

In Britain, there was a group of people called Pilgrims. They were different from most people there. They had certain religious beliefs that others did not share. So they wanted to leave the Britain and go to the New World. They hired a ship called Mayflower to take them to America.

They left in 1620 and landed in America after two months of sailing. They were supposed to go to the Hudson River area. But they landed at a place called Plymouth Rock. It was in modern-day Massachusetts on Cape Cod. Still, the Pilgrims decided to settle there.

The first winter was hard. Many Pilgrims died. But the Native Americans there made pace with them. Their leader was Samoset. He brought Squanto to stay with the Pilgrims. Squanto and other Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to farm the land properly. That year, the Pilgrims harvested many crops. They had big three-day festival with the Native Americans. That was the first Thanksgiving.

Every year, the Pilgrims colony become stronger and stronger. More colonists came from Britain. So the colony become very successful.

As the years passed, there was 13 colonies. These colonies were ruled by the king of England. But many colonies did not want to be ruled by England. They wanted to be free. On July 4,1776, many leaders in the colonies signed the Declaration of Independence.

In the declaration, they wrote that Americans wanted to be free and start their own country. The colonies fought a war with England. The war lasted for many years. George Washington commanded the American soldiers and led them to victory.

After the war, the colonies become a country. The country was called the United States of America. Today, Americans celebrate Independence Day on July 4.

Write the correct word.

  1. to gather crops from the field; the gathering of crops:
  2. to lead; to order:
  3. an official announcement or statement:
