Sobel检测法通过一个叫做卷积的过程来估计每个像素点每个方向上的导数值。把中心像素点和离它最近的八个像素点每个乘以一个系数后相加。该系数通常用一个 的卷积表(convolution mask)来表示。分别用于计算x和y方向导数值的Sobel卷积表 Gx和 Gy 如下图所示。
我们把每个像素值分别乘以卷积表中对应的系数,再把相乘得到的九个数相加就得到了x方向和y方向的偏导数值 Dx和 Dy。然后,利用这两个偏导数值计算中心像素
我们需要重复地计算图像中每个像素位置的导数幅值。但是,注意到环绕图像边缘的像素点并没有一个完整的相邻像素组来计算偏导数和导数,所以我们需要对这些像素进行单独处理。最简单的方法就是把图像中边缘像素点的导数值值 |D|设置为0。这可以通过软件来完成。
我们用伪代码来表示该算法。令O[row][col] 表示原始图像的像素点,D[row][col]表示导数图像的像素点,row的范围从0到hight,col的范围从0到width。同时令Gx[i][j] 和 Gy[i][j] 表示卷积表,其中i 和 j 的范围从 -1 到 1.
for( row=1; row<=hight; row=row+1 ) { for(col=1; col<=width; col=col+1) { sumx=0; sumy=0; for( i = -1; i <= +1; i = i+1) { for (j = -1; j<= +1; j = j+1) { sumx = sumx + O[row+i][col+j] * Gx[i][j]; sumy = sumy + O[row+i][col+j] * Gx[i][j]; } } D[row][col] = abs(sumx) + abs(sumy) } }
`timescale 10ns/10ns module sobel ( //master slave share i/f clk_i, rst_i, dat_i, dat_o, //master i/f cyc_o, stb_o, we_o, adr_o, ack_i, //slave i/f cyc_i, stb_i, we_i, adr_i, ack_o, //debug i/f prev_row_load, curr_row_load, next_row_load, current_state, int_req//interrupt ); input clk_i; input rst_i; input[31:0] dat_i; output[31:0] dat_o; output cyc_o; output stb_o; output we_o; output[21:0] adr_o; input ack_i; input cyc_i; input stb_i; input we_i; input[21:0] adr_i; output ack_o; output prev_row_load; output curr_row_load; output next_row_load; output[4:0] current_state; output int_req; wire start; wire ack_i; wire cyc_o; wire stb_o; wire we_o; wire O_base_ce; wire D_base_ce; wire done_set; wire shift_en; wire prev_row_load; wire curr_row_load; wire next_row_load; wire O_offset_cnt_en; wire D_offset_cnt_en; wire offset_reset; wire[31:0] result_row; wire[31:0] dat_i; wire[21:0] adr_o; wire ack_o; wire[31:0] dat_o ; wire[4:0] current_state; //module sentence compute compute( .rst_i(rst_i), .clk_i(clk_i), .dat_i(dat_i), .shift_en(shift_en), .prev_row_load(prev_row_load), .curr_row_load(curr_row_load), .next_row_load(next_row_load), .result_row(result_row) ); addr_gen addr_gen( .clk_i(clk_i), .dat_i(dat_i), .O_base_ce(O_base_ce), .D_base_ce(D_base_ce), .O_offset_cnt_en(O_offset_cnt_en), .D_offset_cnt_en(D_offset_cnt_en), .offset_reset(offset_reset), .prev_row_load(prev_row_load), .curr_row_load(curr_row_load), .next_row_load(next_row_load), .adr_o(adr_o) ); machine machine( .clk_i(clk_i), .rst_i(rst_i), .ack_i(ack_i), .start(start), .offset_reset(offset_reset), .O_offset_cnt_en(O_offset_cnt_en), .D_offset_cnt_en(D_offset_cnt_en), .prev_row_load(prev_row_load), .curr_row_load(curr_row_load), .next_row_load(next_row_load), .shift_en(shift_en), .cyc_o(cyc_o), .we_o(we_o), .stb_o(stb_o), .current_state(current_state), .done_set(done_set) ); sobel_slave sobel_slave( .clk_i(clk_i), .rst_i(rst_i), .dat_i(dat_i), .dat_o(dat_o), .cyc_i(cyc_i), .stb_i(stb_i), .we_i(we_i), .adr_i(adr_i), .ack_o(ack_o), .start(start), .O_base_ce(O_base_ce), .D_base_ce(D_base_ce), .int_req(int_req), .done_set(done_set), .result_row(result_row) ); endmodule
`timescale 10ns/10ns module addr_gen( //input clk_i, dat_i, O_base_ce, D_base_ce, O_offset_cnt_en, D_offset_cnt_en, offset_reset, prev_row_load, curr_row_load, next_row_load, //output adr_o ); input clk_i; input[31:0] dat_i; input O_base_ce; input D_base_ce; input O_offset_cnt_en; input D_offset_cnt_en; input offset_reset ; input prev_row_load; input curr_row_load; input next_row_load; output[21:0] adr_o ; parameter WIDTH = 1024; reg[19:0] O_base ; reg[19:0] D_base ; reg[18:0] O_offset; reg[18:0] D_offset; wire[19:0] O_prev_addr; wire[19:0] O_curr_addr; wire[19:0] O_next_addr; wire[19:0] D_addr; /*******************************************************/ always @(posedge clk_i) //original data offset if(O_base_ce) O_base <= dat_i[21:2]; always @(posedge clk_i) //original data offset cnt if(offset_reset) O_offset <= 0; else if(O_offset_cnt_en) O_offset <= O_offset+1; /*******************************************************/ assign O_prev_addr = O_base + O_offset; assign O_curr_addr = O_prev_addr + WIDTH/4; assign O_next_addr = O_prev_addr + 2*WIDTH/4; /*******************************************************/ always @(posedge clk_i) //destination data offset if(D_base_ce) D_base <=dat_i[21:2]; always @(posedge clk_i) //destination data offset cnt if(offset_reset) D_offset <= 0; else if(D_offset_cnt_en) D_offset <= D_offset+1; /*******************************************************/ assign D_addr = D_base +D_offset; /*******************************************************/ assign adr_o[21:2] = prev_row_load ? O_prev_addr : curr_row_load ? O_curr_addr : next_row_load ? O_next_addr : D_addr; assign adr_o[1:0] = 2'b00; endmodule
`timescale 1000ns/10ns module compute( //input clk_i, dat_i, rst_i, shift_en, prev_row_load, curr_row_load, next_row_load, //output result_row ); input clk_i; input rst_i; input[31:0] dat_i; input shift_en; input prev_row_load; input curr_row_load; input next_row_load; wire [7:0] D1 ; output[31:0] result_row ; reg [31:0] prev_row=0, curr_row=0, next_row=0; reg [7:0] O[-1:1][-1:1]; reg signed [10:0] Dx=0, Dy=0; reg [7:0] abs_D = 0 ; reg [31:0] result_row =0 ; always@(posedge clk_i) if(prev_row_load) prev_row <= dat_i; else if(shift_en) prev_row[31:8] <= prev_row[23:0]; always@(posedge clk_i) if(curr_row_load) curr_row<= dat_i; else if(shift_en ) curr_row [31:8]<=curr_row[23:0]; always@(posedge clk_i) if(next_row_load) next_row<=dat_i; else if(shift_en ) next_row [31:8]<=next_row[23:0]; function [10:0] abs ( input signed [10:0] x); abs = x >=0 ? x : -x ; endfunction //comput pipeline always @(posedge clk_i) if(rst_i) begin O[-1][-1]<=0; O[-1][ 0]<=0; O[-1][+1]<=0; O[ 0][-1]<=0; O[ 0][ 0]<=0; O[ 0][+1]<=0; O[+1][-1]<=0; O[+1][ 0]<=0; O[+1][+1]<=0; end else if ( shift_en ) begin abs_D <= (abs(Dx) + abs(Dy))>>3 ; Dx <= -$signed({3'b000, O[-1][-1]}) //-1* O[-1][-1] +$signed({3'b000, O[-1][+1]}) //+1* O[-1][+1] -($signed({3'b000, O[ 0][-1]}) //-2* O[ 0][-1] <<1) +($signed({3'b000, O[ 0][+1]}) //+2* O[ 0][+1] <<1) -$signed({3'b000, O[+1][-1]}) //-1* O[+1][-1] +$signed({3'b000, O[+1][+1]}); //+1* O[+1][+1] Dy <= $signed({3'b000, O[-1][-1]}) //+1* O[-1][-1] +($signed({3'b000, O[-1][ 