python忽略空单元格,Python:Openpyxl输出“ None”;用于空单元格

The below code should go through directories, open files, convert etc. The thing is when a cell is empty, the resulting CSV file outputs "None" in its place.

Any reason why and can this be remedied?


import os

from openpyxl import load_workbook

import csv

for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk("C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\Knowledge\HOW DO I"):

for file in files:

filepath = subdir + os.sep + file

wb = load_workbook(filename=filepath)

sh =

your_csv_file = open(filepath.replace(".xlsx","")+'_csv.csv','wb')

wr = csv.writer(your_csv_file,quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

for rownum in sh.iter_rows():

wr.writerow([unicode(val.value).encode('ascii','ignore') for val in rownum])



OpenPyXl doesn’t store empty cells (empty means without value, font, border, and so on). If you get a cell from a worksheet, it dynamically creates a new empty cell with a None value.

The current implementation (v2.4.0) of Worksheet.iter_rows() use Worksheet.cell() method which calls Cell() constructor with no value.

You need to change your code to handle "empty" cells:

for rownum in sh.iter_rows():

values = [(u"" if cell.value is None else unicode(cell.value))

for cell in rownum]

wr.writerow([value.encode('ascii', 'ignore') for value in rownum])

Note: since you export your data to a CSV file for, presumably Windows users, you may choose a more useful encoding like: cp1252.
