Audio HAL 本身主要包括接口服务层,和硬件模块层。接口服务层的接口一般在 HIDL 文件中定义,代码通过工具自动生成。接口服务层封装了硬件模块层,它们提供的操作最终还是要由硬件模块层完成。Audio HAL 硬件模块层相关的结构及其关系大体如下图所示:
struct hw_module_t
的定义 (位于 hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hardware.h) 如下:
typedef struct hw_module_t {
/** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG */
uint32_t tag;
* The API version of the implemented module. The module owner is
* responsible for updating the version when a module interface has
* changed.
* The derived modules such as gralloc and audio own and manage this field.
* The module user must interpret the version field to decide whether or
* not to inter-operate with the supplied module implementation.
* For example, SurfaceFlinger is responsible for making sure that
* it knows how to manage different versions of the gralloc-module API,
* and AudioFlinger must know how to do the same for audio-module API.
* The module API version should include a major and a minor component.
* For example, version 1.0 could be represented as 0x0100. This format
* implies that versions 0x0100-0x01ff are all API-compatible.
* In the future, libhardware will expose a hw_get_module_version()
* (or equivalent) function that will take minimum/maximum supported
* versions as arguments and would be able to reject modules with
* versions outside of the supplied range.
uint16_t module_api_version;
#define version_major module_api_version
* version_major/version_minor defines are supplied here for temporary
* source code compatibility. They will be removed in the next version.
* ALL clients must convert to the new version format.
* The API version of the HAL module interface. This is meant to
* version the hw_module_t, hw_module_methods_t, and hw_device_t
* structures and definitions.
* The HAL interface owns this field. Module users/implementations
* must NOT rely on this value for version information.
* Presently, 0 is the only valid value.
uint16_t hal_api_version;
#define version_minor hal_api_version
/** Identifier of module */
const char *id;
/** Name of this module */
const char *name;
/** Author/owner/implementor of the module */
const char *author;
/** Modules methods */
struct hw_module_methods_t* methods;
/** module's dso */
void* dso;
#ifdef __LP64__
uint64_t reserved[32-7];
/** padding to 128 bytes, reserved for future use */
uint32_t reserved[32-7];
} hw_module_t;
每个硬件模块都必须有一个名为 HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM
的数据结构,且该数据结构的字段必须以 hw_module_t
其中的 struct hw_module_methods_t
定义 (位于 hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hardware.h) 如下:
typedef struct hw_module_methods_t {
/** Open a specific device */
int (*open)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id,
struct hw_device_t** device);
} hw_module_methods_t;
仅有的操作是 open()
,主要用以打开设备,获得 struct hw_device_t
对象。struct hw_device_t
的定义 (位于 hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hardware.h) 如下:
typedef struct hw_device_t {
/** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG */
uint32_t tag;
* Version of the module-specific device API. This value is used by
* the derived-module user to manage different device implementations.
* The module user is responsible for checking the module_api_version
* and device version fields to ensure that the user is capable of
* communicating with the specific module implementation.
* One module can support multiple devices with different versions. This
* can be useful when a device interface changes in an incompatible way
* but it is still necessary to support older implementations at the same
* time. One such example is the Camera 2.0 API.
* This field is interpreted by the module user and is ignored by the
* HAL interface itself.
uint32_t version;
/** reference to the module this device belongs to */
struct hw_module_t* module;
/** padding reserved for future use */
#ifdef __LP64__
uint64_t reserved[12];
uint32_t reserved[12];
/** Close this device */
int (*close)(struct hw_device_t* device);
} hw_device_t;
struct hw_device_t
提供的仅有的操作是 close()
,它用以关闭自身。一般来说,struct hw_module_t
是静态定义的全局对象,struct hw_device_t
对象的创建和销毁则有了更大的灵活性。每个设备数据结构必须以 hw_device_t
为音频模块定义的 struct audio_module
,它与 struct hw_module_t
基本一致,其定义 (位于 hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/audio.h) 如下:
struct audio_module {
struct hw_module_t common;
struct audio_module
相对于 struct hw_module_t
为音频设备定义的 struct hw_device_t
子结构体 struct audio_hw_device
添加了不少方法,其定义 (位于 hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/audio.h) 如下:
struct audio_hw_device {
* Common methods of the audio device. This *must* be the first member of audio_hw_device
* as users of this structure will cast a hw_device_t to audio_hw_device pointer in contexts
* where it's known the hw_device_t references an audio_hw_device.
struct hw_device_t common;
* used by audio flinger to enumerate what devices are supported by
* each audio_hw_device implementation.
* Return value is a bitmask of 1 or more values of audio_devices_t
* NOTE: audio HAL implementations starting with
* AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_2_0 do not implement this function.
* All supported devices should be listed in audio_policy.conf
* file and the audio policy manager must choose the appropriate
* audio module based on information in this file.
uint32_t (*get_supported_devices)(const struct audio_hw_device *dev);
* check to see if the audio hardware interface has been initialized.
* returns 0 on success, -ENODEV on failure.
int (*init_check)(const struct audio_hw_device *dev);
/** set the audio volume of a voice call. Range is between 0.0 and 1.0 */
int (*set_voice_volume)(struct audio_hw_device *dev, float volume);
* set the audio volume for all audio activities other than voice call.
* Range between 0.0 and 1.0. If any value other than 0 is returned,
* the software mixer will emulate this capability.
int (*set_master_volume)(struct audio_hw_device *dev, float volume);
* Get the current master volume value for the HAL, if the HAL supports
* master volume control. AudioFlinger will query this value from the
* primary audio HAL when the service starts and use the value for setting
* the initial master volume across all HALs. HALs which do not support
* this method may leave it set to NULL.
int (*get_master_volume)(struct audio_hw_device *dev, float *volume);
* set_mode is called when the audio mode changes. AUDIO_MODE_NORMAL mode
* is for standard audio playback, AUDIO_MODE_RINGTONE when a ringtone is
* playing, and AUDIO_MODE_IN_CALL when a call is in progress.
int (*set_mode)(struct audio_hw_device *dev, audio_mode_t mode);
/* mic mute */
int (*set_mic_mute)(struct audio_hw_device *dev, bool state);
int (*get_mic_mute)(const struct audio_hw_device *dev, bool *state);
/* set/get global audio parameters */
int (*set_parameters)(struct audio_hw_device *dev, const char *kv_pairs);
* Returns a pointer to a heap allocated string. The caller is responsible
* for freeing the memory for it using free().
char * (*get_parameters)(const struct audio_hw_device *dev,
const char *keys);
/* Returns audio input buffer size according to parameters passed or
* 0 if one of the parameters is not supported.
* See also get_buffer_size which is for a particular stream.
size_t (*get_input_buffer_size)(const struct audio_hw_device *dev,
const struct audio_config *config);
/** This method creates and opens the audio hardware output stream.
* The "address" parameter qualifies the "devices" audio device type if needed.
* The format format depends on the device type:
* - Bluetooth devices use the MAC address of the device in the form "00:11:22:AA:BB:CC"
* - USB devices use the ALSA card and device numbers in the form "card=X;device=Y"
* - Other devices may use a number or any other string.
int (*open_output_stream)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
audio_io_handle_t handle,
audio_devices_t devices,
audio_output_flags_t flags,
struct audio_config *config,
struct audio_stream_out **stream_out,
const char *address);
void (*close_output_stream)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
struct audio_stream_out* stream_out);
/** This method creates and opens the audio hardware input stream */
int (*open_input_stream)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
audio_io_handle_t handle,
audio_devices_t devices,
struct audio_config *config,
struct audio_stream_in **stream_in,
audio_input_flags_t flags,
const char *address,
audio_source_t source);
void (*close_input_stream)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
struct audio_stream_in *stream_in);
* Called by the framework to read available microphones characteristics.