0]}) //+2* O[-1][0] <<1) +$signed({3'b000, O[-1][+1]}) //+1* O[-1][+1] -$signed({3'b000, O[+1][-1]}) //-1* O[+1][-1] -($signed({3'b000, O[+1][ 0]}) //-2* O[+1][ 0] <<1) -$signed({3'b000, O[+1][+1]}); //-1* O[+1][+1] O[-1][-1] <= O[-1][0]; O[-1][ 0] <= O[-1][+1]; O[-1][+1] <= prev_row[31:24]; O[ 0][-1] <= O[0][0]; O[ 0][ 0] <= O[0][+1]; O[ 0][+1] <= curr_row[31:24]; O[+1][-1] <= O[+1][0]; O[+1][ 0] <= O[+1][+1]; O[+1][+1] <= next_row[31:24]; end /***********************��ֵ����***********************/ //assign D1 = abs_D < 60 ? 0 : abs_D ;(����ijЩͼ�����б�Ҫʱ�����ã���ֵ60�ǿ��Ը��ĵģ��������ͼ��������) /*****************************************************/ always @(posedge clk_i) if(shift_en) result_row <= { result_row[23:0],/*D1*/abs_D}; endmodule
`timescale 10ns/10ns /*****************FSM***********************/ module machine( //input clk_i, rst_i, ack_i, start, //output offset_reset, O_offset_cnt_en, D_offset_cnt_en, prev_row_load, curr_row_load, next_row_load, shift_en, cyc_o, we_o, stb_o, current_state, done_set ); input clk_i; input rst_i; input ack_i; input start; output offset_reset; output O_offset_cnt_en; output D_offset_cnt_en; output prev_row_load; output curr_row_load; output next_row_load; output shift_en; output cyc_o; output we_o; output stb_o; output[4:0] current_state; output done_set; parameter WIDTH = 1024; parameter HEIGHT = 768; parameter [4:0] idle =5'b00000, read_prev_0 =5'b00001, read_curr_0 =5'b00010, read_next_0 =5'b00011, comp1_0 =5'b00100, comp2_0 =5'b00101, comp3_0 =5'b00110, comp4_0 =5'b00111, read_prev =5'b01000, read_curr =5'b01001, read_next =5'b01010, comp1 =5'b01011, comp2 =5'b01100, comp3 =5'b01101, comp4 =5'b01110, write_result =5'b01111, write_158 =5'b10000, comp1_159 =5'b10001, comp2_159 =5'b10010, comp3_159 =5'b10011, comp4_159 =5'b10100, write_159 =5'b10101; reg [4:0] current_state,next_state; reg [10:0] row; //0 ~ 477; reg [8:0] col; //0 ~ 159; wire start; wire stb_o; reg offset_reset,row_reset,col_reset; reg prev_row_load, curr_row_load, next_row_load; reg shift_en; reg cyc_o,we_o; reg row_cnt_en, col_cnt_en; reg O_offset_cnt_en, D_offset_cnt_en; reg int_en, done_set, done; always @(posedge clk_i) //Row counter if (row_reset) row <= 0; else if (row_cnt_en) row <= row + 1; always @(posedge clk_i) //Column counter if (col_reset) col <= 0; else if (col_cnt_en) col<= col+1; //fsm always @(posedge clk_i) //State register if (rst_i) current_state<= idle; else current_state<= next_state; always @* begin offset_reset =1'b0; row_reset =1'b0; col_reset =1'b0; row_cnt_en =1'b0; col_cnt_en =1'b0; O_offset_cnt_en =1'b0; D_offset_cnt_en =1'b0; prev_row_load =1'b0; curr_row_load =1'b0; next_row_load =1'b0; shift_en =1'b0; cyc_o =1'b0; we_o =1'b0; done_set =1'b0; case (current_state) idle: begin cyc_o =1'b0; we_o =1'b0; done_set=1'b0; D_offset_cnt_en =1'b0; offset_reset =1'b1; row_reset =1'b1; col_reset = 1'b1; if (start) next_state = read_prev_0; else next_state = idle; end /*************************************************************/ read_prev_0: begin offset_reset =1'b0; row_reset =1'b0; we_o =1'b0; row_cnt_en =1'b0; D_offset_cnt_en =1'b0; col_reset = 1'b1; prev_row_load = 1'b1; cyc_o = 1'b1; if (ack_i) next_state = read_curr_0; else next_state = read_prev_0; end /***********************************************************************/ read_curr_0: begin col_reset = 1'b0; prev_row_load = 1'b0; curr_row_load =1'b1; cyc_o =1'b1; if (ack_i) //read mem next_state = read_next_0; else next_state = read_curr_0; end /*********************************************************************/ read_next_0: begin curr_row_load =1'b0; next_row_load =1'b1; cyc_o =1'b1; if (ack_i) //read mem��cnt+=1 begin O_offset_cnt_en =1'b1; next_state =comp1_0; end else next_state = read_next_0; end /********************************************************************/ comp1_0: begin next_row_load =1'b0; cyc_o =1'b0; O_offset_cnt_en =1'b0; shift_en =1'b1; next_state =comp2_0; end comp2_0: begin shift_en =1'b1; next_state =comp3_0; end comp3_0: begin shift_en =1'b1; next_state =comp4_0; end comp4_0: begin shift_en =1'b1; next_state =read_prev; end /**************************************************************/ read_prev: begin shift_en =1'b0; we_o =1'b0; col_cnt_en =1'b0; D_offset_cnt_en =1'b0; prev_row_load = 1'b1; cyc_o = 1'b1; if (ack_i) next_state = read_curr; else next_state = read_prev; end read_curr: begin prev_row_load = 1'b0; curr_row_load = 1'b1; cyc_o = 1'b1; if (ack_i) next_state = read_next; else next_state = read_curr; end read_next: begin curr_row_load = 1'b0; next_row_load =1'b1; cyc_o = 1'b1; if (ack_i) begin O_offset_cnt_en =1'b1; next_state = comp1; end else next_state = read_next; end /************************************************************/ comp1: begin next_row_load =1'b0; O_offset_cnt_en =1'b0; cyc_o =1'b0; shift_en =1'b1; next_state =comp2; end comp2: begin shift_en =1'b1; next_state =comp3; end comp3: begin shift_en =1'b1; next_state =comp4; end comp4: begin shift_en =1'b1; if (col ==(WIDTH/4-2)) next_state = write_158; else next_state = write_result; end /********************************************************/ write_result: begin shift_en =1'b0; cyc_o =1'b1; we_o =1'b1; if(ack_i) begin col_cnt_en =1'b1; D_offset_cnt_en =1'b1; next_state =read_prev; end else next_state = write_result; end write_158: begin shift_en =1'b0; cyc_o =1'b1; we_o =1'b1; if(ack_i) begin col_cnt_en =1'b1; D_offset_cnt_en =1'b1; next_state =comp1_159; end else next_state =write_158; end /***************************************************************/ comp1_159: begin //pipeline output stage col_cnt_en =1'b0; D_offset_cnt_en =1'b0; cyc_o =1'b0; we_o =1'b0; shift_en =1'b1; next_state =comp2_159; end comp2_159: begin shift_en =1'b1; next_state =comp3_159; end comp3_159: begin shift_en =1'b1; next_state =comp4_159; end comp4_159: begin shift_en =1'b1; next_state =write_159; end write_159: begin shift_en =1'b0; cyc_o =1'b1; we_o =1'b1; if(ack_i) begin D_offset_cnt_en =1'b1; if (row == HEIGHT-3) //sobel done begin done_set =1'b1; next_state = idle; end else begin row_cnt_en =1'b1; next_state =read_prev_0; end end else next_state = write_159; end endcase end /*******************************************************************/ assign stb_o = cyc_o; endmodule
