DAY-2 英语作业 8.29

21.bleak 阴冷的,荒凉的,暗淡的,凄凉的 adj.

bleakly (adv.)  bleakness (n.)

同义 反义
chily flourishing
depressing promising
desolate prosperous
—— thriving

22.bold 大胆的,冒失的,字体粗的 adj.

boldly (adv.)  boldness (n.)

同义 反义
audious afraid
courageous fainthearded
brave ——
dauntless ——
valiant ——

23.brilliant 卓越的,灿烂的,才华横溢的 adj.

同义 反义
bright foolish
clever stupid
wise unwise
smart ——
intelligent ——
intellectual ——

24.bread 繁育,育种,训练,教育,养育 v. / 品种 n.

bred (过去式、过去分词)  breeding (n.)

同义 反义
cultivate extince
garden ——
raise ——
train ——
bring up ——

相似:bread 面包

25.calculate 计划,安排,打算,指望,依靠,确信,估计 v.

calculation (n.)  calculating machine (计算机)

同义 反义
compute ——
count ——
estimate ——
figure ——

词组:be beyond compute 无法计算
   figure on 估计
   figure out 了解,算出 叫喊,需要,理由 v. / 呼唤,打电话 n.

calling (n.)  called (adj.中止的)

同义 反义
awake ——
drive ——
telephone ——

词组:call in 收回  call for 需求,需要
   call forth 引起  call out 召唤

27.carve 刻,雕刻,切开,切 v.

carving (n.)  carving knife/fork (切肉刀/叉)

同义 反义
cut ——
slice ——

词组:cut in 插嘴
   cut in on a queue 插队
   cut one's coat according to one's cloth 量入为出
   cut out 剪除
   hair cut 剪发

28.caution 警告,告诫,谨慎,小心 n. / 警告 v.

cautionary (adj.告诫的)  cautionary tales (警示故事)
cautious (adj.小心的,谨慎的)

同义 反义
advise ——
remind ——
tip ——
warn ——

词组:on the alert 处于戒备状态
   with caution 小心翼翼

29.cease 停止,终止,结束 v. / 停止,停息 n.

ceaseless (adj.无休止的)  ceaselessly (adv.)  cease-fire (adj.停火)

同义 反义
end continue
finish go on
halt ——
stop ——

30.close 靠近的,亲近的,严格的 adj. / 关闭,结束 n.

closely (adj.)  closeness (n.)

同义 反义
conclude commence
shut open
terminate outset

词组:close down 停播

31.combine (常与with合用) 使结合,使联合 v.

combination(n.)  combined (adj.)

同义 反义
biend depart
connect separate
incorporate ——
join ——
merge ——
mix ——
unite ——

32.commend 推荐,赞扬,托付,委托 v.

commendable (adj.)  commendation (n.)

同义 反义
approve ——
assign ——
commit ——
compliment ——
trust ——

词组:commint oneself (to) 表达个人意见
   commint to memory 记住,牢记

33.compensate 赔偿,补偿,酬报 v.

compensation (n.)  compensatory (adj.)

同义 反义
stone forleit
pay loss
reward ——

词组:in reward for 为酬谢....
   gone to one's reward 升天

34.companion 同伴,伴侣,朋友 n. / 陪伴 v.

companionable (adj.和善的)  companionship (n.同伴的情义)

同义 反义
accompanist antagonist
friend enemy
pai ——
parnter ——

词组:make a companion with 与...... 为友

35.compete 竞争 v.

competent (adj.有资格的)  competitive (adj.)  contestant (n.竞争者)

同义 反义
contest ——
fight ——
rival ——
vie ——

词组:fight bank 反击,反抗,抵抗
   fight it out 战到底,打个输赢

36.competent 有能力的 adj.

competence (n.)  competently (adv.)

同义 反义
able unable
capable incapable
qualified unqualified
—— incompetemt

37.complete 完整的,完全的,结束的 adj. / 完成 v.

completely (adv.)

同义 反义
accomplish incomplete
achieve fail
finish lose
fulfill ——

词组:fulfill oneself 充分发挥自己的才能

38.complex 综合物 n. / 复杂的 adj.

complexion (n.气色)  complication (n.复杂)

同义 反义
complicated plain
confused short
intricate simple
knotty ——

39.concise 简明的,简洁的,简要的 adj.

concisely (adv.)  concisence (n.)

同义 反义
brief diffuse
curt redundant
terse wordy


40.condemn 谴责,判处死刑或无期徒刑 v.

condemnation (n.)

同义 反义
accuse excuse
censure forgive
criticize pardon
reprobate ——

词组:condemned cell 囚禁死刑犯的牢房

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