* \param[in] dev the hw_device object.
* \param[out] mic_array Pointer to first element on array with microphone info
* \param[out] mic_count When called, this holds the value of the max number of elements
* allowed in the mic_array. The actual number of elements written
* is returned here.
* if mic_count is passed as zero, mic_array will not be populated,
* and mic_count will return the actual number of microphones in the
* system.
* \return 0 if the microphone array is successfully filled.
* -ENOSYS if there is an error filling the data
int (*get_microphones)(const struct audio_hw_device *dev,
struct audio_microphone_characteristic_t *mic_array,
size_t *mic_count);
/** This method dumps the state of the audio hardware */
int (*dump)(const struct audio_hw_device *dev, int fd);
* set the audio mute status for all audio activities. If any value other
* than 0 is returned, the software mixer will emulate this capability.
int (*set_master_mute)(struct audio_hw_device *dev, bool mute);
* Get the current master mute status for the HAL, if the HAL supports
* master mute control. AudioFlinger will query this value from the primary
* audio HAL when the service starts and use the value for setting the
* initial master mute across all HALs. HALs which do not support this
* method may leave it set to NULL.
int (*get_master_mute)(struct audio_hw_device *dev, bool *mute);
* Routing control
/* Creates an audio patch between several source and sink ports.
* The handle is allocated by the HAL and should be unique for this
* audio HAL module. */
int (*create_audio_patch)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
unsigned int num_sources,
const struct audio_port_config *sources,
unsigned int num_sinks,
const struct audio_port_config *sinks,
audio_patch_handle_t *handle);
/* Release an audio patch */
int (*release_audio_patch)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
audio_patch_handle_t handle);
/* Fills the list of supported attributes for a given audio port.
* As input, "port" contains the information (type, role, address etc...)
* needed by the HAL to identify the port.
* As output, "port" contains possible attributes (sampling rates, formats,
* channel masks, gain controllers...) for this port.
int (*get_audio_port)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
struct audio_port *port);
/* Set audio port configuration */
int (*set_audio_port_config)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
const struct audio_port_config *config);
* Applies an audio effect to an audio device.
* @param dev the audio HAL device context.
* @param device identifies the sink or source device the effect must be applied to.
* "device" is the audio_port_handle_t indicated for the device when
* the audio patch connecting that device was created.
* @param effect effect interface handle corresponding to the effect being added.
* @return retval operation completion status.
int (*add_device_effect)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
audio_port_handle_t device, effect_handle_t effect);
* Stops applying an audio effect to an audio device.
* @param dev the audio HAL device context.
* @param device identifies the sink or source device this effect was applied to.
* "device" is the audio_port_handle_t indicated for the device when
* the audio patch is created.
* @param effect effect interface handle corresponding to the effect being removed.
* @return retval operation completion status.
int (*remove_device_effect)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
audio_port_handle_t device, effect_handle_t effect);
* Fills the list of supported attributes for a given audio port.
* As input, "port" contains the information (type, role, address etc...)
* needed by the HAL to identify the port.
* As output, "port" contains possible attributes (sampling rates, formats,
* channel masks, gain controllers...) for this port. The possible attributes
* are saved as audio profiles, which contains audio format and the supported
* sampling rates and channel masks.
int (*get_audio_port_v7)(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
struct audio_port_v7 *port);
typedef struct audio_hw_device audio_hw_device_t;
struct audio_hw_device
和 get_audio_port_v7
和 get_master_mute
和 get_parameters
和 release_audio_patch
和 remove_device_effect
。音频输入输出流管理 是最重要最基本的数据处理功能,Audio patch 相关功能 和 音效 是高级数据处理功能。
在 Audio HAL 中,输入输出流分别用来描述麦克风采集和扬声器播放的数据流,Audio HAL 的使用者通过输入流 struct audio_stream_in
和输出流 struct audio_stream_out
从音频采集设备获得数据或将播放数据送进音频播放设备。输入流 struct audio_stream_in
和输出流 struct audio_stream_out
都继承自 struct audio_stream
,struct audio_stream
定义了一些共有的音频流参数和操作,其详细定义 (位于 hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/audio.h) 如下:
/* common audio stream parameters and operations */
struct audio_stream {
* Return the sampling rate in Hz - eg. 44100.
uint32_t (*get_sample_rate)(const struct audio_stream *stream);
/* currently unused - use set_parameters with key
int (*set_sample_rate)(struct audio_stream *stream, uint32_t rate);
* Return size of input/output buffer in bytes for this stream - eg. 4800.
* It should be a multiple of the frame size. See also get_input_buffer_size.
size_t (*get_buffer_size)(const struct audio_stream *stream);
* Return the channel mask -
audio_channel_mask_t (*get_channels)(const struct audio_stream *stream);
* Return the audio format - e.g. AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
audio_format_t (*get_format)(const struct audio_stream *stream);
/* currently unused - use set_parameters with key
int (*set_format)(struct audio_stream *stream, audio_format_t format);
* Put the audio hardware input/output into standby mode.
* Driver should exit from standby mode at the next I/O operation.
* Returns 0 on success and <0 on failure.
int (*standby)(struct audio_stream *stream);
/** dump the state of the audio input/output device */
int (*dump)(const struct audio_stream *stream, int fd);
/** Return the set of device(s) which this stream is connected to */
audio_devices_t (*get_device)(const struct audio_stream *stream);
* Currently unused - set_device() corresponds to set_parameters() with key
* AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING for both input and output.
* AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_INPUT_SOURCE is an additional information used by
* input streams only.
int (*set_device)(struct audio_stream *stream, audio_devices_t device);
* set/get audio stream parameters. The function accepts a list of
* parameter key value pairs in the form: key1=value1;key2=value2;...
* Some keys are reserved for standard parameters (See AudioParameter class)
* If the implementation does not accept a parameter change while
* the output is active but the parameter is acceptable otherwise, it must
* return -ENOSYS.
* The audio flinger will put the stream in standby and then change the
* parameter value.
int (*set_parameters)(struct audio_stream *stream, const char *kv_pairs);
* Returns a pointer to a heap allocated string. The caller is responsible
* for freeing the memory for it using free().
char * (*get_parameters)(const struct audio_stream *stream,
const char *keys);
int (*add_audio_effect)(const struct audio_stream *stream,
effect_handle_t effect);
int (*remove_audio_effect)(const struct audio_stream *stream,
effect_handle_t effect);
typedef struct audio_stream audio_stream_t;
音频流 struct audio_stream
和 set_device
和 get_parameters
和 remove_audio_effect
。音效 可以针对音频流来添加和移除。
struct audio_stream_in
提供了更加丰富的操作,其定义 (位于 hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/audio.h) 如下:
struct audio_stream_in {
* Common methods of the audio stream in. This *must* be the first member of audio_stream_in
* as users of this structure will cast a audio_stream to audio_stream_in pointer in contexts
* where it's known the audio_stream references an audio_stream_in.
struct audio_stream common;
/** set the input gain for the audio driver. This method is for
* for future use */
int (*set_gain)(struct audio_stream_in *stream, float gain);
/** Read audio buffer in from audio driver. Returns number of bytes read, or a
* negative status_t. If at least one frame was read prior to the error,
* read should return that byte count and then return an error in the subsequent call.
ssize_t (*read)(struct audio_stream_in *stream, void* buffer,
size_t bytes);
* Return the amount of input frames lost in the audio driver since the
* last call of this function.
