
Traditional values are what keep us on track. That's why you see so many people have to remain single, so many people have to strive. That's why Albert Einstein was deeply hurt.

Life is hard, what to say… So writing is to increase such sense of kindness. Why should we reduce and reduce until we're very calm? Humility is always above aggression. Zeng Shiqiang, and Confucius have the agreement. Zeng Shiqiang's meaning is more suitable to our traditional spoken language.

Zeng Shi Qiang said, give people space, if we can be together, that means we have some points in common.

Try to tolerate these people…

My sleeping problem is usually hard to get to sleep after waking up.

My girl is my fresh point!

Living is meaningless so that i can be calm…, like my girl, who's very calm.

According to Zheng Shi Qiang, fighting is the right of the good related people. Maybe I care for money too much.

The clouds are so thick and cute.

The pyramid-mountain is now in the shroud of frost. I'm really wrong, I care for money too much… I should be generous, that's why she's attractive. I was too stingy. Emotional disability is most fatal.

Taking care of my girl is most important.

My dad asks me to persist until the noon, I don't think I can manage. The stress response often presents a wave-particle duality. Existence and non existence are equal with different names. We can view the universe in the perspective of existence, which is to visualize; we can also view the universe in the perspective of non existence, which is reduction. When I touch things for a long time, they don't seem to be there.

I cannot educate others, I can only educate myself.

They are the seniors, what else to say? The traditional values are what keep us on track. Zeng Shi Qiang's ideas are most applicable! The old master and Confucius shared the same views.

Try to be loose, the print is already there…

Small countries lower themselves before big countries, so they can gain the respect of the big countries. The great one who understands the way should lower himself before the small ones.

The equivalence is always there…so fight without anger.

Corner myself in the writing…

My parents often fight with each other, but they never get departed. Why?

Zeng Shi Qiang is right, he said current relationships easily break up, once a problem occurs.

I use my parents' policies to educate my girl. If i serve Miss Zhang, i use her policy to serve her…If I go to work, I use Li Zhong Geng's policy to work.

Who is right is not important, the point is who has the power and ability…
