Chapter 20 | Day 22 #DailyNote@OnWritingWell

Part 1




Part 2




Never hesitate to imitate another writer. Imitation is part of the creative process for anyone learning an art or a craft. Bach and Picasso didn’t spring full-blown as Bach and Picasso; they needed models. This is especially true of writing. Find the best writers in the fields that interest you and read their work aloud. Get their voice and their taste into your ear—their attitude toward language. Don’t worry that by imitating them you’ll lose your own voice and your own identity. Soon enough you will shed those skins and become who you are supposed to become.


I tried to write them both in the best English I could, in my usual style. Though the books were widely different in subject, I wanted readers to know that they were hearing from the same person. It was my book about baseball and my book about jazz. Other writers would write their book. My commodity as a writer, whatever I’m writing about, is me. And your commodity is you.



The common assumption is that the style is effortless. In fact the opposite is true: the effortless style is achieved by strenuous effort and constant refining.

而用语在细节当中的体现,则是搭建起文体的一块块积木,作者推崇E. B. White,其实作者的文笔也相当漂亮,细节之处尽显风采:

The sentence is so folksy that we imagine ourselves sitting on the porch of White’s house in Maine. White is in a rocking chair, puffing on a pipe, and the words just tumble out in his storyteller’s voice. But look at the sentence again. Nothing about it is accidental. It’s a disciplined act of writing. The grammar is formal, the words are plain and precise, and the cadences are those of a poet. That’s the effortless style at its best: a methodical act of composition that disarms us with its generated warmth. The writer sounds confident; he’s not trying to ingratiate himself with the reader.


“storyteller’s voice”——这让我想起昨天看《非诚勿扰》主持人提起上一场男嘉宾,三秒钟声音苏炸。于是到处找资源。

  • 这个链接是爱奇艺上《非诚勿扰》的视频,第一个上场就是:
    链接 | 非诚勿扰:COS大神活在二次元 被怼不真实
  • 这个链接是他在B站上做up主上传的自己的作品:
    链接 | 【漫展】深圳ANIF动漫创意同人展02(画面神烦+神烦的撩妹僵尸+航拍)

另外本章的题目 The Sound of Your Voice 让我想到初中读落落文集里的一篇 《如果声音不记得》,用声音串起的,关于爱和付出和遗忘的故事,最后那句话是



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