

    ORG     7C00H
    ; init
    MOV     AX, 0
    MOV     SS, AX
    MOV     SP, 7C00H
    MOV     DS, AX
    MOV     [DriverLetter], DL

; --------------- main ---------------
    ; print start message
    MOV     AX, startMsg
    MOV     CX, 13
    CALL    printText
    ; read disk
    MOV     AX, 0800H
    MOV     ES, AX                  ; set ES
    MOV     CH, 00H                 ; cylinder 0
    MOV     DH, 00H                 ; recording head 0 (obverse)
    MOV     CL, 05H                 ; (sector 2 in ISO) = (sector 5 by CHS address)
    MOV     SI, 0
    MOV     BX, 0                   ; ES:BX -> buffer address
    MOV     AX, 0201H               ; AH=02H (read disk), AL(the num of sectors)
    MOV     DL, [DriverLetter]     ; (DL=9FH)Driver letter
    INT     013H
    ; read end
    JNC     next                    ; if success, solve directly
                                    ; is failed, restore diriver(but try 5 at most)
    ADD     SI, 1
    CMP     SI, 5                   ; failed 5, show error msg
    JNL     error
    MOV     AH, 000H                ; set param
    MOV     DL, [DriverLetter]
    INT     013H                    ; restore it
    JMP     retry

    next:                           ; prepare for next read
    MOV     AX, ES
    ADD     AX, 020H
    MOV     ES, AX                  ; add 200H to address
    ADD     CL, 1                   ; next sector
    CMP     CL, 8
    JNG     readLoop                ; if CL<=18, read continue, else solve it
    JMP     success

    ; if success, CF==0 and AH == 0
    ; if false, CF == 1 and AH is error code
    ; reset ES, because it is changed
    error:                          ; set error message
    MOV     AX, errorMsg
    MOV     CX, 13
    JMP     printResultMsg
    success:                        ; set success message
    MOV     AX, successMsg
    MOV     CX, 15

printResultMsg:                     ; show result
    MOV     BX, 0
    MOV     ES, BX
    MOV     DH, 01H                 ; to set new msg new line, avoid coverage old msg
    CALL    printText
    CALL    debug                   ; show memory
    JMP     08000H                  ; invoke it
; ------------- main end ---------------

; before call it, should set (string address -> AX) and (string length -> CX) 
    MOV     BP, AX                  ; ES:BP is the address of output string
    MOV     AX, 01301H              ; AH(print string) AL(=1)(point follow)
    MOV     BL, 0FH                 ; BH(PageNum) BL(0CH)(red word and black bg)
    MOV     DL, 00H
    INT     10H                     ; BIOS I/O
; show the memory (0800H)
    MOV     AX, 0800H
    MOV     DS, AX
    MOV     SI, 0000H
    MOV     CX, 200H
    CALL    printNum
    ADD     SI, 1
    loop    loop1

; before call it, set SI point to the content you want show
; if AX is useful, must store it in stack, printNum will change it
printNum:                           ; print a byte
    MOV     AL, [SI]
    SHR     AL, 4
    AND     AL, 0x0f
    CALL    printSingleNum
    MOV     AL, [SI]
    AND     AL, 0x0f
    CALL    printSingleNum

    MOV     AL, 20H
    INT     10H                     ; print space
printSingleNum:                     ; print a single hex num
    CMP     AL, 0AH                 ; adjust AL according its value
    JNL     letter
    ADD     AL, 030H
    JMP     exit
    SUB     AL, 0AH
    ADD     AL, 'A'
    MOV     AH, 0EH                 ; show it
    INT     10H

    startMsg    DB  "Start Load!", 0DH, 0AH
    errorMsg    DB  "Load Error!", 0DH, 0AH
    successMsg  DB  "Load Success!", 0DH, 0AH
    DriverLetter    DB  12H

    TIMES   512-($-$$) DB 0         ; fill file
    DW      0xAA55                  ; end tag
