


艾揚格箴言433: When should an asana be soft and when should it berigid? In motion the whole muscle should be the petals of theflower, open andsoft.體式什麼時候柔軟什麼時候剛硬?在運動中整個肌肉應該像花瓣,開放和柔軟。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言434: One who follows the path of Yoga is a yogi oryogin.追隨瑜伽之路的人稱為瑜伽行者或瑜伽士。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言435: The system of yoga is so called because it teaches themeans by which the jīvātmā can be united to, or be in communionwith the Paramātmā, and so secure liberation(moksa).瑜伽系統之所以這樣稱呼是因為它教授通過個體靈魂與至尊超靈連接與交融的方法,從而獲得自由(解脫)。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言436: In the sixth chapter of the Bhagavad Gītā which is themost important authority on Yoga philosophy, Sri Krishna explainsto Arjuna the meaning of Yoga as a deliverance from contact withpain andsorrow.在瑜伽哲學的最重要權威著作《博伽梵歌》第六章中,施瑞•奎師那向阿朱那解釋瑜伽的意思是從痛苦和悲傷中解脫出來。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言437: The Bhagavad Gītā also gives other expansions of theterm yoga and lays stress upon Karma Yoga(Yoga byaction)《博伽梵歌》也給瑜伽一詞其他的闡述,著重提到業瑜伽(行動瑜伽)。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言438: Yoga has also been described as wisdom in work orskillful living amongst activities, harmony andmoderation.瑜伽也被描述为工作中的智慧或者生活行动中的高明,和谐和中庸。


艾揚格箴言439: Yoga is the method by which the restless mind iscalmed and the energy directed into constructivechannels.瑜伽是使焦躁不安的思緒平靜、使能量導向積極有益的渠道。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言440: Crooked body, crookedmind.彎曲的身體,柔軟的內心。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言441: The right means are just as important as the end inview. Patañjali enumerates these means as the eight limbs or stagesof Yoga for the quest of thesoul.鑒於正確的方法和結果同樣重要。帕坦伽利列舉了這些方法如八個分支或者探尋靈魂的瑜伽的八個階段。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言442: Yama and Niyama control the yogi's passions andemotions and keep him in harmony with his fellowman.持戒和尊行控制瑜伽行者的感情和情緒,保持他與同伴和諧共處。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言443: Āsanas keep the body healthy and strong and in harmonywith nature.体式保持身体健康强壮,与自然和谐共处。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言444: Prānāyāma and Pratyāhāra, teach the aspirant toregulate the breathing, and thereby control the mind. This helps tofree the senses from the thraldom of the objects ofdesire.呼吸控制法和制感法,教有志的瑜伽人调节、控制呼吸,进而控制心念。这有助于(感官)从欲望的奴役中解脱出来。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言445: The yogi does not look heavenward to find God. Heknows that he is within, being known as the Antarātmā(the InnerSelf).瑜伽士不會到天國去尋找神。他知道神在內心,也就是安特阿特曼(內在自我)。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言446: The active man finds realization through Karma Mārga,in which a man realizes his own divinity through work andduty.積極的人以業之道找到實現,通過工作和責任實現自己的神性。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言447: The emotional man finds it through Bhakti Mārga, wherethere is realization through devotion to and love of a personalGod.感性的人通過奉愛之道發現它,以奉獻對人格神的愛來實現神性。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言448:The intellectual man pursues Jñāna Mārga, whererealization comes through knowledge.理智的人追求智慧之道,通過知識來實現神性。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言449: The meditative or reflective man follows Yoga Mārga,and realizes his own divinity through control of themind.冥想或者反思的人追隨瑜伽之道,通過控制心念來實現自己的神性。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言450: Happy is the man who knows how to distinguish the realfrom the unreal, the eternal from the transient and the good fromthe pleasant by his discrimination andwisdom.幸福是那些知道通過辨別力和智慧來區分真與偽、永恆與短暫、以及美好與快樂的人。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言451: As animals, we walk the earth. As bearers of a divineessence, we are among the stars. As human beings, we are caught inthe middle, seeking to reconcile the paradox of how to make our wayupon the earth while striving for something more permanent and moreprofound.