The End of Religion




我对极权(宗教)的恐惧始于”1984“ ,近期来自于加拿大国宝级女作家阿特伍德写的”使女的故事“,这不仅是历史上所有极端的的写照,更是活生生的现世寓言。


我最近在读一本书“The End of Religion", 推荐。


Here are 9 reasons Jesus hates religion (and you should too).

1.) Religion sees people as the enemy. Jesus sees sin as the enemy.

2.) Religion says showing grace is dangerous. Jesus says, “I know.”

3.) Religion grades righteousness on a curve. Jesus grades righteousness on a cross.

4.) Religion makes God the boss and you the employee. Jesus makes God the father and you the son.

5.) Religion says only listen to, attend, and watch “Christian” things. Jesus says look for truth everywhere.

6.) Religion is fueled by fear and punishment. Jesus is fueled by love and mercy.

7.) Religion is safe and practical. Jesus is radical and unpredictable.

8.) Religion says if you follow God, he will bless your life. Jesus says if you follow God he will give you life.

9.) Religion says come to church and serve. Jesus says go into the world and serve.



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