




efficient synthesizable VHDL











1.MATLAB Builder for COM(查看MathWorks产品在版本14中的转变)

2.MATLAB Builder for Excel (查看MathWorks产品在版本14中的转变)

1.Bioinformatics 工具箱(注册-R13SP1介绍过)

Bioinformatics 工具箱扩展了MATLAB为genome和proteome分析提供一个完整的软件环境。







(7)在生物学序列中建模模式统计学,使用Hidden Markov Model(HMM)外形

(8)界面带有其他bioinformatics软件(BioPearl and BioJava)

Bioinformatics 工具箱是依靠在许多来自统计学工具箱函数之上,包括一些仅仅在现有最新版本的统计学工具箱中的函数。我们推荐你在运行Bioinformatics工具箱之前安装最新版本的统计学工具箱。

滤波器筹划HDL编码器是一个为定-点滤波器描述连同MATLAB和滤波器筹划工具箱进行硬件描述语言(HDL)的代码发生器。滤波器筹划HDL编码器生成efficient synthesizable VHDL或者Verilog 代码来自量化滤波器和创造校验工作台。用于快速仿真,校验和核对生成滤波器代码。


(1)fi -- 在MATLAB工作空间中定义一个定-点数字对象。每个fi对象是组成值的数据,一个fimath对象,和一个numerictype对象。

(2)fimath -- 定义运算属性,协同fi对象工作

(3)fipref -- 为fi对象定义显示属性

(4)numerictype -- 定义数据类型和测量fi对象的属性

(5)quantizer -- 量化数据设置






5.Link for ModelSim®

Link for ModelSim是一个cosimulation界面,其协调MathWorks工具箱进入电子筹划自动化(EDA)工作路径,为文件问题创造门户阵列(FPGA)和应用程序-特定整合电路(ASIC)开发。界面提供一个快速bidirectional 连接Model Technology's硬件定义语言(HDL)模拟器,ModelSim SE/PE,和MATLAB 之间并且Simulink为支配硬件筹划描述验证和cosimulation。这些工具箱的集合允许用户提出每个产品去最好的完成它的任务。

(1)ModelSim -- 在HDL和simulation中硬件仿真

(2)MATLAB -- 数值计算,算法开发,和显像

(3)Simulink -- 系统-等级的仿真筹划和复合模型

连接为MATLAB函数的ModelSim界面构成和ModelSim命令为建立通信连接 ModelSim 和MathWorks产品 之间。并且,Simulink模块的一个数据库是现有为包括ModelSim HDL描述,在Simulink模型中为cosimulation。

 6.OPC 工具箱






(5)能够从OPC Data Access servers加载数据,不需要在OPC服务上为历史数据存取支持。


7.RF 工具箱

RF 工具箱能够让你在带有支持双倍电源和噪声的频率区域中去为仿真创建和结合RF电路。你能够读,写,分析,结合,和显现RF电路参数。函数能够让你立刻工作你自己的电路参数数据或来自文件的数据。



 1.为TI C2000 DSP 平台嵌入对象(注册-R13SP1中介绍过)

为TI C2000 DSP平台嵌入对象 1.0 是一个来自MathWorks的新产品,其能够让你去创建,仿真,和下载执行代码到你的C2000 DSP对象board。下面eZdsp DSP board配备来自Spectrum Digital 是被支持的。

(1)TMS320F2812 eZdsp DSK -- F2812eZdsp DSP 启动器配备

(2)TMS320LF2407 eZdsp DSK -- LF2407eZdsp DSP启动器配备

 2.Simulink Accelerator (查看MathWorks 产品在版本14中的转变)
 3. Simulink 控制筹划

Simulink控制筹划为控制系统的linearization和在Simulink中物理的模型提供工具。一个图形用户界面simplifies指定操作控制的任务,linearizing模型,和解析结果。Linearized Simulink模型经常促进系统解析和代偿筹划。这是在许多产业和应用程序通用的,包括:




Simulink控制筹划改善,在以往Simulink linearization工具之上,通过为计算提供更多选择运算条件和允许打开循环解析没有反馈循环的删除。它也包括一个linearization 检查和查错程序。Linearization在工程是更简单的去管理,新控制和预算工具管理。而且,控制系统工具箱特性,例如LTI 查看器,完整的Simulink 控制筹划去改善控制系统解析和筹划。

 5.Simulink 参数预测

Simulink 参数预测是一个工具为预测参数和一个Simulink模型的初始状态使用input/output 数据。


 6.Simulink 响应优化(查看MathWorks产品在版本14中的转变)





New Products

The following new products have been added to the MathWorks product family since Release 13 with Service Pack 1 (R13SP1) was released. Some of these products were initially introduced in Web download form prior to Release 14.

This page also includes products that have been renamed in Release 14.


1.MATLAB Builder for COM (see MathWorks Products in Transition for Release 14)

2.MATLAB Builder for Excel (see MathWorks Products in Transition for Release 14)


1.Bioinformatics Toolbox (introduced post-R13SP1)

 The Bioinformatics Toolbox extends MATLAB to provide an integrated software environment for genome and proteome analysis. Features in this toolbox include

(1)Connecting to Web accessible databases

(2)Reading and converting between multiple data formats

(3)Determining statistical characteristics of data

(4)Manipulating and aligning sequences

(5)Reading, normalizing, and visualizing microarray

(6)Creating and manipulating phylogenetic tree data

(7)Modeling patterns statistically in biological sequences using Hidden Markov Model (HMM) profiles

(8)Interfacing with other bioinformatics software (BioPearl and BioJava)

The Bioinformatics Toolbox is dependent upon many functions from the Statistics Toolbox including some functions only available in the latest version of the Statistics Toolbox. We recommend that you install the latest version of the Statistics Toolbox before running the Bioinformatics Toolbox.

2.Filter Design HDL Coder

Filter Design HDL Coder is a hardware description language (HDL) code generator for fixed-point filters designed with MATLAB and the Filter Design Toolbox. The Filter Design HDL Coder generates efficient synthesizable VHDL or Verilog code from quantized filters and creates test benches for quickly simulating, testing, and verifying the generated filter code. The generated code adheres to a clean HDL coding style that enables architects and designers to quickly address customizations, as needed. The test bench feature increases confidence in the correctness of the generated code and saves potential time spent on test bench implementation.

3.Fixed-Point Toolbox

The Fixed-Point Toolbox provides fixed-point data types in MATLAB and enables algorithm development by providing fixed-point arithmetic. The Fixed-Point Toolbox enables you to create the following types of objects:

(1)fi -- Defines a fixed-point numeric object in the MATLAB workspace. Each fi object is composed of value data, a fimath object, and a numerictype object.

(2)fimath -- Defines the arithmetic attributes work with fi objects

(3)fipref -- Defines the display attributes for fi objects

(4)numerictype -- Defines the data type and scaling attributes of fi objects

(5)quantizer -- Quantizes data sets

4.Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox (introduced post-R13SP1)

The Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox is a collection of functions that extend the capabilities of the Optimization Toolbox and the MATLAB numeric computing environment. The Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox includes routines for solving optimization problems using

(1)Genetic algorithm

(2)Direct search

These algorithms enable you to solve a variety of optimization problems that lie outside the scope of the standard Optimization Toolbox.

