





Chapter 1: What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success?

Action Steps

Action Step 1. Make a Distinction Between Learning Goals and Learning Activities or Assignments

Action Step 2. Write a Rubric or Scale for Each Learning Goal 

Action Step 3. Have Students Identify Their Own Learning Goals 

Action Step 4. Assess Students Using a Formative Approach

Action Step 5. Have Students Chart Their Progress on Each Learning Goal 

Action Step 6. Recognize and Celebrate Growth 


When considering the first instructional design question—What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success?—teachers should think about three basic elements. First, establishing and communicating learning goals involves distinguishing between learning goals and learning activities and then writing learning goals in a suitable format. Second, tracking student progress involves using formative assessments and a scale designed specifically for formative assessments. It also involves charting student progress on individual learning goals. Third, celebrating success involves recognizing and acknowledging students’ knowledge gains.  


Chapter 2: What will I do to help students effectively interact with new knowledge?

Action Steps

Action Step 1. Identify Critical-Input Experiences

Action Step 2. Preview the Content Prior to a Critical-Input Experience 

What Do You Think You Know? 

Overt Linkages 

Preview Questions

Brief Teacher Summary 


Teacher-Prepared Notes 

Action Step 3. Organize Students into Groups to Enhance the Active Processing of Information

Action Step 4. Present New Information in Small Chunks and Ask for Descriptions, Discussion, and Predictions

Action Step 5. Ask Questions That Require Students to Elaborate on Information

General Inferential Questions 

Elaborative Interrogations 

Action Step 6. Have Students Write Out Their Conclusions or Represent Their Learning Nonlinguistically


Graphic Organizers 

Dramatic Enactments 

Mnemonic Devices Employing Imagery 

Academic Notebooks 

Action Step 7. Have Students Reflect on Their Learning 


In considering the second design question—What will I do to help students effectively interact with new knowledge?—it is key for the teacher to identify critical-input experiences. Teachers can take the following actions to approach critical-input experiences in a systematic fashion: preview information; divide stu- dents into small groups; organize the critical-input experience into small chunks of information that students describe, discuss, and use to make predictions; ask students questions that require elaborations; have students record their conclu- sions in linguistic and nonlinguistic formats; and finally, ask students to reflect on their learning.


Chapter 3: What will I do to help students practice and deepen their understanding of new knowledge?

Action Steps

Action Step 1. Provide Students with Tasks That Require Them to Examine Similarities and Differences



Creating metaphors 

Creating analogies 

Action Step 2. Help Students Identify Errors in Thinking 

Action Step 3. Provide Opportunities for Students to Practice Skills, Strategies, and Processes

Initially Provide Structured Practice Sessions Spaced Close Together 

Provide Practice Sessions That Are Gradually Less Structured and More Varied 

When Appropriate, Provide Practice Sessions That Help Develop Fluency 

Action Step 4. Determine the Extent to Which Cooperative Groups Will Be Used

Action Step 5. Assign Purposeful Homework That Involves Appropriate Participation from the Home

Homework That Helps Students Deepen Their Knowledge 

Homework That Enhances Students’ Fluency with Procedural Knowledge 

Homework That Introduces New Content 

Action Step 6. Have Students Systematically Revise and Make Corrections in Their Academic Notebooks


When considering the third design question—What will I do to help students practice and deepen their understanding of new knowledge?—teachers should distinguish between declarative and procedural knowledge. Practice is more appropriate for procedural knowledge. Activities such as identifying similarities and differences and error analysis are more appropriate for declarative knowl- edge. Use of cooperative groups, homework, and revision activities apply well to both types of knowledge. 