* Audio driver is expected to reset the value to 0 and restart counting
* upon returning the current value by this function call.
* Such loss typically occurs when the user space process is blocked
* longer than the capacity of audio driver buffers.
* Unit: the number of input audio frames
uint32_t (*get_input_frames_lost)(struct audio_stream_in *stream);
* Return a recent count of the number of audio frames received and
* the clock time associated with that frame count.
* frames is the total frame count received. This should be as early in
* the capture pipeline as possible. In general,
* frames should be non-negative and should not go "backwards".
* time is the clock MONOTONIC time when frames was measured. In general,
* time should be a positive quantity and should not go "backwards".
* The status returned is 0 on success, -ENOSYS if the device is not
* ready/available, or -EINVAL if the arguments are null or otherwise invalid.
int (*get_capture_position)(const struct audio_stream_in *stream,
int64_t *frames, int64_t *time);
* Called by the framework to start a stream operating in mmap mode.
* create_mmap_buffer must be called before calling start()
* \note Function only implemented by streams operating in mmap mode.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \return 0 in case off success.
* -ENOSYS if called out of sequence or on non mmap stream
int (*start)(const struct audio_stream_in* stream);
* Called by the framework to stop a stream operating in mmap mode.
* \note Function only implemented by streams operating in mmap mode.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \return 0 in case of success.
* -ENOSYS if called out of sequence or on non mmap stream
int (*stop)(const struct audio_stream_in* stream);
* Called by the framework to retrieve information on the mmap buffer used for audio
* samples transfer.
* \note Function only implemented by streams operating in mmap mode.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[in] min_size_frames minimum buffer size requested. The actual buffer
* size returned in struct audio_mmap_buffer_info can be larger.
* \param[out] info address at which the mmap buffer information should be returned.
* \return 0 if the buffer was allocated.
* -ENODEV in case of initialization error
* -EINVAL if the requested buffer size is too large
* -ENOSYS if called out of sequence (e.g. buffer already allocated)
int (*create_mmap_buffer)(const struct audio_stream_in *stream,
int32_t min_size_frames,
struct audio_mmap_buffer_info *info);
* Called by the framework to read current read/write position in the mmap buffer
* with associated time stamp.
* \note Function only implemented by streams operating in mmap mode.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[out] position address at which the mmap read/write position should be returned.
* \return 0 if the position is successfully returned.
* -ENODATA if the position cannot be retreived
* -ENOSYS if called before mmap_read_position()
int (*get_mmap_position)(const struct audio_stream_in *stream,
struct audio_mmap_position *position);
* Called by the framework to read active microphones
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[out] mic_array Pointer to first element on array with microphone info
* \param[out] mic_count When called, this holds the value of the max number of elements
* allowed in the mic_array. The actual number of elements written
* is returned here.
* if mic_count is passed as zero, mic_array will not be populated,
* and mic_count will return the actual number of active microphones.
* \return 0 if the microphone array is successfully filled.
* -ENOSYS if there is an error filling the data
int (*get_active_microphones)(const struct audio_stream_in *stream,
struct audio_microphone_characteristic_t *mic_array,
size_t *mic_count);
* Called by the framework to instruct the HAL to optimize the capture stream in the
* specified direction.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[in] direction The direction constant (from audio-base.h)
* MIC_DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED Don't do any directionality processing of the
* activated microphone(s).
* MIC_DIRECTION_FRONT Optimize capture for audio coming from the screen-side
* of the device.
* MIC_DIRECTION_BACK Optimize capture for audio coming from the side of the
* device opposite the screen.
* MIC_DIRECTION_EXTERNAL Optimize capture for audio coming from an off-device
* microphone.
* \return OK if the call is successful, an error code otherwise.
int (*set_microphone_direction)(const struct audio_stream_in *stream,
audio_microphone_direction_t direction);
* Called by the framework to specify to the HAL the desired zoom factor for the selected
* microphone(s).
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[in] zoom the zoom factor.
* \return OK if the call is successful, an error code otherwise.
int (*set_microphone_field_dimension)(const struct audio_stream_in *stream,
float zoom);
* Called when the metadata of the stream's sink has been changed.
* @param sink_metadata Description of the audio that is recorded by the clients.
void (*update_sink_metadata)(struct audio_stream_in *stream,
const struct sink_metadata* sink_metadata);
* Called when the metadata of the stream's sink has been changed.
* HAL version 3.2 and higher only.
* @param sink_metadata Description of the audio that is recorded by the clients.
void (*update_sink_metadata_v7)(struct audio_stream_in *stream,
const struct sink_metadata_v7* sink_metadata);
typedef struct audio_stream_in audio_stream_in_t;
音频输入流 struct audio_stream_in
相对于 struct audio_stream
和 set_microphone_field_dimension
和 update_sink_metadata_v7
。struct audio_stream_out
是音频输出设备的抽象接口,它提供了关于音频输出硬件驱动的各种属性的信息,同样提供了更加丰富的操作,其定义 (位于 hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/audio.h) 如下:
* audio_stream_out is the abstraction interface for the audio output hardware.
* It provides information about various properties of the audio output
* hardware driver.
struct audio_stream_out {
* Common methods of the audio stream out. This *must* be the first member of audio_stream_out
* as users of this structure will cast a audio_stream to audio_stream_out pointer in contexts
* where it's known the audio_stream references an audio_stream_out.
struct audio_stream common;
* Return the audio hardware driver estimated latency in milliseconds.
uint32_t (*get_latency)(const struct audio_stream_out *stream);
* Use this method in situations where audio mixing is done in the
* hardware. This method serves as a direct interface with hardware,
* allowing you to directly set the volume as apposed to via the framework.
* This method might produce multiple PCM outputs or hardware accelerated
* codecs, such as MP3 or AAC.
int (*set_volume)(struct audio_stream_out *stream, float left, float right);
* Write audio buffer to driver. Returns number of bytes written, or a
* negative status_t. If at least one frame was written successfully prior to the error,
* it is suggested that the driver return that successful (short) byte count
* and then return an error in the subsequent call.
* If set_callback() has previously been called to enable non-blocking mode
* the write() is not allowed to block. It must write only the number of
* bytes that currently fit in the driver/hardware buffer and then return
* this byte count. If this is less than the requested write size the
* callback function must be called when more space is available in the
* driver/hardware buffer.
ssize_t (*write)(struct audio_stream_out *stream, const void* buffer,
size_t bytes);
/* return the number of audio frames written by the audio dsp to DAC since
* the output has exited standby
int (*get_render_position)(const struct audio_stream_out *stream,
uint32_t *dsp_frames);
* get the local time at which the next write to the audio driver will be presented.
* The units are microseconds, where the epoch is decided by the local audio HAL.
int (*get_next_write_timestamp)(const struct audio_stream_out *stream,
int64_t *timestamp);
* set the callback function for notifying completion of non-blocking
* write and drain.
* Calling this function implies that all future write() and drain()
* must be non-blocking and use the callback to signal completion.
int (*set_callback)(struct audio_stream_out *stream,
stream_callback_t callback, void *cookie);
* Notifies to the audio driver to stop playback however the queued buffers are
* retained by the hardware. Useful for implementing pause/resume. Empty implementation
* if not supported however should be implemented for hardware with non-trivial
* latency. In the pause state audio hardware could still be using power. User may
* consider calling suspend after a timeout.
* Implementation of this function is mandatory for offloaded playback.
int (*pause)(struct audio_stream_out* stream);
* Notifies to the audio driver to resume playback following a pause.
