调整Ceph OSD的权重


英文出处:Ceph Osd Reweight 欢迎加入 翻译组

ceph health
HEALTH_WARN 1 near full osd(s)



$ ceph pg dump > /tmp/pg_dump.1

$ ceph osd tree | grep osd.13
13 3 osd.13 up 1

$ ceph osd crush reweight osd.13 3.05
reweighted item id 13 name 'osd.13' to 3.05 in crush map

$ ceph osd tree | grep osd.13
13 3.05 osd.13 up 1

$ ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 2 pgs backfilling; 2 pgs stuck unclean; recovery 16884/9154554 degraded (0.184%)
pg 3.183 is stuck unclean for 434.029986, current state active+remapped+backfilling, last acting [1,13,5]
pg 3.83 is stuck unclean for 2479.504088, current state active+remapped+backfilling, last acting [5,13,12]
pg 3.183 is active+remapped+backfilling, acting [1,13,5]
pg 3.83 is active+remapped+backfilling, acting [5,13,12]
recovery 16884/9154554 degraded (0.184%)

看,pg 3.183和3.83现在处于 active+remapped+backfilling 状态:
$ ceph pg map 3.183
osdmap e4588 pg 3.183 (3.183) -> up [1,13] acting [1,13,5]

$ ceph pg map 3.83
osdmap e4588 pg 3.83 (3.83) -> up [13,5] acting [5,13,12]

在这个例子里,我们可以看到osd.13被加入到了这两个pg中。pg 3.183和3.83分别被从osd 5和12中移走。如果我们查看osd的带宽,就会看到这些迁移:osd.1 --> osd.13,osd.5 --> osd.13。

OSD 1和5是pg 3.183和3.83的主OSD(从acting列表中可以看出),OSD 13在写入数据。


$ ceph pg dump > /tmp/pg_dump.3


Old map

$ egrep '^(3.183|3.83)' /tmp/pg_dump.1 | awk '{print $1,$9,$14,$15}'
3.183 active+clean [1,5] [1,5]
3.83 active+clean [12,5] [12,5]

New map

$ egrep '^(3.183|3.83)' /tmp/pg_dump.3 | awk '{print $1,$9,$14,$15}'
3.183 active+clean [1,13] [1,13]
3.83 active+clean [13,5] [13,5]

所以,对于pg 3.183和3.83,osd 5和12被替换成了osd13。

和上面一样,但是我们这次是减小 “near full ratio” 的osd的权重值。
$ ceph pg dump > /tmp/pg_dump.4

$ ceph osd tree | grep osd.7
7 2.65 osd.7 up 1

$ ceph osd crush reweight osd.7 2.6
reweighted item id 7 name 'osd.7' to 2.6 in crush map

$ ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 2 pgs backfilling; 2 pgs stuck unclean; recovery 17117/9160466 degraded (0.187%)
pg 3.ca is stuck unclean for 1097.132237, current state active+remapped+backfilling, last acting [4,6,7]
pg 3.143 is stuck unclean for 1097.456265, current state active+remapped+backfilling, last acting [12,6,7]
pg 3.143 is active+remapped+backfilling, acting [12,6,7]
pg 3.ca is active+remapped+backfilling, acting [4,6,7]
recovery 17117/9160466 degraded (0.187%)

根据osd的带宽,我们可以看到这些迁移:osd.4 --> osd.6,osd.12 --> osd.6。

OSD 4和12是pg 3.143和3.ca的主OSD(从acting列表中可以看出),OSD 6在写入数据。这两个PG都会放入OSD 6中,从而释放OSD 7。在我的例子中,因为osd 7是这两个pg的副本osd,所以osd 7没有读操作。


$ egrep '^(3.ca|3.143)' /tmp/pg_dump.3 | awk '{print $1,$9,$14,$15}'
3.143 active+clean [12,7] [12,7]
3.ca active+clean [4,7] [4,7]


$ ceph pg dump > /tmp/pg_dump.5
$ egrep '^(3.ca|3.143)' /tmp/pg_dump.5 | awk '{print $1,$9,$14,$15}'
3.143 active+clean [12,6] [12,6]
3.ca active+clean [4,6] [4,6]


可以用带有参数 --show-utilization 的 crushtool 命令来验证我们的想法。

$ ceph osd getcrushmap -o crushmap.bin


$ ceph osd dump | grep '^pool 0'
pool 0 'data' rep size 2 min_size 1 crush_ruleset 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 64 pgp_num 64 last_change 1 owner 0
$ crushtool --test -i crushmap.bin --show-utilization --rule 0 --num-rep=2
device 0: 123
device 1: 145
device 2: 125
device 3: 121
device 4: 139
device 5: 133
device 6: 129
device 7: 142
device 8: 146
device 9: 139
device 10: 146
device 11: 143
device 12: 129
device 13: 136
device 14: 152

$ crushtool -d crushmap.bin -o crushmap.txt

edit crushmap.txt

$ crushtool -c crushmap.txt -o crushmap-new.bin
$ crushtool --test -i crushmap-new.bin --show-utilization --rule 0 --num-rep=2


$ ceph osd setcrushmap -i crushmap-new.bin

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