根据Pranic体(pranic body)带有的那种活力,它相应地创造出某种类型的身体。所以,身体的创造不单单是母亲的工作。选择这具肉身的“存在(being)”也会以某种方式参与肉身的创造。

Seeker: Yes Sadhguru, one of these energy bodies finds its way to the womb at the time of conception.


Sadhguru: No, it's not then. At that time, it is not there. As the physical body slowly starts developing within a woman's womb... see it's just like there was a nest. Some bird built the nest; some other bird came and laid its eggs and made a life there. It's just like

that. Some two fools came together and they started creating a body. Somebody else who is ripe for that is always looking for a body; he finds it and in that, there is some choice. Depending upon how consciously he has lived there is a little bit of choice as to what kind of body he chooses.


Seeker: Is that choice always there, Sadhguru?


Sadhguru: There is a little bit of choice, always; but when I say choice, it is not like you go into this shop and buy this shirt or whatever. It's not in that sense. There is a karmic choice. There is a natural tendency for the person to go in a certain direction, towards a certain womb, towards a certain body. That natural tendency is there. See, even when you're alive here in the physical body, you have a natural tendency to seek out certain people, because that's how your karmas are. So, similarly, when you do not

have a physical body, it's much more unconscious, but still the karmic substance that you carry with you seeks out a certain type of body. So once it has found that body, it is the vibrancy of the prana which enhances the quality of the physical body. It's not just

the mother who is making the baby. See, there are millions of instances where probably the mother is weak, undernourished, on the street, and yet she delivers a very healthy baby. Any number, of situations like this are there. Somebody coming from the best of

families, where everything is taken care of and who is very well fed, gives birth to a very fragile child. This is the pranic substance, pranic vibrancy of the being who has taken on that particular body. That's why this distinction is there. Depending upon the kind of vibrancy the pranic body has, accordingly it creates a certain type of body. So the creation of the body is not just the mother's work. What kind of being came there, also creates this in a certain way.

萨古鲁:总会有一点选择的余地,但我说选择,并不是像:你走进这家商店买这件衬衫或其他什么东西,不是那个意思。有一个业力选择。人有一种自然的倾向,朝着某个方向,朝着某个子宫,朝着某个身体。这是自然的趋势。瞧,即便此刻你肉身还活着,你也有搜寻某些人的自然倾向,因为你的业力就是这样运作的。因此,你没有身体时,情况类似,只是更加无意识,你携带的业力物质仍然在搜寻某种身体。所以一旦它找到身体,prana的活力会提高了身体的品质。不仅仅是母亲在塑造这个肉身; 瞧,数百万计的实例表明:母亲可能是流浪街头的,虚弱, 营养不良,但她确生下一个非常健康的婴儿;有很多这样的例子: 最优渥家庭的人,锦衣玉食,一切都得到照顾,确生下了一个非常脆弱的孩子。是pranic物质,也就是pranic活力选定了那个特定的身体。这就是为什么存在这种区别。根据Pranic体(pranic body)带有的那种活力,它相应地创造出某种类型的身体。所以,身体的创造不单单是母亲的工作。选择这具肉身的“存在(being)”也会以某种方式参与肉身的创造。

Seeker: So Master, when exactly does this prana enter the body that has been conceived?


Sadhguru: See, until about forty to forty eight days after conception, it's still a body. Why it is said that if the woman has gone over forty days past conception, it should not be aborted is because the being has come in by then. Before that it was not a being. Not only because of the smallness of the body, but the being is not yet there. It is just a bundle of cells. Now this bundle of cells becomes a being, maybe not yet a person, but in many ways a person. His personality might not have manifested in the sense that we understand, but the very way the baby kicks around in the mother's womb is different from baby to baby. You had two; were they the same?

萨古鲁:瞧,卵子受精后约48天内,它仅仅是一具肉体。为什么说:女人怀孕超过四十天,就不应该终止妊娠,因为此时,那个“存在(being)”业已进入肉身。在此之前,它不是一个存在, 不仅因为身体很小,而是因为那个“存在”没来到,还只是一束细胞。现在这束细胞有了生命(变成了存在),也许还不算是一个人,但在很多方面已经是一个人了。也许他的个性还没能以我们所理解的形式展现出来在,但每位婴儿在母亲子宫里玩耍的方式都各不相同。你有两个孩子,他们表现相同吗?

Seeker: Definitely not, Sadhguru.


你可能感兴趣的:(根据Pranic体(pranic body)带有的那种活力,它相应地创造出某种类型的身体。所以,身体的创造不单单是母亲的工作。选择这具肉身的“存在(being)”也会以某种方式参与肉身的创造。)