`timescale 10ns/10ns module sobel_slave( //master slave share i/f clk_i, rst_i, dat_i, dat_o, //slave i/f cyc_i, stb_i, we_i, adr_i, ack_o, //output start, O_base_ce, D_base_ce, int_req, //input done_set, result_row ); input clk_i; input rst_i; input[31:0] dat_i; output[31:0] dat_o; input cyc_i; input stb_i; input we_i; input[21:0] adr_i; output ack_o; output start; output O_base_ce; output D_base_ce; output int_req; input done_set; input[31:0] result_row; reg int_en; reg done; reg ack_o; reg[31:0] dat_o ; /*****************************************************************/ assign start = cyc_i && stb_i && we_i && adr_i[3:2] ==2'b01;//adr_i[3:2] assign O_base_ce = cyc_i && stb_i && we_i && adr_i[3:2] ==2'b10; assign D_base_ce = cyc_i && stb_i && we_i && adr_i[3:2] ==2'b11; /*************************************************************/ // Wishbone slave i/f always @(posedge clk_i)//interrupt reg if (rst_i) int_en <= 1'b0; else if (cyc_i && stb_i && we_i && adr_i[3:2] ==2'b00) int_en <= dat_i[0]; /*****************************************************************************/ always @(posedge clk_i) //status reg if (rst_i) done <=1'b0; else if (done_set) // This occurs when last write is acknowledged, // and so cannot coincide with a read of the // status register done <=1'b1; else if (cyc_i && stb_i && !we_i && adr_i[3:2] ==2'b00 && ack_o) done <=1'b0; /********************************************************************/ assign int_req = int_en && done; /*********************************************************************/ always @(posedge clk_i) ack_o <= cyc_i && stb_i && !ack_o; /*********************************************************************/ always @* if (cyc_i && stb_i && !we_i) if (adr_i[3:2] == 2'b00) dat_o = {31'b0,done};// status register read else dat_o = 32'b0; // other registers read as 0 else dat_o = result_row; // for master write endmodule
/* * Rill create * rillzhen@gmail.com */ 1,保证原图为1024x768的8-bit的sobel.bmp 2,运行read_bmp.exe,生成bmp_dat.txt 3,将bmp_dat.txt复制到verilog工作目录,运行仿真,生成post_process_dat.txt 4,将post_process_dat.txt复制到本目录,先运行bmp_process.exe,保持bmp_process.exe运行状态,再执行bmp_bin.exe,最终生成sobel_rst1.bmp,为最终处理结果。
在后仿时,用到的quartus的库文件有:cycloneive_atoms.v , altera_primitives.v。
当然,还需要仿真模型文件:testbench.v ,cpu.v,memory.v,arbiter.v。
#include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <sys/timeb.h> #include <time.h> typedef struct { double real; double img; } COMPLEX; typedef struct { long tv_sec; long tv_usec; } timeval; typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned short WORD; typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef long LONG; //位图文件头信息结构定义 //其中不包含文件类型信息(由于结构体的内存结构决定,要是加了的话将不能正确读取文件信息) typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { DWORD