* Returns error if called without matching pause.
* Implementation of this function is mandatory for offloaded playback.
int (*resume)(struct audio_stream_out* stream);
* Requests notification when data buffered by the driver/hardware has
* been played. If set_callback() has previously been called to enable
* non-blocking mode, the drain() must not block, instead it should return
* quickly and completion of the drain is notified through the callback.
* If set_callback() has not been called, the drain() must block until
* completion.
* If type==AUDIO_DRAIN_ALL, the drain completes when all previously written
* data has been played.
* If type==AUDIO_DRAIN_EARLY_NOTIFY, the drain completes shortly before all
* data for the current track has played to allow time for the framework
* to perform a gapless track switch.
* Drain must return immediately on stop() and flush() call
* Implementation of this function is mandatory for offloaded playback.
int (*drain)(struct audio_stream_out* stream, audio_drain_type_t type );
* Notifies to the audio driver to flush the queued data. Stream must already
* be paused before calling flush().
* Implementation of this function is mandatory for offloaded playback.
int (*flush)(struct audio_stream_out* stream);
* Return a recent count of the number of audio frames presented to an external observer.
* This excludes frames which have been written but are still in the pipeline.
* The count is not reset to zero when output enters standby.
* Also returns the value of CLOCK_MONOTONIC as of this presentation count.
* The returned count is expected to be 'recent',
* but does not need to be the most recent possible value.
* However, the associated time should correspond to whatever count is returned.
* Example: assume that N+M frames have been presented, where M is a 'small' number.
* Then it is permissible to return N instead of N+M,
* and the timestamp should correspond to N rather than N+M.
* The terms 'recent' and 'small' are not defined.
* They reflect the quality of the implementation.
* 3.0 and higher only.
int (*get_presentation_position)(const struct audio_stream_out *stream,
uint64_t *frames, struct timespec *timestamp);
* Called by the framework to start a stream operating in mmap mode.
* create_mmap_buffer must be called before calling start()
* \note Function only implemented by streams operating in mmap mode.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \return 0 in case of success.
* -ENOSYS if called out of sequence or on non mmap stream
int (*start)(const struct audio_stream_out* stream);
* Called by the framework to stop a stream operating in mmap mode.
* Must be called after start()
* \note Function only implemented by streams operating in mmap mode.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \return 0 in case of success.
* -ENOSYS if called out of sequence or on non mmap stream
int (*stop)(const struct audio_stream_out* stream);
* Called by the framework to retrieve information on the mmap buffer used for audio
* samples transfer.
* \note Function only implemented by streams operating in mmap mode.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[in] min_size_frames minimum buffer size requested. The actual buffer
* size returned in struct audio_mmap_buffer_info can be larger.
* \param[out] info address at which the mmap buffer information should be returned.
* \return 0 if the buffer was allocated.
* -ENODEV in case of initialization error
* -EINVAL if the requested buffer size is too large
* -ENOSYS if called out of sequence (e.g. buffer already allocated)
int (*create_mmap_buffer)(const struct audio_stream_out *stream,
int32_t min_size_frames,
struct audio_mmap_buffer_info *info);
* Called by the framework to read current read/write position in the mmap buffer
* with associated time stamp.
* \note Function only implemented by streams operating in mmap mode.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[out] position address at which the mmap read/write position should be returned.
* \return 0 if the position is successfully returned.
* -ENODATA if the position cannot be retrieved
* -ENOSYS if called before create_mmap_buffer()
int (*get_mmap_position)(const struct audio_stream_out *stream,
struct audio_mmap_position *position);
* Called when the metadata of the stream's source has been changed.
* @param source_metadata Description of the audio that is played by the clients.
void (*update_source_metadata)(struct audio_stream_out *stream,
const struct source_metadata* source_metadata);
* Set the callback function for notifying events for an output stream.
int (*set_event_callback)(struct audio_stream_out *stream,
stream_event_callback_t callback,
void *cookie);
* Called when the metadata of the stream's source has been changed.
* HAL version 3.2 and higher only.
* @param source_metadata Description of the audio that is played by the clients.
void (*update_source_metadata_v7)(struct audio_stream_out *stream,
const struct source_metadata_v7* source_metadata);
* Returns the Dual Mono mode presentation setting.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[out] mode current setting of Dual Mono mode.
* \return 0 if the position is successfully returned.
* -EINVAL if the arguments are invalid
* -ENOSYS if the function is not available
int (*get_dual_mono_mode)(struct audio_stream_out *stream, audio_dual_mono_mode_t *mode);
* Sets the Dual Mono mode presentation on the output device.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[in] mode selected Dual Mono mode.
* \return 0 in case of success.
* -EINVAL if the arguments are invalid
* -ENOSYS if the function is not available
int (*set_dual_mono_mode)(struct audio_stream_out *stream, const audio_dual_mono_mode_t mode);
* Returns the Audio Description Mix level in dB.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[out] leveldB the current Audio Description Mix Level in dB.
* \return 0 in case of success.
* -EINVAL if the arguments are invalid
* -ENOSYS if the function is not available
int (*get_audio_description_mix_level)(struct audio_stream_out *stream, float *leveldB);
* Sets the Audio Description Mix level in dB.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[in] leveldB Audio Description Mix Level in dB.
* \return 0 in case of success.
* -EINVAL if the arguments are invalid
* -ENOSYS if the function is not available
int (*set_audio_description_mix_level)(struct audio_stream_out *stream, const float leveldB);
* Retrieves current playback rate parameters.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[out] playbackRate current playback parameters.
* \return 0 in case of success.
* -EINVAL if the arguments are invalid
* -ENOSYS if the function is not available
int (*get_playback_rate_parameters)(struct audio_stream_out *stream,
audio_playback_rate_t *playbackRate);
* Sets the playback rate parameters that control playback behavior.
* \param[in] stream the stream object.
* \param[in] playbackRate playback parameters.
* \return 0 in case of success.
* -EINVAL if the arguments are invalid
* -ENOSYS if the function is not available
int (*set_playback_rate_parameters)(struct audio_stream_out *stream,
const audio_playback_rate_t *playbackRate);
typedef struct audio_stream_out audio_stream_out_t;
音频输出流 struct audio_stream_out
相对于 struct audio_stream
和 flush
和 get_mmap_position
和 update_source_metadata_v7
和 set_dual_mono_mode
和 set_audio_description_mix_level
,和 set_playback_rate_parameters
。Audio HAL 硬件模块层相关的结构和接口及其关系更完整的描述如下图所示:
AAOS 版模拟器的 struct audio_module
对象实例定义 (位于 device/generic/car/emulator/audio/driver/audio_hw.c) 如下:
static struct hw_module_methods_t hal_module_methods = {
.open = adev_open,
struct audio_module HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
.common = {
.module_api_version = AUDIO_MODULE_API_VERSION_0_1,
.hal_api_version = HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,
.name = "Generic car audio HW HAL",
.author = "The Android Open Source Project",
.methods = &hal_module_methods,
struct hw_module_t
的 open()
操作的定义 (位于 device/generic/car/emulator/audio/driver/audio_hw.c) 如下:
/* copied from libcutils/str_parms.c */
static bool str_eq(void *key_a, void *key_b) {
return !strcmp((const char *)key_a, (const char *)key_b);
* use djb hash unless we find it inadequate.
