia for help to participated in the experiment. From then on ,they exchanged  their soul by accident and life changed.Everyday,they had to dressed up mutual clothes,got involved in erch other's lives and work.Actually,they had a quite good chance to recogonize each each other from a different way so that they could also reconsider their relationship.The divorce crisis was resolved after a series of funny and rediculous event.Andre and Sophia disired to restart their happy life.


At the beginning of the film, it showed us that they were consulting an emotional expert.They complained each other,not disregard other's “face”or feelings.They  kept their own thoughts  and didn't give each other enough time to explain or made a communication.Until times up for their arguement ,they still didn't solve the marriage problems.This story line set the stage for the plot for Identity interchange.


Maybe we learn to thought in a dirffrent way,there will be a good result for many things,especially for those who trapped in troubles.
