E03 重要 | 旧梦巴黎

上节课中,我们学习了英语里quite, fairly, rather, very, extremely这5个单词的词义和用法,大家一定记得要随时复习巩固。本节课将会讲解significant, important, major 这组词。这3个词对我们来说并不陌生,但它们使用的区别在哪里呢?我们一起来听今天的课程。


significant, important, major

1. significant

UK /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ US /sɪɡˈnɪfəkənt/

adj. 足够大的或者重要到了值得注意的程度(Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention)

insignificant adj. 无关紧要的,微不足道的

significant concessions 值得注意的让步

2. important

UK /ɪmˈpɔːtənt/ US /ɪmˈpɔːrtənt/

adj. 重要的(being of great significance)



3. major

UK /ˈmeɪdʒə/ US /ˈmeɪdʒər/

adj. 较重要的,主要的

(1) 试比较:

important decisions重要的决定

important progress 重要的进步

important development 重要的发展

major problems 重要的问题

major criminals 重要的罪犯

(2) important和major区别:

① important往往用来形容褒义和中性的词,不用来形容贬义和负面的词。

② major既可以形容贬义词,也可以形容中性词,还可以形容褒义词。


1. 我们取得了一定程度的进展。

2. 他们克服了重大的障碍。

3. 学术成就也是重要的考虑因素。

4. 他认为我们的工作有一定的重要性。


1. We have made significant progress.

2. They overcame major obstacles.

3. Academic achievement is also an important consideration.

= Academic achievement is also an important factor for consideration.

4. He considers our work significant.

= He believes that our work is significant.

= To him, our work is significant.


① 英语中很多名词化的东西已经包含了宾语,所以不需要重复说明。如“考虑因素”可直接为“consideration”,而不是“consideration factor”。

② 此类名词化动词还有:construction,repetition, implication。在翻译为中文时,根据上下文含义,直接将宾语补全翻译出来即可。如根据上下文含义,construction可能翻译为“建筑成果”,repetition可能翻译为“重复练习”,implication可能翻译为“暗指的意思”等等。


Denuded of Tourists, Paris Reveals Its Old Beating Heart


By Adam Nossiter

1. denude UK /dɪˈnjuːd/ US /dɪˈnuːd/

vt. 剥光;使裸露

The building is now denuded of people.


2. reveal UK /rɪˈviːl/ US /rɪˈviːl/

vt. 揭示,显示

3. a beating heart


beat vi. 跳动

Before Paris became a theme park for the global affluent, there was an older Paris I knew as a child, where sculpted horse heads announced butcher shops and you were likelier to find céleri rémoulade at the corner than $30,000 handbags aimed at tourists.


4. a theme park


5. affluent UK /ˈæfluənt/ US /ˈæfluənt/

n. 富人,有钱人 adj. 富裕的

6. announce UK /əˈnaʊns/ US /əˈnaʊns/

vt. 表明(indicate);宣布

7. butcher shop


butcher n. 屠夫;肉贩

8. céleri rémoulade




9. handbag UK /ˈhændbæɡ/ US /ˈhændbæɡ/

n. 女用手提包,手袋

10. aim at


Echoes of that Paris have come back to me over the last month as the coronavirus stalked the city. It’s a paradox that the empty streets have made it easier to imagine Paris as a place where people actually live, and not just a polyglot destination for shopping and playing.


11. an echo of sth. 和……相似

echo n. 回声;相似

The article contains echoes of an earlier report.


find echoes in sth. ……有共同点

These customs find echoes in many countries and cultures.


Her poems find echoes in the work of another writer.


12. stalk UK /stɔːk/ US /stɑːk/

vt. 笼罩,(恐惧、罪恶、死亡等)蔓延

Fear stalks the city.


13. It's a paradox that/The paradox is that...


paradox n. 自相矛盾(的情况),悖论

14. a polyglot destination


polyglot adj. 通晓(或使用)多种语言的;(一个地方)由来自不同地方的人组成的

In this stage-set Paris, the monuments still brilliantly illuminated, it is easy to imagine an earlier time when the city streets were quiet: the German occupation. Photographs from that period show empty streets, solitary pedestrians, and grand monuments jarringly out of sync with the humiliated city. Like now, lines of grim-faced customers stretch from the few open stores.


15. solitary UK /ˈsɒlɪtəri/ US /ˈsɑːləteri/

adj. 孤独的;单一的

前缀sol- 表示单独的

solo n. 独奏

solitary pedestrians 形单影只的路人

16. grim-faced

adj. 表情严肃的

grim adj. 严肃的

a grim face 严肃的面孔

17. stretch UK /stretʃ/ US /stretʃ/

vt. 拉长;(时间和空间上)扩展

Always stretch before exercising.


The mountains stretch as far as the eye can see.


18. stage-set

adj. 舞台布景的

19. illuminate UK /ɪˈluːmɪneɪt/ US /ɪˈluːməneɪt/

vt. 照亮,照明

20. occupation UK /ˌɒkjəˈpeɪʃən/ US /ˌɑːkjəˈpeɪʃən/ n. 占领

the occupation of somewhere 占领某地

the German occupation of France 德国对法国的占领

21. jarringly UK /ˈdʒɑːrɪŋli/ US /ˈdʒɑːrɪŋli/ adv. 不快地

jarring adj. 令人感到不快的(视觉上/听觉上/经历上)

jarring ambulance sirens 刺耳的救护车汽笛声

jarring colours 刺眼的色彩

a jarring experience 令人苦恼的经历

Paris lives intimately with its memories of the occupation. “Maybe people now are rediscovering how precarious existence is,” said Philippe Labro, whose parents hid Jews during the war.


22. precarious UK /prɪˈkeəriəs/ US /prɪˈkeriəs/

adj. 不稳的,不确定的

a precarious living 漂泊的生活

23. existence UK /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/ US /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/

n. 存在;(艰难/无聊的)生活

a miserable existence 非常困苦的生活

24. live with memories of sth. 对某段记忆念念不忘

intimately adv. 亲密地

She lives with the memories of what happened to her when she was five years old.


“Never were we so free as during the German occupation,” Jean-Paul Sartre famously wrote after the war. He meant, roughly: Never were Parisians, French women and men, forced so brutally to confront, every day, the fundamental question of survival.


25. roughly UK /ˈrʌfli/ US /ˈrʌfli/

adv. 大约地,差不多地

rough adj. 粗略的,大致的

roughly speaking 大概/粗略地说

26. confront UK /kənˈfrʌnt/ US /kənˈfrʌnt/

vt. 勇敢地面对,正视

confront the problems/issue 正视问题


1. 部分倒装:


比如 never/seldom/rarely/little/hardly/no longer/nowhere


The conditions were never so good as today.

Never were conditions so good as today.


2. “Never were we so free as during the German occupation.”

- The Republic of Silence by Jean-Paul Sartre


—《沉默的共和国》 让-保罗·萨特(著)

3. plaque 铭牌;匾牌






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