39、 伪距计算定义

\qquad 下面是HD-GR GNSS导航软件的伪距计算相关定义:

// main_pseudorange.h -- Header file for the main_pseudorange.c file

 * Copyright (C) 2005 Andrew Greenberg
 * Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) Version 2 (June 1991).
 * See the "COPYING" file distributed with this software for more information.

/* Namuru GPS receiver project
 * Original : pseudorange.h
 * Modes    : None
 * version  : V1.0
 * date     : 21st/Dec/2006

 * HD-GR GNSS receiver project
 * Modes    : Inherited the definitions of pseudorange.h in the Namuru GPS receiver 
 *            project V1.0 and made necessary adjustments to adapt to the new RTOS
 *            and functions.
 * version  : V1.0
 * date     : xx/xx/2015


#include "gnsstime.h"

 * Definitions

 * Declarations

typedef struct {
    unsigned short  valid;			// This channel is valid
    unsigned short  prn;			// Sat. PRN
    unsigned long   power;			// signal average power

    double          sat_time;		// Time of transmission (s)
    double          range;			// Pseudo-range (m)
} chan_range_t;

typedef struct {
	gnsstime_t pr_time;
	unsigned short pr_tic;
	chan_range_t chan_pr[TOT_MAX_CHANNELS];
} pseudorange_t;

void calculate_pseudorange(OS_FLAGS measurements_ready);

 * Externs

extern pseudorange_t *m_ppr_pos;

#endif // __MAIN_PSEUDORANGE_H__

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