bfSize; //文件大小 WORD bfReserved1; //保留字,不考虑 WORD bfReserved2; //保留字,同上 DWORD bfOffBits; //实际位图数据的偏移字节数,即前三个部分长度之和 } BITMAPFILEHEADER; //信息头BITMAPINFOHEADER,也是一个结构,其定义如下: typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER{ DWORD biSize; //指定此结构体的长度,为40 LONG biWidth; //位图宽 LONG biHeight; //位图高 WORD biPlanes; //平面数,为1 WORD biBitCount; //采用颜色位数,可以是1,2,4,8,16,24,新的可以是32 DWORD biCompression; //压缩方式,可以是0,1,2,其中0表示不压缩 DWORD biSizeImage; //实际位图数据占用的字节数 LONG biXPelsPerMeter; //X方向分辨率 LONG biYPelsPerMeter; //Y方向分辨率 DWORD biClrUsed; //使用的颜色数,如果为0,则表示默认值(2^颜色位数) DWORD biClrImportant; //重要颜色数,如果为0,则表示所有颜色都是重要的 } BITMAPINFOHEADER; //调色板Palette,当然,这里是对那些需要调色板的位图文件而言的。24位和32位是不需要调色板的。 //(似乎是调色板结构体个数等于使用的颜色数。) typedef struct tagRGBQUAD { BYTE rgbBlue; //该颜色的蓝色分量 BYTE rgbGreen; //该颜色的绿色分量 BYTE rgbRed; //该颜色的红色分量 BYTE rgbReserved; //保留值 } RGBQUAD; void showBmpHead(BITMAPFILEHEADER* pBmpHead) { printf("bmp file head:\n"); printf("size:%d\n",pBmpHead->bfSize); printf("reserved byte1:%d\n",pBmpHead->bfReserved1); printf("reserved byte2:%d\n",pBmpHead->bfReserved2); printf("offbit:%d\n",pBmpHead->bfOffBits); } void showBmpInforHead(BITMAPINFOHEADER* pBmpInforHead) { printf("bmp info head:\n"); printf("structure size:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biSize); printf("width:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biWidth); printf("height:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biHeight); printf("biPlanes:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biPlanes); printf("biBitCount:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biBitCount); printf("compress type:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biCompression); printf("biSizeImage:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biSizeImage); printf("X:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biXPelsPerMeter); printf("Y:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biYPelsPerMeter); printf("colour used:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biClrUsed); printf("imp colour:%d\n",pBmpInforHead->biClrImportant); } void showRgbQuan(RGBQUAD* pRGB) { printf("(%-3d,%-3d,%-3d) ",pRGB->rgbRed,pRGB->rgbGreen,pRGB->rgbBlue); } void sobelEdge(BYTE* pColorData, int width,BYTE* lineone,BYTE* linetwo,BYTE* linethree); int main() { timeval tpstart, tpend; double timeuse; BITMAPFILEHEADER bitHead; BITMAPINFOHEADER bitInfoHead; FILE* pfile; WORD fileType; gettimeofday(&tpstart,NULL); pfile = fopen("./aa.bmp","rb");//打开文件 if(pfile!=NULL) { printf("file bkwood.bmp open success.\n"); //读取位图文件头信息 fread(&fileType,1,sizeof(WORD),pfile); if(fileType != 0x424d/* 0x4d42*/) { printf("file is not a bmp file!"); //return 0; } fread(&bitHead,1,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),pfile); showBmpHead(&bitHead); printf("\n\n"); //读取位图信息头信息 fread(&bitInfoHead,1,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),pfile); showBmpInforHead(&bitInfoHead); printf("\n"); } else { printf("file open fail!\n"); return 0; } if((bitInfoHead.biBitCount!