
English & 中文

lie back 往後躺

pull the front of thighs up 大腿前側(肌肉)往上提

lift the muscles of your legs up 腿部肌肉往上提

cross at the ankles or shinbones 在腳踝或者脛骨處交叉

keep your feet there,

walk your hands back to your feet,

come to standing forward bend 雙腳保持不動,



bring your legs over your head 雙腿越過頭頂

try to get the hips as high as you can  臀部盡量向上提高

come to hands and knees 來到四足跪立

move the upper back up towards the roof 上背部往天花板的方向拱起

lengthen through your abdomen 腹部拉長

spread the shoulder blades apart 肩胛骨彼此遠離

hands beside your thighs 雙手放在大腿兩側

cross your arms 手臂交叉

place your hands under your armpits 雙手放在腋下

elbows bend 90 degrees 屈肘90度

bend your elbows

and lower your chest half way down 曲手肘,


taking the weight on to your elbows 重心放在手肘

keep the chin lifted 下巴保持上抬

keep looking forward 保持往前看

don't look down 不要往下看

bring your chin into your shins 下巴貼向脛骨

contract your muscles 肌肉收緊

repeat the actions 重復動作

face the wall 面向牆

land quietly 輕輕落地