* copied from libcutils/str_parms.c
#ifdef __clang__
static int str_hash_fn(void *str) {
uint32_t hash = 5381;
char *p;
for (p = str; p && *p; p++) {
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *p;
return (int)hash;
static int adev_open(const hw_module_t *module,
const char *name, hw_device_t **device) {
static struct generic_audio_device *adev;
ALOGD("%s:%s: name %s", __FILE__, __func__, name);
if (strcmp(name, AUDIO_HARDWARE_INTERFACE) != 0)
return -EINVAL;
if (audio_device_ref_count != 0) {
*device = &adev->device.common;
ALOGV("%s: returning existing instance of adev", __func__);
ALOGV("%s: exit", __func__);
goto unlock;
pcm_config_in.period_count = get_in_period_count();
pcm_config_out.period_count = get_out_period_count();
adev = calloc(1, sizeof(struct generic_audio_device));
pthread_mutex_init(&adev->lock, (const pthread_mutexattr_t *) NULL);
adev->device.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
adev->device.common.version = AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0;
adev->device.common.module = (struct hw_module_t *) module;
adev->device.common.close = adev_close;
adev->device.init_check = adev_init_check; // no op
adev->device.set_voice_volume = adev_set_voice_volume; // no op
adev->device.set_master_volume = adev_set_master_volume; // no op
adev->device.get_master_volume = adev_get_master_volume; // no op
adev->device.set_master_mute = adev_set_master_mute;
adev->device.get_master_mute = adev_get_master_mute;
adev->device.set_mode = adev_set_mode; // no op
adev->device.set_mic_mute = adev_set_mic_mute;
adev->device.get_mic_mute = adev_get_mic_mute;
adev->device.set_parameters = adev_set_parameters; // no op
adev->device.get_parameters = adev_get_parameters; // no op
adev->device.get_input_buffer_size = adev_get_input_buffer_size;
adev->device.open_output_stream = adev_open_output_stream;
adev->device.close_output_stream = adev_close_output_stream;
adev->device.open_input_stream = adev_open_input_stream;
adev->device.close_input_stream = adev_close_input_stream;
adev->device.dump = adev_dump;
adev->device.set_audio_port_config = adev_set_audio_port_config;
adev->device.create_audio_patch = adev_create_audio_patch;
adev->device.release_audio_patch = adev_release_audio_patch;
*device = &adev->device.common;
adev->mixer = mixer_open(PCM_CARD);
ALOGD("%s Mixer name %s", __func__, mixer_get_name(adev->mixer));
struct mixer_ctl *ctl;
// Set default mixer ctls
// Enable channels and set volume
for (int i = 0; i < (int)mixer_get_num_ctls(adev->mixer); i++) {
ctl = mixer_get_ctl(adev->mixer, i);
ALOGD("mixer %d name %s", i, mixer_ctl_get_name(ctl));
if (!strcmp(mixer_ctl_get_name(ctl), "Master Playback Volume") ||
!strcmp(mixer_ctl_get_name(ctl), "Capture Volume")) {
for (int z = 0; z < (int)mixer_ctl_get_num_values(ctl); z++) {
ALOGD("set ctl %d to %d", z, 100);
mixer_ctl_set_percent(ctl, z, 100);
if (!strcmp(mixer_ctl_get_name(ctl), "Master Playback Switch") ||
!strcmp(mixer_ctl_get_name(ctl), "Capture Switch")) {
for (int z = 0; z < (int)mixer_ctl_get_num_values(ctl); z++) {
ALOGD("set ctl %d to %d", z, 1);
mixer_ctl_set_value(ctl, z, 1);
// Initialize the bus address to output stream map
adev->out_bus_stream_map = hashmapCreate(5, str_hash_fn, str_eq);
// Initialize the bus address to input stream map
adev->in_bus_tone_frequency_map = hashmapCreate(5, str_hash_fn, str_eq);
adev->next_tone_frequency_to_assign = DEFAULT_FREQUENCY;
adev->last_zone_selected_to_play = DEFAULT_ZONE_TO_LEFT_SPEAKER;
device_handle = adev;
return 0;
这个操作完成的主要的事情为创建一个单实例的定制版的 struct audio_hw_device
对象,即 struct generic_audio_device
对象。struct generic_audio_device
结构的定义 (位于 device/generic/car/emulator/audio/driver/audio_hw.h) 如下:
struct generic_audio_device {
struct audio_hw_device device; // Constant after init
pthread_mutex_t lock;
unsigned int last_patch_id; // Protected by this->lock
bool master_mute; // Protected by this->lock
bool mic_mute; // Protected by this->lock
struct mixer *mixer; // Protected by this->lock
Hashmap *out_bus_stream_map; // Extended field. Constant after init
Hashmap *in_bus_tone_frequency_map; // Extended field. Constant after init
int next_tone_frequency_to_assign; // Protected by this->lock
// Play on Speaker zone selection
int last_zone_selected_to_play; // Protected by this->lock
static struct generic_audio_device *device_handle;
struct generic_audio_device
对象已经创建,则增加引用计数并返回;struct generic_audio_device
对象还没有创建,则初始化 pcm_config_in
和 pcm_config_out
;struct generic_audio_device
函数打开 mixer 设备;struct hw_device_t
操作是上面这个 open()
static int adev_close(hw_device_t *dev) {
struct generic_audio_device *adev = (struct generic_audio_device *)dev;
int ret = 0;
if (!adev)
return 0;
if (audio_device_ref_count == 0) {
ALOGE("adev_close called when ref_count 0");
ret = -EINVAL;
goto error;
if ((--audio_device_ref_count) == 0) {
if (adev->mixer) {
if (adev->out_bus_stream_map) {
if (adev->in_bus_tone_frequency_map) {
device_handle = 0;
return ret;
它首先递减 struct generic_audio_device
对象的引用计数。如果引用计数为 0,则释放上面 open()
接着来看下数据相关的操作。用于打开音频输出流的 adev_open_output_stream()
static int adev_open_output_stream(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
audio_io_handle_t handle, audio_devices_t devices, audio_output_flags_t flags,
struct audio_config *config, struct audio_stream_out **stream_out, const char *address) {
struct generic_audio_device *adev = (struct generic_audio_device *)dev;
struct generic_stream_out *out;
int ret = 0;
if (refine_output_parameters(&config->sample_rate, &config->format, &config->channel_mask)) {
ALOGE("Error opening output stream format %d, channel_mask %04x, sample_rate %u",
config->format, config->channel_mask, config->sample_rate);
ret = -EINVAL;
goto error;
