明白太多道理 反而失去了这个年龄该有的快乐

When I was a child, I played like a madman with sheets, and when I grew up, I cried like a fool with a quilt in my arms.

Your sentence will take a long time to come, let me see people go tea cool.

I am always intermittently hopeful about life, and I have been depressed to the end for a long time.

你不能指望一杯已经凉的水 再冒热气
You can't expect a glass of cold water to heat up again.

If I say something against my will, please don't go along with my wishes.

明白太多道理 反而失去了这个年龄该有的快乐
If you know too much truth, you will lose the happiness you should have at this age.

比起得到又失去 我更喜欢一无所有
I prefer nothing to getting and losing.

The real function of tears is to wash your eyes and make you see clearly the person who makes you cry.

Some words hidden in the bottom of my heart are not intended to hide, but not all pain can be shouted.

毕竟一生很短 少有圆满.
After all, life is very short and seldom perfect.



你可能感兴趣的:(明白太多道理 反而失去了这个年龄该有的快乐)