sql 常用语句

select  hits,count(hits) as count,CONCAT(ROUND(count(hits)/(select count(*) from table ) *100,2),'','%') as per from table group by hits having hits is not null order by count desc

## 加flag字段,取出两表不匹配的值

select a.*,b.flag from table as a left join

(select *,'1' flag fromtable) as b

on a.col1=b.col1 and a.col2=b.col2 and a.col3=b.col3

where flag is null

## 查询两个字段的去重数据

select count(distinct(concat(col1,col2))) from table

-- 刷新SQL表

refresh table table

select * from table

-- 查看databricks下所有的databases和tables


SHOW TABLES [(FROM | IN) db_name] [LIKE 'pattern']


-- oracle 转换日期格式,substr

select  TO_CHAR(NOTIF_DT, 'YYYY/MM/DD' ) NOTIF_DT_1 from  table where substr(TO_CHAR(NOTIF_DT, 'YYYY/MM/DD' ),1,7)='2020/01'

to_char(current_date, 'YYYYMMDD')

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