托福高频真词List18 // 附托福TPO阅读真题





erode/wear down v.侵蚀
instructive/informative adj.有指导意义的
threaten/endanger v.威胁
legible/recognize adj.容易辨认的
accustomed/used to 习惯于
assure/guarantee v.确保


sovereign/master n.君主
compulsorily/by the requirement adv.强制地
desolate/deserted adj.荒无人烟的
outdated/old-fashioned adj.过时的
resurgence/comeback n.复兴
conversely/on the contrary adv.与此相反
intense/strong/extreme adj.强烈的
resume/restart v.重新开始
pose/present v.提出
transition/change n.转变
apart from/besides/except for 除此之外
infrequent/uncommon adj.罕见的
legendary/famous adj.传奇的,著名的
allusion/reference n.暗示
authenticity/genuineness n.真实性
enigmatic/mysterious adj.神秘的
location/place n.位置
pristine/pure adj.纯净的
reluctant/unwilling adj.不情愿的
tentatively identified/identified without certainty 初步确定的
ample/plentiful adj.丰富的
contention/debate n.争论
debate/argue about v.争论
practical/usable adj.实用的
reasonable/sufficient adj.合情理的
therefore/as a result adv.因此
cramp/confine v.阻碍
fringe/border n.边缘
gain/increase n.增加
momentous/very important adj.关键的
prospect/possibility n.预料
shift/change v.转变
supersede/replace v.取代
revise/change v.修订
unintentional/accident/unplanned adj.非故意的
to have been accidental/to have occurred by chance 偶然的
elaboration/development n.详尽阐述
imaginative/creative adj.有想象力的
option/choice n.选择
terrestrial/land adj.陆地的
accumulation/deposit n.聚集
circumstance/condition n.环境
enjoy/experience v.享有
friction/conflict n.摩擦
heterogeneous/varied adj.各种各样的



Unlike dinosaurs, whose features were later preserved in birds, the enigmatic species of pterosar met its evolutionary dead end.

enigmatic=mysterious 神秘的


Although the changes in climate were subtle in the region——changes  in snow and rain patterns;these cycles had momentous impacts on the civilization living in the area.

momentous=very important非常重要的


The prospect of her losing the election terrified her supporters, considering her opponent was known for being a racist and bully.

prospect=possibility 预料


Another supposedly plausible theory-that the universe is expanding at a steady rate and will eventually disperse-is alse wrong.

Whether Kant's idea of justice is acceptable is open to contention, and some authors have recently pointed out flaws in his reasoning.

contention=debate 争论


Volterra was founded in the 8th Century BC; a small village settlement of cramped, squared-based huts with straw or clay roofs.

cramp=confine 阻碍


In modern scientific literature there are frequent allusions to a current mass extinction event.

allusion=reference 暗示


Following his critically acclaimed success with Broadway‘s Hamiliton, Lin-Manuel Miranda currently enjoys multiple offers from Hollywood producers looking to make a film version of the award-winning musical.

enjoy=experience 享有


The technology might not be ready yet, but it promises great gains, such as substantial greater power for stimulation of chemical reactions and, possibly, machine learning.

gains=increases 增加


The most inexperienced archeologists are preoccupied with the task of sorting out heterogeneous residues(rocks, dirt, soil deposited there after the findings).

heterogeneous=varied 各种各样的


Archeologists proposed to revise the data of the discovery of America based on new and fascinating discoveries.

revise=change 修订


Terrestrial deposits are full of residues and fossils, which could shed some light on the earth's composition during the Cretaceous Era.

terrestrial=land 陆地的
