托福高频真词List20 // 附托福TPO阅读真题

preposterous/unbelievable/ridiculous adj.不合理的
innovation/new development/change n.革新
deliberation/discussion n.协商
erratic/unpredictable adj.不稳定的
instigate/cause v.煽动
invoke/call upon v.请求


champion/support v.拥护
out of sight/hidden 隐藏的
overlie/cover v.躺在...上面


plug/fill up v.填满
phenomenon/occurrence n.现象
prone/likely adj.有可能的
so much for/that is enough about 有关...就到此为止
aggregate/combine v.聚集
compression/crush n.压缩
diverse/varied adj.各种各样的
ratio/proportion n.比例
static/unchanging adj.静止的
appreciate/understand v.理解
agency/force n.力量
keep pace with/match the increase in 和...保持同步
logical/reasonable adj.合乎逻辑的
mutually beneficial/helpful to one another 互利的
document/record n.记录
compel/require v.迫使
obligation/responsibility n.义务
amount to/total 合计
method/way n.方法
squander/waste v.挥霍
accrete/come together v.附着
agitate/create movement in v.煽动


impose on/place on 把...强加于
channel/direct v.引导
concept/idea n.概念
concur/agree v.同意
despondent/unhappy adj.沮丧的
expand/enlarge v.扩张
fastidious/demanding adj.挑剔的
gather some momentum/make progress 取得进展


illusory/misleading adj.错觉的
immeasurably/greatly adv.极大地
inclination/tendency n.倾向
precious/valuable adj.宝贵的
prestigious/highly regarded adj.有威信的
propulsion/moving forward n.推进
provided that/as long as/if conj.只要
rate/judge v.评价



So much for transparency: the government has yet again promoted a policy that which protects them from public scrutiny.

so much for=that is enough about... 有关....就到此为止


Cities nowadays have great difficulties keeping pace with the fast-growing urbanization-unprecedented growth of the urban population.

keep pace with=match the increase in 和...保持同步


Within 72 hours, the head scientist at the lab said that responses were aggregated, and sent them to doctors, who could then determine whether the patient was responsive or not to a particular treatment.

aggregate=combine 聚集


The man who worked in harsh conditions began to agitate for better working conditions.

agitate=create movement in 煽动


Scientific evidence compelled scientists to recognize that climate change caused few natural disasters.



Data compression is a process that minimizes the size of a file so that it takes up less space on the hard drive and is also easier to transfer.

compression=crush 压缩


The work that Malala Yousafzai has done on gender equity has been gratifying to many females who live in countries where they have been denied education based on gender.

gratify=satisfy 使满足


Because all of the species are herbivorous(feeding only on plants), many scientists held the illusory perception they would have similar diets.

illusory=misleading 错觉的


During his tenure as President of the United States, John F. Kennedy Jr. immeasurably enhanced the powers and scope of the presidential office.

immeasurably=greatly 极大地


Only for now, these negotiations are happening out of sight to avoid the appearance of discord before the party has formally selected a nominee.

out of sight=hidden 隐藏的


Unfortunately, a penchant for fantasy and human imitative capabilities alone are not enough to guarantee good theatrical performances.

penchant=inclination 倾向


Although the artifact was found incomplete, such ceremonial vases can offer precious details on the life of Etrurian noble families.

precious=valuable 宝贵的


Galileo presented the court with his idea that it was in fact the Earth to revolve around the Sun, and not the other way around, which most people found to be preposterous.

preposterous=unbelievable=ridiculous 不合理的


The propulsion system of any rocket is mostly based on the application of Newton‘s third law of motion——for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

propulsion=moving forward 推进


The function and status of ceremonial vases in ancient Rome have changed from one dynasty to the other-mainly accordingly to religious and traditional beliefs.

status=importance 重要地位


It is necessary to occasionally remove ships from the water so that minerals do not accrete on the hulls and inhibit their seaworthiness.

accrete=come together 附着