out = (struct generic_stream_out *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct generic_stream_out));
if (!out)
return -ENOMEM;
out->stream.common.get_sample_rate = out_get_sample_rate;
out->stream.common.set_sample_rate = out_set_sample_rate;
out->stream.common.get_buffer_size = out_get_buffer_size;
out->stream.common.get_channels = out_get_channels;
out->stream.common.get_format = out_get_format;
out->stream.common.set_format = out_set_format;
out->stream.common.standby = out_standby;
out->stream.common.dump = out_dump;
out->stream.common.set_parameters = out_set_parameters;
out->stream.common.get_parameters = out_get_parameters;
out->stream.common.add_audio_effect = out_add_audio_effect;
out->stream.common.remove_audio_effect = out_remove_audio_effect;
out->stream.get_latency = out_get_latency;
out->stream.set_volume = out_set_volume;
out->stream.write = out_write;
out->stream.get_render_position = out_get_render_position;
out->stream.get_presentation_position = out_get_presentation_position;
out->stream.get_next_write_timestamp = out_get_next_write_timestamp;
pthread_mutex_init(&out->lock, (const pthread_mutexattr_t *) NULL);
out->dev = adev;
out->device = devices;
memcpy(&out->req_config, config, sizeof(struct audio_config));
memcpy(&out->pcm_config, &pcm_config_out, sizeof(struct pcm_config));
out->pcm_config.rate = config->sample_rate;
out->pcm_config.period_size = out->pcm_config.rate * get_out_period_ms() / 1000;
out->standby = true;
out->underrun_position = 0;
out->underrun_time.tv_sec = 0;
out->underrun_time.tv_nsec = 0;
out->last_write_time_us = 0;
out->frames_total_buffered = 0;
out->frames_written = 0;
out->frames_rendered = 0;
ret = audio_vbuffer_init(&out->buffer,
out->pcm_config.channels *
pcm_format_to_bits(out->pcm_config.format) >> 3);
if (ret == 0) {
pthread_cond_init(&out->worker_wake, NULL);
out->worker_standby = true;
out->worker_exit = false;
pthread_create(&out->worker_thread, NULL, out_write_worker, out);
out->enabled_channels = BOTH_CHANNELS;
// For targets where output streams are closed regularly, currently ducked/muted addresses
// should be tracked so that the address of new streams can be checked to determine the
// default state
out->is_ducked = 0;
out->is_muted = 0;
if (address) {
out->bus_address = calloc(strlen(address) + 1, sizeof(char));
strncpy(out->bus_address, address, strlen(address));
hashmapPut(adev->out_bus_stream_map, out->bus_address, out);
/* TODO: read struct audio_gain from audio_policy_configuration */
out->gain_stage = (struct audio_gain) {
.min_value = -3200,
.max_value = 600,
.step_value = 100,
out->amplitude_ratio = 1.0;
if (property_get_bool(PROP_KEY_SIMULATE_MULTI_ZONE_AUDIO, false)) {
out->enabled_channels = strstr(out->bus_address, AUDIO_ZONE_KEYWORD)
ALOGD("%s Routing %s to %s channel", __func__,
out->bus_address, out->enabled_channels == RIGHT_CHANNEL ? "Right" : "Left");
*stream_out = &out->stream;
ALOGD("%s bus: %s", __func__, out->bus_address);
return ret;
创建 struct generic_stream_out
对象,并初始化其各个成员的状态;初始化用于数据交换的数据缓冲区;创建一个线程将送进来要播放的数据继续往设备送;如果 address
非空,则会将创建的 struct generic_stream_out
对象放进一个以 address
static void *out_write_worker(void *args) {
struct generic_stream_out *out = (struct generic_stream_out *)args;
struct ext_pcm *ext_pcm = NULL;
uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
int buffer_frames;
int buffer_size;
bool restart = false;
bool shutdown = false;
int zone_id = PRIMARY_ZONE_ID;
// If it is a audio zone keyword bus address then get zone id
if (strstr(out->bus_address, AUDIO_ZONE_KEYWORD)) {
zone_id = get_zone_id_from_address(out->bus_address);
if (zone_id == INVALID_ZONE_ID) {
ALOGE("%s Found invalid zone id, defaulting device %s to zone %d", __func__,
out->bus_address, DEFAULT_ZONE_TO_LEFT_SPEAKER);
ALOGD("Out worker:%s zone id %d", out->bus_address, zone_id);
while (true) {
while (out->worker_standby || restart) {
restart = false;
if (ext_pcm) {
ext_pcm_close(ext_pcm); // Frees pcm
ext_pcm = NULL;
if (out->worker_exit) {
pthread_cond_wait(&out->worker_wake, &out->lock);
if (out->worker_exit) {
if (!out->worker_standby) {
ALOGE("Out worker:%s not in standby before exiting", out->bus_address);
shutdown = true;
while (!shutdown && audio_vbuffer_live(&out->buffer) == 0) {
pthread_cond_wait(&out->worker_wake, &out->lock);
if (shutdown) {
if (!ext_pcm) {
ext_pcm = ext_pcm_open(PCM_CARD, PCM_DEVICE,
PCM_OUT | PCM_MONOTONIC, &out->pcm_config);
if (!ext_pcm_is_ready(ext_pcm)) {
ALOGE("pcm_open(out) failed: %s: address %s channels %d format %d rate %d",
buffer_frames = out->pcm_config.period_size;
buffer_size = ext_pcm_frames_to_bytes(ext_pcm, buffer_frames);
buffer = malloc(buffer_size);
if (!buffer) {
ALOGE("could not allocate write buffer");
int frames = audio_vbuffer_read(&out->buffer, buffer, buffer_frames);
if (is_zone_selected_to_play(out->dev, zone_id)) {
int write_error = ext_pcm_write(ext_pcm, out->bus_address,
buffer, ext_pcm_frames_to_bytes(ext_pcm, frames));
if (write_error) {
ALOGE("pcm_write failed %s address %s",
ext_pcm_get_error(ext_pcm), out->bus_address);
restart = true;
} else {
ALOGV("pcm_write succeed address %s", out->bus_address);
if (buffer) {
return NULL;
,并等待结束这种状态;struct generic_stream_out
的音频数据缓冲区读取送进来的音频数据;上面看到的 ext_pcm_open()
函数,其定义 (位于 device/generic/car/emulator/audio/driver/ext_pcm.c) 如下:
/* copied from libcutils/str_parms.c */
static bool str_eq(void *key_a, void *key_b) {
return !strcmp((const char *)key_a, (const char *)key_b);
* use djb hash unless we find it inadequate.
* copied from libcutils/str_parms.c
#ifdef __clang__
static int str_hash_fn(void *str) {
uint32_t hash = 5381;
char *p;
for (p = str; p && *p; p++) {
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *p;
return (int)hash;
. . . . . .