=0x800) && (bitInfoHead.biBitCount!=0x8)) { printf("not 256 colour bmp error!"); // return 0; } FILE *pwrite=NULL;//写sobel之后的图像 pwrite=fopen("Sobel.bmp","wb"); if(pwrite==NULL) { printf("new file fail!"); } fwrite(&fileType,sizeof(WORD),1,pwrite); fwrite(&bitHead,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),1,pwrite); fwrite(&bitInfoHead,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),1,pwrite); //读取调色盘结信息 RGBQUAD *pRgb ; int i; int rgb2gray; long nPlantNum = (long)pow(2,(double)8/*bitInfoHead.biBitCount*/);// Mix color Plant Number; pRgb=(RGBQUAD *)malloc(sizeof(RGBQUAD)); for(i=0;i<=nPlantNum;i++) { memset(pRgb,0,sizeof(RGBQUAD)); int num = fread(pRgb,4,1,pfile); rgb2gray=(300* pRgb->rgbRed+590*pRgb->rgbGreen+110*pRgb->rgbBlue)/1000; pRgb->rgbRed=rgb2gray; pRgb->rgbGreen=rgb2gray; pRgb->rgbBlue=rgb2gray; fwrite(pRgb,4,1,pwrite); } int width = 1024;//bitInfoHead.biWidth; int height = 768;//bitInfoHead.biHeight; BYTE *pColorData=(BYTE *)malloc(width); //ad memset(pColorData,0,width);//ad BYTE lineone[1024]; BYTE linetwo[1024]; BYTE linethree[1024]; int num=0; int j=0; for(num=0;num<height;num++) { fread(pColorData,1,width,pfile); if(num==0) { for(j=0;j<width;j++) { linethree[j]=pColorData[j]; pColorData[j]=0; } fwrite(pColorData,1,width,pwrite); } if(num==1) { for(j=0;j<width;j++) { linetwo[j]=linethree[j]; linethree[j]=pColorData[j]; } } if(num==height-1) for(j=0;j<width;j++) { pColorData[j]=0; fwrite(pColorData,1,width,pwrite); } else { for(j=0;j<width;j++) { lineone[j]=linetwo[j]; linetwo[j]=linethree[j]; linethree[j]=pColorData[j]; } sobelEdge(pColorData,width,lineone,linetwo,linethree); fwrite(pColorData,1,width,pwrite); } } fclose(pwrite); fclose(pfile); if (bitInfoHead.biBitCount<24) { free(pRgb); } free(pColorData); gettimeofday(&tpend,NULL); timeuse=1000000*(tpend.tv_sec-tpstart.tv_sec)+tpend.tv_usec-tpstart.tv_usec; printf("sobel_soft Used Time us:%lf\n",timeuse); return 1; } void sobelEdge(BYTE* pColorData, int width,BYTE* lineone,BYTE* linetwo,BYTE* linethree) { BYTE area[3][1024]; int i=0; int j=0; for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=0;j<width;j++) { if(i==0) area[i][j]=lineone[j]; if(i==1) area[i][j]=linetwo[j]; if(i==2) area[i][j]=linethree[j]; } int temp1=0; int temp2=0; int temp=0; int *tempM=(int *)malloc(3*width*sizeof(int)); memset(tempM,0,3*width); int m=0; int n=0; for(m=0;m<2;m++) for(n=0;n<width;n++) { if((m==1)&&(n!=width-1)&&(n!=0)) { temp1=area[m+1][n-1] +2*area[m+1][n] +area[m+1][n+1] -area[m-1][n-1] -2*area[m-1][n] -area[m-1][n+1]; temp2=area[m-1][n+1] +2*area[m][n+1] +area[m+1][n+1] -area[m-1][n-1] -2*area[m][n-1] -area[m+1][n-1]; // temp=(int)((double)sqrt((double)(temp1*temp1))+(double)sqrt((double)(temp2*temp2))); temp = (int)(abs(temp1) + abs(temp2)); if(temp>255) { temp=255; } if(temp<0) { temp=0; } tempM[m*width+n]=(BYTE)temp; } else { area[m][n]=0; temp=area[m][n]; } } for(n=0; n<width; n++) { pColorData[n]=tempM[1*width+n]; } free(tempM); return; }
在虚拟机下编译:or32-linux-gcc bmp.c -o sobel