作為動物,我們行走於地球。作為神性精華的擁有者,我們在星辰之間。作為人類,我們被夾在中間,尋求調和矛盾如何用我們的方式生存於地球,同時爭取更持久和更長遠的發展。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言452: As we explore the Soul, it is important to rememberthat this exploration will take place within Nature (the body), forthat is where we are and what weare.當我們探究靈魂時,重要的是要記住,這一探究將發生在自然(身體)中,因為這是我們在哪裡,我們是什麼的源頭。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言453: The kosas are like the layers of an onion or theRussian dolls where one is nested within the other. These includeour energetic body, our mental body, our intellectual body, andultimately our blissful or soulbody.鞘就像洋蔥的皮層或者一個套一個的俄羅斯玩偶。這些包括我們的能量體、精神體、智慧體,以及終極喜樂或靈魂體。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言454: We must also come to see the relationship between nature and soul; yoga does not reject one for the other but sees them as inseparably joined like earth and sky are joined on the horizon.我們也應當來看看自然和靈魂之間的關係;瑜伽不因一個而排斥另一個,卻將它們視為密不可分的連接,就像大地和天空連接在地平線上一樣。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言455: The Inward Journey will allow you to explore and tointegrate each of these aspects of yourbeing.內心之旅讓你探索和整合你生命存在的各個方面。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言456: Before beginning this journey inward, we must clarifyits nature.在開始內心的旅程之前,我們要弄清它的本源。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言457: Yoga identifies five of these different levels orsheaths of being (kosas), which must be completely integrated andin harmony with each other in order for us to achievewholeness.瑜伽識別人類五種不同層次或者鞘(蔻薩),我們必須完全地整合它們,使其相互和諧,以實現整體合一。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言458: Yoga considers actions to be of four kinds:black--those that bring only ill consequences; grey--those whoseeffects are mixed; white--those that bring good results; and afourth, those that are without color, in which action brings noreaction.瑜伽認為行動有四種:黑色——那些只帶來壞的結果;灰色——那些影響有好、有壞為混合;白色——那些帶來好的結果;第四種,那些無色的,為行動沒有帶來反應。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言459: Yoga is as old and traditional as civilization, yet itpersists in modern society as a means to achieving essentialvitality.瑜伽像文化一樣古老而傳統,在現代社會它成為獲取基本活力的一種方式。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言460: Body will prove to be an obstacle unless we transcendits limitations and remove itscompulsions.身體最終顯現為一種障礙,除非我們超越它的局限並去除自身慾望。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言461: Many intellectually developed people are stillemotionally immature. If they have to face pains, they try toescape fromthem.很多智力發達的人,情感上仍然不成熟。如果他們不得不面對痛苦,他們試圖逃避痛苦。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言462: Everyone sometimes finds themselves in the awfuldilemma when every course of action or behavior seems to bewrong.每個人有時發現自己處於糟糕的進退兩難的境地,每一步行動或行為似乎都是錯的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言463: Do not say that you are disappointed withyourself.不要說你對自己感到失望。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(於伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言464: Find time every day to do something to maintain theasana practice.每天找時間堅持做體式練習。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言465: Sometimes both body and mind yield to willpower, andother times theyrebel.有的時候身體和思想都屈服於意志力,而另外時候它們會叛逆。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言466: We give many names to God, even though He isOne.我們給上帝很多名字,儘管他是唯一的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言467: Prana is God's breath. Prana is the energy permeatingthe universe at alllevels.普瑞那是上帝的呼吸。普瑞那是滲透在宇宙各層面的能量。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言468: For the Inward Journey, we will need a lot of energy,and a very subtle, high-quality energytoo.對於內在的旅程,我們將需要很多能量,精妙且高質量的能量。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言469: Pranayama is not normal breathing-nor is it just deepbreathing.