struct ext_pcm *ext_pcm_open(unsigned int card, unsigned int device,
unsigned int flags, struct pcm_config *config) {
if (shared_ext_pcm == NULL) {
shared_ext_pcm = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ext_pcm));
pthread_mutex_init(&shared_ext_pcm->lock, (const pthread_mutexattr_t *) NULL);
shared_ext_pcm->pcm = pcm_open(card, device, flags, config);
pthread_mutex_init(&shared_ext_pcm->mixer_lock, (const pthread_mutexattr_t *)NULL);
pthread_create(&shared_ext_pcm->mixer_thread, (const pthread_attr_t *)NULL,
mixer_thread_loop, shared_ext_pcm);
shared_ext_pcm->mixer_pipeline_map = hashmapCreate(8, str_hash_fn, str_eq);
shared_ext_pcm->ref_count += 1;
return shared_ext_pcm;
这个函数用于获取或创建一个 struct ext_pcm
单例对象。其中 struct ext_pcm
是 ALSA struct pcm
封装,其定义 (位于 device/generic/car/emulator/audio/driver/ext_pcm.h) 如下:
struct ext_pcm {
struct pcm *pcm;
pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_cond_t mixer_wake;
unsigned int ref_count;
pthread_mutex_t mixer_lock;
struct ext_mixer_pipeline mixer_pipeline;
pthread_t mixer_thread;
Hashmap *mixer_pipeline_map;
函数在实际创建 struct ext_pcm
单例对象时,会起一个线程,用于将各个输出流的音频数据,通过 ALSA 的接口写入设备;在不需要实际创建struct ext_pcm
单例对象时,则增加引计数;返回 struct ext_pcm
static bool mixer_thread_mix(__unused void *key, void *value, void *context) {
struct ext_mixer_pipeline *pipeline_out = (struct ext_mixer_pipeline *)context;
struct ext_mixer_pipeline *pipeline_in = (struct ext_mixer_pipeline *)value;
pipeline_out->position = MAX(pipeline_out->position, pipeline_in->position);
for (int i = 0; i < pipeline_out->position; i++) {
float mixed = pipeline_out->buffer[i] + pipeline_in->buffer[i];
if (mixed > INT16_MAX) pipeline_out->buffer[i] = INT16_MAX;
else if (mixed < INT16_MIN) pipeline_out->buffer[i] = INT16_MIN;
else pipeline_out->buffer[i] = (int16_t)mixed;
memset(pipeline_in, 0, sizeof(struct ext_mixer_pipeline));
return true;
static void *mixer_thread_loop(void *context) {
ALOGD("%s: __enter__", __func__);
struct ext_pcm *ext_pcm = (struct ext_pcm *)context;
do {
ext_pcm->mixer_pipeline.position = 0;
// Combine the output from every pipeline into one output buffer
hashmapForEach(ext_pcm->mixer_pipeline_map, mixer_thread_mix,
if (ext_pcm->mixer_pipeline.position > 0) {
pcm_write(ext_pcm->pcm, (void *)ext_pcm->mixer_pipeline.buffer,
ext_pcm->mixer_pipeline.position * sizeof(int16_t));
memset(&ext_pcm->mixer_pipeline, 0, sizeof(struct ext_mixer_pipeline));
usleep(MIXER_INTERVAL_MS * 1000);
} while (1);
这个线程执行的主要任务为,周期性地唤醒,遍历所有的输出音频流的数据,把它们做混音,并将混音之后的数据通过 ALSA 的接口写入设备 。这里输出音频流的数据和混音之后的音频数据都用 struct ext_mixer_pipeline
结构来描述,这个结构的定义 (位于 device/generic/car/emulator/audio/driver/ext_pcm.h) 如下:
struct ext_mixer_pipeline {
int16_t buffer[MIXER_BUFFER_SIZE];
unsigned int position;
向 struct ext_pcm
写入音频数据的 ext_pcm_write()
函数,其定义 (位于 device/generic/car/emulator/audio/driver/ext_pcm.c) 如下:
static int mixer_pipeline_write(struct ext_pcm *ext_pcm, const char *bus_address,
const void *data, unsigned int count) {
struct ext_mixer_pipeline *pipeline = hashmapGet(
ext_pcm->mixer_pipeline_map, bus_address);
if (!pipeline) {
pipeline = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ext_mixer_pipeline));
hashmapPut(ext_pcm->mixer_pipeline_map, bus_address, pipeline);
unsigned int byteWritten = 0;
bool write_incomplete = true;
do {
const unsigned int byteCount = MIN(count - byteWritten,
(MIXER_BUFFER_SIZE - pipeline->position) * sizeof(int16_t));
const unsigned int int16Count = byteCount / sizeof(int16_t);
if (int16Count > 0) {
memcpy(&pipeline->buffer[pipeline->position], (const char*)data + byteWritten, byteCount);
pipeline->position += int16Count;
byteWritten += byteCount;
write_incomplete = byteWritten < count;
if (write_incomplete) {
// wait for mixer thread to consume the pipeline buffer
pthread_cond_wait(&ext_pcm->mixer_wake, &ext_pcm->mixer_lock);
} while (write_incomplete);
return 0;
. . . . . .
int ext_pcm_write(struct ext_pcm *ext_pcm, const char *address,
const void *data, unsigned int count) {
if (ext_pcm == NULL || ext_pcm->pcm == NULL) {
return -EINVAL;
return mixer_pipeline_write(ext_pcm, address, data, count);
这里写入数据时,获得或创建一个音频输出流数据缓冲区 struct ext_mixer_pipeline
Audio HAL 的使用者,通过 out_write()
函数向 struct generic_stream_out
static ssize_t out_write(struct audio_stream_out *stream, const void *buffer, size_t bytes) {
struct generic_stream_out *out = (struct generic_stream_out *)stream;
ALOGV("%s: to device %s", __func__, out->bus_address);
const size_t frame_size = audio_stream_out_frame_size(stream);
const size_t frames = bytes / frame_size;
if (out->worker_standby) {
out->worker_standby = false;
uint64_t current_position;
struct timespec current_time;
get_current_output_position(out, ¤t_position, ¤t_time);
if (out->standby) {
out->standby = false;
out->underrun_time = current_time;
out->frames_rendered = 0;
out->frames_total_buffered = 0;
size_t frames_written = frames;
const int available_frames_in_buffer = audio_vbuffer_dead(&out->buffer);
const int frames_sleep =
available_frames_in_buffer > frames ? 0 : frames - available_frames_in_buffer;
const uint64_t sleep_time_us =
frames_sleep * 1000000LL / out_get_sample_rate(&stream->common);
if (sleep_time_us > 0) {
if (out->dev->master_mute || out->is_muted) {
ALOGV("%s: ignored due to mute", __func__);
} else {
out_apply_gain(out, buffer, bytes);
frames_written = 0;
bool write_incomplete = true;
do {
frames_written += audio_vbuffer_write(
(const char *)buffer + frames_written * frame_size,
frames - frames_written);
write_incomplete = frames_written < frames;
if (write_incomplete) {
// Wait for write worker to consume the buffer
pthread_cond_wait(&out->write_wake, &out->lock);
} while (write_incomplete);
/* Implementation just consumes bytes if we start getting backed up */
out->frames_written += frames;
out->frames_rendered += frames;
out->frames_total_buffered += frames;
if (frames_written < frames) {
ALOGW("%s Hardware backing HAL too slow, could only write %zu of %zu frames",
__func__, frames_written, frames);
/* Always consume all bytes */
return bytes;
struct generic_stream_out
的数据缓冲区还可以写入数据的数量;这样在 Audio HAL 中,播放方向的音频数据流如下图所示:
接着来看下 Audio HAL 中,麦克风采集的数据流。adev_open_input_stream()
static int adev_open_input_stream(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
audio_io_handle_t handle, audio_devices_t devices, struct audio_config *config,
struct audio_stream_in **stream_in, audio_input_flags_t flags __unused, const char *address,
audio_source_t source) {
ALOGV("%s: audio_source_t: %d", __func__, source);
struct generic_audio_device *adev = (struct generic_audio_device *)dev;
struct generic_stream_in *in;
int ret = 0;
if (refine_input_parameters(&config->sample_rate, &config->format, &config->channel_mask)) {
ALOGE("Error opening input stream format %d, channel_mask %04x, sample_rate %u",
config->format, config->channel_mask, config->sample_rate);
ret = -EINVAL;
goto error;
in = (struct generic_stream_in *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct generic_stream_in));
if (!in) {
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto error;
in->stream.common.get_sample_rate = in_get_sample_rate;
in->stream.common.set_sample_rate = in_set_sample_rate; // no op