 5.Link for ModelSim® 

Link for ModelSim is a cosimulation interface that integrates MathWorks tools into the electronic design automation (EDA) workflow for field programmable gate array (FPGA) and application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) development. The interface provides a fast bidirectional link between Model Technology's hardware definition language (HDL) Simulator, ModelSim SE/PE, and MATLAB and Simulink for direct hardware design verification and cosimulation. The integration of these tools allows users to apply each product to the tasks it does best:  

(1)ModelSim--hardware modeling in HDL and simulation    

(2)MATLAB--numerical computing, algorithm development, and visualization

(3)Simulink--simulation of system-level designs and complex models

The Link for ModelSim interface consists of MATLAB functions and ModelSim commands for establishing the communication links between ModelSim and the MathWorks products. In addition, a library of Simulink blocks is available for including ModelSim HDL designs in Simulink models for cosimulation.        6.OPC Toolbox

The OPC Toolbox is a collection of M-file functions and MEX-file dynamic link libraries (DLLs) built on the MATLAB technical computing environment. The toolbox provides you with these main features:

(1)A framework for interacting with one or more OPC servers directly from MATLAB.

(2)Compliance with the OPC Foundation Data Access Standard, version 2.05a.

(3)Event-driven interaction with OPC servers.

(4)An object-oriented hierarchical structure for managing connections to OPC servers, grouping signals (tags), and communicating with servers in a flexible and efficient way.

(5)The ability to log data from OPC Data Access servers without the need for Historical Data Access support on the OPC server.

(6)An intuitive graphical user interface for browsing OPC servers, creating OPC Toolbox objects and initiating logging tasks.

7.RF Toolbox

The RF Toolbox enables you to create and combine RF circuits for simulation in the frequency domain with support for both power and noise. You can read, write, analyze, combine, and visualize RF network parameters. Functions enable you to work directly with your own network parameter data or with data from files.


1.Embedded Target for TI C2000 DSP Platform (introduced post-R13SP1)   

The Embedded Target for the TI TMS320C2000 DSP Platform 1.0 is a new product from The MathWorks that enables you to create, simulate, and download executable code to your C2000 DSP target board. The following eZdsp DSP board kits from Spectrum Digital are supported: (1)TMS320F2812 eZdsp DSK -- the F2812eZdsp DSP Starter Kit       

(2)TMS320LF2407 eZdsp DSK -- the LF2407eZdsp DSP Starter Kit  

2.Simulink Accelerator (see MathWorks Products in Transition for Release 14)

3.Simulink Control Design

Simulink Control Design provides tools for the linearization of control systems and physical models in Simulink. A graphical user interface simplifies the tasks of specifying operating conditions, linearizing the model, and analyzing the results. Linearized Simulink models often facilitate system analysis and compensator design. This is useful in many industries and applications, including  

(1)Aerospace: flight control, guidance, navigation

(2)Automotive: cruise control, emissions control, transmission

(3)Equipment manufacturing: motors, disk drives, servos

Simulink Control Design improves upon previous Simulink linearization tools by providing more options for computing operating conditions and allows open loop analysis without the removal of feedback loops. It also includes a linearization inspector and debugger. Linearization projects are easier to manage with the new Control and Estimation Tools Manager. Furthermore, Control System Toolbox features, such as the LTI Viewer, are integrated with the Simulink Control Design to improve control system analysis and design.

4.Simulink Fixed Point (see MathWorks Products in Transition for Release 14)

5.Simulink Parameter Estimation

Simulink Parameter Estimation is a tool for estimating parameters and initial states of a Simulink model using empirical input/output data.

This tool provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that simplifies the mechanics of the estimation process. There is also a command line interface if you do not want to use the GUI.  

6.Simulink Response Optimization (see MathWorks Products in Transition for Release 14)   

7.Simulink Verification and Validation (see MathWorks Products in Transition for Release 14)   


1.RF Blockset  

The RF Blockset is a tool for design, analysis, and simulation of RF communications systems. It uses baseband equivalent behavioral modeling to model and analyze RF systems in the time domain.

The RF Blockset enables you to assemble complex RF systems from libraries of RF components such as ladder filters, transmission lines, black box elements, amplifiers and mixers. You can include Simulink, Signal Processing Blockset, and Communications Blockset blocks in your model, as well as blocks from other MathWorks blocksets.

2.Signal Processing Blockset (see MathWorks Products in Transition for Release 14).
