
无意中看到一个帖子,说,“You can develop feelings for someone who doesn’t even exist. Here’s how it happens”。它是“Is it Wrong to Feel Emotion for Someone You've Never Met?”一文的导读,作者是George Michelsen Foy,他在纽约大学教授“创意写作”。

上文是篇博客文,具有一时兴起之所有急就章文字的共同缺陷:散乱,缺乏必要的内在联系。老师尤其是文学老师的毛病是爱吹牛,爱吹嘘自己,比如说如果作者不是脱离主题说自己如何辛苦、为自己的新书打广告,这篇文章本可开门见山,不至于那么杂乱。不仅如此,文中有一个无心之错,即它提到《84, Charing Cross Road》(1970)是一本小说。其实,虽然它后来被改编为舞台剧和电影,但作为原作它不是一本小说,而是纽约作家Helene Hanff与伦敦书店(Marks & Co.)古旧书籍首席采购员Frank Doel的通信集。


Certainly the human imagination is powerful enough to feel affection for people we build solely out of the various data in our head. Novels, after all, are based on this principle—who hasn’t read a book with a character so engaging we feel we know her, or him, and care for that person too? I still feel sad about losing Robert Jordan, in a sabotage attempt in the Spanish Civil War, at the end of Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls (link is external). I remember, as a kid who loved Tolkien’s The Hobbit (link is external), refusing to read Lord of the Rings (link is external) for fear Bilbo (link is external) would meet his doom in the subsequent trilogy. That was how much I loved Bilbo.

上述见解无疑是对的,但如文中绝大部分内容一样,过于局限于某种来自单一背景(比如文学的互感性)的感受,并不足以解释文章题目所体现的心理(学)问题。不仅如此,作者也许是受1987年同名电影的影响,以为安东尼·霍普金斯饰演的Frank Doel对Helene Hanff存有某种crush。没错,电影有些地方确实让人心生“惆怅”,如他为她不能来伦敦观摩伊丽莎白登基沮丧万分,以及他的妻子在他死后告诉女作家自己如何嫉妒她的写作才华,以及如何嫉妒她和他们的通讯关系。

但从事实来看,美国作家和英国采购员的关系虽然不失罗曼,如从普通小生意出发,越聊越多——“Their letters included discussions about topics as diverse as the sermons of John Donne, how to make Yorkshire Pudding, the Brooklyn Dodgers and the coronation of Elizabeth II. ”,但总的来说它并非一个爱情故事,更不是与之相关的“虚拟的关系”。正是在这个意义上我们可以说上述文章文不对题,且足以显现文字人的虚荣和缺陷,他们很容易一不小心就把自己弄成了一个走街串巷售卖狗皮膏药的人。