in->stream.common.get_buffer_size = in_get_buffer_size;
in->stream.common.get_channels = in_get_channels;
in->stream.common.get_format = in_get_format;
in->stream.common.set_format = in_set_format; // no op
in->stream.common.standby = in_standby;
in->stream.common.dump = in_dump;
in->stream.common.set_parameters = in_set_parameters;
in->stream.common.get_parameters = in_get_parameters;
in->stream.common.add_audio_effect = in_add_audio_effect; // no op
in->stream.common.remove_audio_effect = in_remove_audio_effect; // no op
in->stream.set_gain = in_set_gain; // no op
in-> = in_read;
in->stream.get_input_frames_lost = in_get_input_frames_lost; // no op
in->stream.get_capture_position = in_get_capture_position;
pthread_mutex_init(&in->lock, (const pthread_mutexattr_t *) NULL);
in->dev = adev;
in->device = devices;
memcpy(&in->req_config, config, sizeof(struct audio_config));
memcpy(&in->pcm_config, &pcm_config_in, sizeof(struct pcm_config));
in->pcm_config.rate = config->sample_rate;
in->pcm_config.period_size = in->pcm_config.rate * get_in_period_ms() / 1000;
in->stereo_to_mono_buf = NULL;
in->stereo_to_mono_buf_size = 0;
in->standby = true;
in->standby_position = 0;
in->standby_exit_time.tv_sec = 0;
in->standby_exit_time.tv_nsec = 0;
in->standby_frames_read = 0;
ret = audio_vbuffer_init(&in->buffer,
in->pcm_config.channels *
pcm_format_to_bits(in->pcm_config.format) >> 3);
if (ret == 0) {
pthread_cond_init(&in->worker_wake, NULL);
in->worker_standby = true;
in->worker_exit = false;
pthread_create(&in->worker_thread, NULL, in_read_worker, in);
if (address) {
in->bus_address = strdup(address);
if (is_tone_generator_device(in)) {
int update_frequency = adev->next_tone_frequency_to_assign;
int frequency = create_or_fetch_tone_frequency(adev, address, update_frequency);
if (update_frequency == frequency) {
in->oscillator.phase = 0.0f;
in->oscillator.phase_increment = (TWO_PI*(frequency))
/ ((float) in_get_sample_rate(&in->stream.common));
*stream_in = &in->stream;
return ret;
函数与 adev_open_output_stream()
函数比较相似,它创建 struct generic_stream_in
对象,并初始化其各个成员的状态;初始化用于数据交换的数据缓冲区;创建一个线程从设备读取数据;如果 address
非空,则复制 address
内容进 struct generic_stream_in
static void *in_read_worker(void *args) {
struct generic_stream_in *in = (struct generic_stream_in *)args;
struct pcm *pcm = NULL;
uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
size_t buffer_frames;
int buffer_size;
bool restart = false;
bool shutdown = false;
while (true) {
while (in->worker_standby || restart) {
restart = false;
if (pcm) {
pcm_close(pcm); // Frees pcm
pcm = NULL;
if (in->worker_exit) {
pthread_cond_wait(&in->worker_wake, &in->lock);
if (in->worker_exit) {
if (!in->worker_standby) {
ALOGE("In worker not in standby before exiting");
shutdown = true;
if (shutdown) {
if (!pcm) {
pcm = pcm_open(PCM_CARD, PCM_DEVICE,
PCM_IN | PCM_MONOTONIC, &in->pcm_config);
if (!pcm_is_ready(pcm)) {
ALOGE("pcm_open(in) failed: %s: channels %d format %d rate %d",
buffer_frames = in->pcm_config.period_size;
buffer_size = pcm_frames_to_bytes(pcm, buffer_frames);
buffer = malloc(buffer_size);
if (!buffer) {
ALOGE("could not allocate worker read buffer");
int ret = pcm_read(pcm, buffer, pcm_frames_to_bytes(pcm, buffer_frames));
if (ret != 0) {
ALOGW("pcm_read failed %s", pcm_get_error(pcm));
restart = true;
size_t frames_written = audio_vbuffer_write(&in->buffer, buffer, buffer_frames);
if (frames_written != buffer_frames) {
ALOGW("in_read_worker only could write %zu / %zu frames",
frames_written, buffer_frames);
if (buffer) {
return NULL;
struct pcm
,并等待结束这种状态;struct pcm
对象为空时,打开 pcm 设备获得 struct pcm
对象,并分配中间缓冲区,不像输出音频流那样需要多个流共享设备,而不得不创建 struct ext_pcm
,这里直接通过 ALSA 的接口访问硬件设备;struct generic_stream_in
的缓冲区;Audio HAL 的使用者,通过 in_read()
函数将 struct generic_stream_in
// Generates pure tone for FM_TUNER and bus_device
static int pseudo_pcm_read(void *data, unsigned int count, struct oscillator *oscillator) {
unsigned int length = count / sizeof(int16_t);
int16_t *sdata = (int16_t *)data;
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
sdata[index] = (int16_t)(sin(oscillator->phase) * 4096);
oscillator->phase += oscillator->phase_increment;
oscillator->phase = oscillator->phase > TWO_PI ?
oscillator->phase - TWO_PI : oscillator->phase;
return count;
. . . . . .
static bool address_has_tone_keyword(char * address) {
return strstr(address, TONE_ADDRESS_KEYWORD) != NULL;
static bool is_tone_generator_device(struct generic_stream_in *in) {
return in->device == AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_FM_TUNER || ((in->device == AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUS) &&
static ssize_t in_read(struct audio_stream_in *stream, void *buffer, size_t bytes) {
struct generic_stream_in *in = (struct generic_stream_in *)stream;
struct generic_audio_device *adev = in->dev;
const size_t frames = bytes / audio_stream_in_frame_size(stream);
int ret = 0;
bool mic_mute = false;
size_t read_bytes = 0;
adev_get_mic_mute(&adev->device, &mic_mute);
if (in->worker_standby) {
in->worker_standby = false;
// Tone generators fill the buffer via pseudo_pcm_read directly
if (!is_tone_generator_device(in)) {
int64_t current_position;
struct timespec current_time;
get_current_input_position(in, ¤t_position, ¤t_time);
if (in->standby) {
in->standby = false;
in->standby_exit_time = current_time;
in->standby_frames_read = 0;
const int64_t frames_available =
current_position - in->standby_position - in->standby_frames_read;
assert(frames_available >= 0);
const size_t frames_wait =
((uint64_t)frames_available > frames) ? 0 : frames - frames_available;
int64_t sleep_time_us = frames_wait * 1000000LL / in_get_sample_rate(&stream->common);
if (sleep_time_us > 0) {
int read_frames = 0;
if (in->standby) {
ALOGW("Input put to sleep while read in progress");
goto exit;
in->standby_frames_read += frames;
if (is_tone_generator_device(in)) {
int read_bytes = pseudo_pcm_read(buffer, bytes, &in->oscillator);
read_frames = read_bytes / audio_stream_in_frame_size(stream);
} else if (popcount(in->req_config.channel_mask) == 1 &&
in->pcm_config.channels == 2) {
// Need to resample to mono
if (in->stereo_to_mono_buf_size < bytes*2) {
in->stereo_to_mono_buf = realloc(in->stereo_to_mono_buf, bytes*2);
if (!in->stereo_to_mono_buf) {
ALOGE("Failed to allocate stereo_to_mono_buff");
goto exit;
read_frames = audio_vbuffer_read(&in->buffer, in->stereo_to_mono_buf, frames);
// Currently only pcm 16 is supported.
uint16_t *src = (uint16_t *)in->stereo_to_mono_buf;
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)buffer;
size_t i;
// Resample stereo 16 to mono 16 by dropping one channel.
// The stereo stream is interleaved L-R-L-R
for (i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
*dst = *src;
src += 2;
dst += 1;
} else {
read_frames = audio_vbuffer_read(&in->buffer, buffer, frames);
read_bytes = read_frames*audio_stream_in_frame_size(stream);
if (mic_mute) {
read_bytes = 0;
if (read_bytes < bytes) {
memset (&((uint8_t *)buffer)[read_bytes], 0, bytes-read_bytes);
return bytes;
struct generic_stream_in
的数据缓冲区中读取的数据的数量;struct generic_stream_in
的数据缓冲区中读取数据,并将双声道的数据转换为单声道的数据返回给调用者;struct generic_stream_in
的数据缓冲区中读取数据返回给调用者;Audio HAL 提供的操作大概是这样。