34 HugeMethodDemo::buildTheWorld (184 bytes)
39 HugeMethodDemo::run (59 bytes)
18 HugeMethodDemo::play1 (4999 bytes) 19 HugeMethodDemo::play2 (4993 bytes)
36 HugeMethodDemo::buildTheWorld (184 bytes)
41 HugeMethodDemo::run (59 bytes)
// Returns true if m is allowed to be compiled
bool CompilationPolicy::canBeCompiled(methodHandle m) {
if (m->is_abstract()) return false;
if (DontCompileHugeMethods && m->code_size() > HugeMethodLimit) return false;
// Math intrinsics should never be compiled as this can lead to
// monotonicity problems because the interpreter will prefer the
// compiled code to the intrinsic version. This can't happen in
// production because the invocation counter can't be incremented
// but we shouldn't expose the system to this problem in testing
// modes.
if (!AbstractInterpreter::can_be_compiled(m)) {
return false;
return !m->is_not_compilable();
product(bool, DontCompileHugeMethods, true,
"don't compile methods > HugeMethodLimit")
develop(intx, HugeMethodLimit, 8000,
"don't compile methods larger than this if +DontCompileHugeMethods")
上面两个参数说明了Hotspot对字节码超过8000字节的大方法有JIT编译限制,这就是play()杯具的原因。由于使用的是product mode的JRE,我们只能尝试关闭DontCompileHugeMethods,即增加VM参数”-XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods”来强迫JVM编译play()。再次对play()进行测试,耗时855毫秒/万次,性能终于上来了,输出的JIT编译记录也增加了一行:
16 HugeMethodDemo::play (9985 bytes)
使用”-XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods”解除大方法的编译限制,一个比较明显的缺点是JVM会尝试编译所遇到的所有大方法,者会使JIT编译任务负担更重,而且需要占用更多的Code Cache区域去保存编译后的代码。但是优点是编译后可以让大方法的执行速度变快,且可能提高GC速度。运行时Code Cache的使用量可以通过JMX或者JConsole获得,Code Cache的大小在globals.hpp中定义:
define_pd_global(intx, ReservedCodeCacheSize, 48*M);
product_pd(uintx, InitialCodeCacheSize, "Initial code cache size (in bytes)")
product_pd(uintx, ReservedCodeCacheSize, "Reserved code cache size (in bytes) - maximum code cache size")
product(uintx, CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace, 500*K, "When less than X space left, we stop compiling.")
一旦Code Cache满了,HotSpot会停止所有后续的编译任务,虽然已编译的代码不受影响,但是后面的所有方法都会强制停留在纯解释模式。因此,如非必要,应该尽量避免生成大方法;如果解除了大方法的编译限制,则要留意配置Code Cache区的大小,准备更多空间存放编译后的代码。
import java.io.StringWriter; |
import java.util.HashMap; |
public class HugeMethodDemo { |
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { |
HugeMethodDemo demo = new HugeMethodDemo(); |
double total = demo.run(loop); |
double avg = total / loop / 1e6 * 1e4; |
System.out.println(String.format( |
"Loop=%d次, " + "avg=%.2f毫秒/万次" , loop, avg)); |
private long run( int loop) throws Exception { |
for ( int i = 0 ; i < loop; i++) { |
Map theWorld = buildTheWorld(); |
StringWriter console = new StringWriter(); |
long start = System.nanoTime(); |
long end = System.nanoTime(); |
private Map buildTheWorld() { |
Map context = new HashMap(); |
context.put( "name" , "D&D" ); |
context.put( "version" , "1.0" ); |
Map game = new HashMap(); |
context.put( "game" , game); |
Map player = new HashMap(); |
game.put( "player" , player); |
player.put( "level" , "26" ); |
player.put( "name" , "jifeng" ); |
player.put( "job" , "paladin" ); |
player.put( "address" , "heaven" ); |
player.put( "weapon" , "sword" ); |
String[] bag = new String[] { "world_map" , "dagger" , |
"magic_1" , "potion_1" , "postion_2" , "key" }; |
private void play(Map theWorld, Writer console) throws Exception { |
String name = String.valueOf(theWorld.get( "name" )); |
String version = String.valueOf(theWorld.get( "version" )); |
console.append( "Game " ).append(name).append( " (v" ).append(version).append( ")\n" ); |
Map game = (Map) theWorld.get( "game" ); |
Map player = (Map) game.get( "player" ); |
String level = String.valueOf(player.get( "level" )); |
String job = String.valueOf(player.get( "job" )); |
String address = String.valueOf(player.get( "address" )); |
String weapon = String.valueOf(player.get( "weapon" )); |
String hp = String.valueOf(player.get( "hp" )); |
console.append( " You are a " ).append(level).append( " level " ).append(job) |
.append( " from " ).append(address).append( ". \n" ); |
console.append( " Currently you have a " ).append(weapon).append( " in hand, " ) |
.append( "your hp: " ).append(hp).append( ". \n" ); |
console.append( " Here are items in your bag: \n" ); |
for (String item : (String[]) player.get( "bag" )) { |
console.append( " * " ).append(item).append( "\n" ); |
console.append( "\tPlayer not login.\n" ); |
console.append( "\tGame not start yet.\n" ); |