呼吸控制法不是常規的呼吸——也不僅僅是深呼吸。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言470: By learning how to stretch and how to keep the nervoussystem elastic and lively through asana, you will be capable ofbearing any load, and so stress will not occur atall.通過學習如何伸展和如何通過體式保持神經系統的靈敏與活力,你將能夠承受任何負荷,根本無所謂壓力的產生。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言471: The journey to our infinite core of being is arduous.Only pranic energy can take usthere.去向我們無限存在之核心的旅程是艱巨的。只有生命能量可以帶我們到那裡。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言472: Kirshna, Buddha, Jesus lie in the hearts of all. Theyact as our role models today. Just as they reachedSelf-Realization, so maywe.克瑞诗那、佛陀、耶稣活在我们所有人的心里。今天他们扮演着我们的榜样。正像他们发到了自我实现,我们也能。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言473: Many of you worry that you are unable to meet thechallenges that lie ahead. I want to assure you that youcan.你們中許多人擔心無法迎接未來的挑戰。我想向你保證,你可以。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言474: I am a man who started from nowhere; I was heavilydisadvantaged in many ways. After much time and effort, I began toreach somewhere. What held good for me will hold good for youtoo.我是一個從無名之地開始的人;在許多方面我處於劣勢。經過了很多時間的努力,我開始到達某處。對我有益的東西對你們也繼續有益。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言475: Today you also have the benefit of many gifted yoga teachers. When I began yoga, there was, I am sorry to say, no wise, kind teacher to leadme.今天你也有受益于很多有天赋的瑜伽老师。但我开始瑜伽时,我遗憾地说,没有智慧、仁慈的老师引领我。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言476: It took me whole decades to appreciate the depth andtrue value of yoga.我花了整整數十年去領會瑜伽的深奧和真正價值。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言477: Any contribution I have made to the world has been thefruit of my sadhana.我給這個世界的所有奉獻都是我修行的成果。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言478: It is no extravagant claim to say that wisdom has cometo me by the practice of yoga, and the grace of God has lit thelamp of the inner core inme.它並非過分斷言由瑜伽練習所得的智慧已經來到,至尊主的恩典點亮了我內心的燈。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言479: Yoga transformed my life from a parasitic one to alife of purpose.瑜伽改變了我的生活,從一個寄生者到一個有生活目標的人。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言480: I am so grateful for what yoga has made of my lifethat I have always sought to shareit.我是如此感激瑜伽成就了我的生活,以致於我總是尋求去分享它。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言481:Like all destinies , like all great adventures, I havegone to places I imagined before I setout.像所有的命運,像所有的大冒險,開始出發前我已經去到我想象的地方。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言482: For me yoga has been a journey of discovery. Inhistorical terms it has been one of rediscovery but undertaken froma unique perspective: Innovation within traditionalboundaries.瑜伽對我而言是一場發現之旅。在歷史上它成為重新發現之一,但從獨特的視角來看:它是傳統範圍內的創新。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言483: Yoga recognizes that the way our bodies and minds work has changed very little over the millennia.瑜伽認識到一千多年來我們身體和思維的運作方式改變的很少。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言484: The rules of nature cannot be bent. They areimpersonal andimplacable.自然法則不能違背。它們是客觀的、無法改變的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言485: When I say that yoga saved my life, I am notexaggerating.當我說瑜伽拯救了我的生命時,我沒有誇大其詞。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言486: When I set off in yoga, I also had no no understandingof the greater glory ofyoga.當我開啓瑜伽之旅時,我同樣不瞭解瑜伽更大的榮耀。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言487: In the process yogasana brought tremendous physicalbenefits and helped me to grow from a sickly child into areasonably fit and agile youngman.在這個過程中瑜伽體式帶給身體極大的益處,幫助我從一個體弱多病的孩子成長為一個體重合適而敏捷的年輕人。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言488: My own body was the laboratory, in which I saw thehealth benefits of yoga, but I could already see that yoga wouldhave as many benefits for my head and heart as it did for mybody.