Quick Index Table

This table is for the Quick Index function of the Bible tool(Win10)
Quick Index Tutorial

Index Book Short Name
GN Genesis Gn
EX Exodus Ex
LV Leviticus Lv
NB Numbers Nb
DT Deuteronomy Dt
JOS Joshua Jos
JG Judges Jg
RT Ruth Rt
1S 1Samuel 1S
2S 2Samuel 2S
1K 1Kings 1K
2K 2Kings 2K
1CH 1Chronicles 1Ch
2CH 2Chronicles 2Ch
EZR Ezra Ezr
NE Nehemiah Ne
EST Esther Est
JB Job Jb
PS Psalms Ps
PR Proverbs Pr
QO Ecclesiastes Qo
SG SongofSongs Sg
IS Isaiah Is
JR Jeremiah Jr
LM Lamentations Lm
EZK Ezekiel Ezk
DN Daniel Dn
HO Hosea Ho
JL Joel Jl
AM Amos Am
OB Obadiah Ob
JON Jonah Jon
MI Micah Mi
NA Nahum Na
HAB Habakkuk Hab
ZP Zephaniah Zp
HG Haggai Hg
ZC Zechariah Zc
ML Malachi Ml
MT Matthew Mt
MK Mark Mk
LK Luke Lk
JN John Jn
AC Acts Ac
RM Romans Rm
1CO 1Corinthians 1Co
2CO 2Corinthians 2Co
GA Galatians Ga
EP Ephesians Ep
PH Philippians Ph
COL Colossians Col
1TH 1Thessalonians 1Th
2TH 2Thessalonians 2Th
1TM 1Timothy 1Tm
2TM 2Timothy 2Tm
TT Titus Tt
PHM Philemon Phm
HEB Hebrews Heb
JM James Jm
1P 1Peter 1P
2P 2Peter 2P
1JN 1John 1Jn
2JN 2John 2Jn
3JN 3John 3Jn
JUDE Jude Jude
RV Revelation Rv

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