

Are you a dog person? Maybe you have one at home and enjoy taking it for walks and curling up with it on the sofa.  Personally, I'm not that kind of person – for me they're aggressive, smelly animals that need constant care and lack the independent nature and intelligence that cats have. But given the life-saving skills that some dogs possess, maybe I should give them a second chance.

To some a perfect pooch might be one that looks cute, is loyal and sits when it's told but that's about it – it's just a pet. But to really be man's best friend, they need to do something useful. Some breeds that have amazing sense of smell are put to good use as sniffer dogs or detection dogs, and are trained to use their senses to detect substances such as explosives and illegal drugs. You'll often see them at airports or working with police out on the streets.

Other types of working dogs include guide dogs, hearing dogs and mobility1 dogs all providing a life