我自己的身體是實驗室,在那裡我目睹了瑜伽的益處,而我早已領會瑜伽對我的頭腦和心也有很多益處,就像瑜伽有益於我的身體一樣。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言489: From your physical body, you will journey inward todiscover your your "subtle"bodies.從你的物質身體,你將向內旅行去發現你的「精微」身體。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言490: I embarked on the practice of asana as a man might setoff to sail the world in a craft he could barely handle, clingingto it for dear life and finding only solace from thestars.我著手體式練習,就像一個人幾乎不會操作,卻駕著船周遊世界,緊緊地抱著把手,只能從滿天的繁星得到安慰。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言491: The benefits of practice cannot always beanticipated.When they come, it is so often as unexpected bounty informs one had notexpected.練習的益處不能總預期到。但它們到來時,常常以意想不到的慷慨形式出現,超出人們的預料。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言492: Even hundreds of years before Patanjali wrote the YogaSutras, Indian yogis were trying to see some pattern in theseemingly chaotic fluctuations ofNature.甚至在帕坦伽利寫《瑜伽經》之前的數百年,印度瑜伽士就試圖在看似混亂的自然變化中觀察一些模型。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言493: As I have said, we human beings live between the tworealities of earth and sky.The earth stands for all that ispractical, material , tangible, andincarnate.就像我曾經說過,人類生於天地兩個現實之間。大地代表的一切是現實的、物質的、有形的和具體的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言494: So humankind stands with its feet planted squarely onthe earth, as in Tadasana, and it's head in thesky.因此,就像在山式,人類用腳站立,垂直扎根大地,頭頂天空。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言495: In my life I count among my greatest blessings myearly ill health, poverty, lack of education, and the harshness ofmy guru.在我的生命中,早期的不健康、貧窮、缺乏教育和上師的嚴厲算是我最大的福祉。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言496: Without these deprivation, I might never have held onso faithfully to yoga. When everything else is stripped away, theessential isrevealed.沒有這些的匱乏,我可能永遠不會如此忠實於瑜伽。當一切別的都被剝奪,本質得以揭示。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言497: By watching what we ingest into our bodies, we cankeep our bodiescleaner.通過觀察什麼攝入我們的身體,可以保持我們的身體更清潔。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言498: Yama can be learned through the practice ofasana.持戒可以通過體式的練習來學習。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(於伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言499: Yama: Living with true ethics. True ethics are notabsorbed from outsideconditioning.持戒:与真正的道德同在。真正的道德是不被外界吸引。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言500: Through Patanjali's principles of yama, he showed ushow to overcome our human psychologist and emotionalweaknesses.通過帕坦伽利的持戒原則,他展示給我們如何克服人類心理和情緒的弱點。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言501: Yama also means God of death. If the principles ofyama are not followed, we deliberately act as murderers of thesoul.持戒也意味著死亡之神。如果沒有遵循持戒的原則,我們故意在扮演靈魂的殺手。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言502: Gandhiji, the great man of my century, freed India andchanged the world by his perfection in the two petals ofnonviolence andtruth.甘地,我的世纪伟人,解放了印度,通过他的非暴力和不说谎的两朵花瓣的完美改变了这个世界。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言503: As yoga practice develops and the afflictions andobstacles to yoga interfere with us less, we begin to have someinkling of the glory oftruth.隨著瑜伽實踐的發展,瑜伽的苦行與妨礙,對我們的影響在減少,我們開始對誠實的榮耀略有所知。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言504: As beginners we may try to control only our habits.But, as time progress, the dictates of Yama become impulses of theheart.做為初學者,我們可能只設法控制我們的習慣。但是,隨著時間的增長,持戒的要求變成心的驅動。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言505: Yama is the culture ofself-restraint.持戒是自我克制的修養。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言506: To believe in God, we need to believe in ourselvesfirst.信仰上帝,需要先相信我們自己。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言507: As we have seen, for the yoji, spirit and nature arenot separate.