首先让我们回顾一下tri-state logic gates,引自维基百科中的解释。
Three-state, or 3-state, logic gates are a type of logic gates that have three states of the output: high (H), low (L) and high-impedance (Z).The high-impedance state plays no role in the logic, which remains strictly binary. These devices are used on buses also known as the Data Buses of the CPU to allow multiple chips to send data. A group of three-states driving a line with a suitable control circuit is basically equivalent to a multiplexer, which may be physically distributed over separate devices 。
In electronics, High impedance would mean that the output is effectively disconnected from the circuit。
Synthesis of z (关于高阻状态综合后的结果)
The z value implies high impedance or an open circuit. It is not a normal logic value and
can only be synthesized by a tri-state bufer.The operation of the buffer is controlled by an enable signal, oe (for "output enable").
When it is 1, the input is passed to output. On the other hand, when it is 0, the y output appears to be an open circuit.
The code of the tri-state buffer is assign y = (oe) ? a-in : l'bz;
tri-state buffer 最常见的应用就是用来描述,bidirectional ports。
第一种描述 Inout口的方式
即采用两个 tri-state buffer 来描述双向口。
将该模块看成一个介于 system和外设之间的模块,。
data_to_bus是从sys来的想要输出到 data_bus上的数据。
sdlink 是 tri-state buffer的控制信号.
当sdlink = 1时,可以认为此时CPU占据总线使用权,将要输出的数据通过 inout口 送到 数据总线上。而此时外设处于 输出高阻状态不占据总线使用权,所以
testbench部分文件如下所示,适当增加信号,例如用 io_data_reg模拟外部输入sys的总线数据.
第二种描述 inout口的方式
即 单tri-state buffer描述bid--pors
这两种方式都可用于 描述 现实中的 双向端口,尤其是在描述 双向数据端口的时候。
先说到这,以后再做补充. 如果有 论述 不对 的地方,还请大家帮忙指出。