正如我們所見,對於瑜伽行者,精神與物質是不可分的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言508: The yogi has experienced the freedom that comes fromrealizing that life has nothing to do with perpetuating theexistence of our mortal selves, either in its physical oregoisticalforms.瑜伽行者體驗的自由,來自於認識到生命無法延續我們終有一死的自我存在,它或是身體的、或是精神自我的形式。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言509: If one can prevent the inevitable egotism fromentering the core of one's life and activities, it means one is aspiritualman.如果一個人能防止不可避免的自負進入他的生活與行動中,這意味著他是一位屬靈的人。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言510: The free man is both innovative and open, evenrevolutionary, as I have been in my yoga practice, but he will alsobe steeped in tradition, through culture and heredity.解脫的人既是創新的,又是開放的,甚至是革命的,就像我在瑜伽練習中,但他也會因為文化和遺傳專注於傳統。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言511: The yogi is rooted in his own experiences and thediscoveries he has made through yogapractice.瑜伽士會扎根於他自己的練習,以及在瑜伽練習中的發現。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言512: For the average practitioner, remember that learningto live in freedom is a progressive process, as we free ourselvesfrom the habits of body, emotions, andmind.對於普通的練習者,記住學習自由自在地生活是一個漸進的過程,因為我們需要從身體、情感和思維的習慣中解放自己。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言513: As we gain greater skill, we must always be mindful ofhow to use our growing powerethically.當我們獲得更大的技能,我們必須始終注意在倫理上如何使用我們生長的力量。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言514: While the yogi is grounded in traditional ethics,texts on the science of yoga, and scripture, he has his ownauthority as a freeman.當瑜伽士扎根於傳統的倫理道德,瑜伽科學的文本和經典,他就像自由人一樣擁有了自己的權威。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言515: The challenge for the spiritually free man is to liveaccording to five qualities: courage, vitality, right and usefulmemory, awareness through living in the present moment, and totalabsorption in hisactives.對於精神自由者的挑戰是按照五種品質生活:勇氣、活力、正義、有用的記憶和通過活在當下的意識,並在他的行動中完全地專心致志。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言516: A spiritual man with his knowledge and wisdomperceives the differences of age and intelligence between himselfand others, but he never loses sight of the fact that the innerbeing isidentical.一個有知識和智慧的屬靈的人能覺察到自己與他人之間的年齡和智力的差異,但他絕不忽略內在存有是完全相同的事實。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言517: Even though the man possesses an inner knowledge ofsuch depth and subtlety that he visibly lives in a state of exaltedwisdom, he also visibly lives with his feet planted firmly on theground.即使一個人擁有深刻與精妙的內在知識,他顯然住進很高的智慧形態中,他也承認要腳踏實地。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言518: A yogi's actions may each be very small, but if eachperfect in its time and place, their cumulative effect isconsiderable.瑜伽士的各個行動也許很小,但若每一個都適時適地,它們的累積效應是相當大的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言519: Many people wonder why, in my book Light on Yoga, Iconsider Savasana(corpse pose) as the most difficultpose.很多人疑惑在我的書《瑜伽之光》中,為什麼我認為薩瓦薩納(挺屍式)是最難的體式。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言520: To most of us, corpse pose is an agreeable payoffafter a hard yoga class, in which we feel a relaxation that iseither torpid or vibrant or, some extent,luminous.對於我們中的大多數人來說,挺屍式是一堂辛苦的瑜伽課之後愉快的回報,在挺屍式中,我們感覺放鬆,它或是遲鈍的,或是活躍的,或某種程度上,是明亮的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言521: Savasana is about shedding, in the same way that Iearlier mentioned the snake sloughing off its skin to emerge glossyand resplendent in its renewedcolors.挺屍式是關於蛻變的,以同樣的方法,我早先談到蛇蛻皮顯現光澤,並通過更新膚色變得華麗。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言522: To relax is to cut tension. To cut tension is to cutthe threads that bind us toidentity.放鬆是減除緊張。減除緊張是剪開捆綁我們身份的繩索。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言523: Yoga cannot be preached about, orproselytized.瑜伽並非佈道,也非改變宗教信仰。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言524: Mind is the king of the senses. One who has conqueredhis mind, senses, passions, thought and reason is a king among men.He is fit for Rāja Yoga, the royal union with the Universal Spirit.He has InnerLight.心是感官之王。一個人征服了心意、感官、情感、思想和理智,便是人中之王。他適合於王瑜伽,即與宇宙靈魂盛大的連接。他有內在之光。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言525: He who has conquered his mind is a Rāja Yogi. The wordrāja means a king. The expression Rāja Yoga implies a completemastery of theSelf.戰勝了自己心意的人是王瑜伽修行者。rāja這個詞意思是國王。王瑜伽的表達意味著對自我的完全征服。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言526: Swātmārāma, the author of the Hatha Yogs Pradīpikācalled the same path Hatha Yoga because it demanded rigorousdiscipline.《哈他瑜伽之光》的作者濕瓦德瑪茹阿瑪把這相同的路徑稱為哈他瑜伽,因為它要求嚴格的自律。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言527: It is generally believed that Rāja Yoga and Hatha areentirely distinct, different and opposed to each other, that theYoga Sutras of Patañjali deal with Spiritual discipline and thatthe Hatha Yogs Pradīpikā of Swātmārāma deals solely with physicaldiscipline.通常認為王瑜伽和哈他瑜伽是完全不同的,彼此對立,帕坦伽利的《瑜伽經》涉及精神自律,而濕瓦德瑪茹阿瑪的《哈他瑜伽之光》單獨針對身體自律。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言528: The yoga aspirant need the knowledge and discipline ofthe Hatha Yoga of Swātmārāma to reach the heights of Rāja Yogadealt with byPatañjali.瑜伽的追求者應該將濕瓦德瑪茹阿瑪《哈他瑜伽之光》的知識和自律去達至帕坦伽利所言王瑜伽的高度。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言529: The yogi learns to forget the past and takes nothought for the morrow. He lives in the eternalpresent.瑜伽行者學習不念過往、不憂未來。他活在永恆的當下。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言530: Vyādhi: It will be noticed that the very firstobstacle is ill-health or sickness. To the yogi his body is theprime instrument of attainment.疾病:需要注意的第一障礙是不健康或者生病。對於瑜伽行者他的身體是取得成就的基本工具。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言531: If the body is broken by ill-health, the aspirant canachieve little. Physical health is important for mentaldevelopment.如果身體健康被破壞,有志者難以獲得成功。身體健康對於靈性開發很重要。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言532: The seeker should have faith in himself and hismaster. He should have faith that God is ever by his side and thatno evil can touch him.探求者應該對自己和他的上師有信心。他應該相信上帝永遠與他同在,沒有邪惡能傷害他。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言533: Ālasya: To remove the obstacle of laziness, unflaggingenthusiasm(vīrya) isneeded.懶惰:為了去除怠惰的障礙,不松懈、持續的熱情(精進)是必需的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言534: The attitude of the aspirant is like that of a loverever yearning to meet the beloved but never giving way todespair.探尋者的態度就像戀人曾經渴望見到心愛的人,從不給絕望讓路。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言535: Hope should be his shield and courage his sword.希望是他的盾,勇氣是他的劍。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言536: He should be free hate and sorrow. With faith andenthusiasm he should overcome the inertia of the body and themind.他应该从憎恨和悲伤中解脱出来。通过信仰和热情他应该克服身体和思想上的惰性。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言537: Without being attached to the objects of sense, thethe yogi to learns to enjoy them with the aid of senses which arecompletely under hiscontrol.不依附于感官对象,瑜伽士学习在完全控制了感官目的的情况下享受它们。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言538: By the practice of Pratyāhāra he win freedom fromattachment and emancipation from desire and becomes content andtranquil.通過制感的練習,修行者擺脫物質依戀贏得自由,從慾望中解放,變得滿足和寧靜。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言539: To overcome the obstacles and to win unalloyedhappiness, Patañjali offered severalremedies.為了克服障礙而贏得純粹的幸福,帕坦伽利提供了幾個補救方法。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言540: The best of these is the fourfold remedy ofMaitri(friendliness), Karuna(compassion), Muditā(delight) andUpeksā(disregard).這些當中最好的是四重補救:慈、悲、喜和捨。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)
