
. instinct

  - behave in a particular  way using ability or knowledge to solve problem rather than by train or thought

Protecting girls is my instinct.

- a feeling that make you believe sth is true

Female instinct is always right.

. minset

. philosophy

. mental

- mentality

. reflection

- careful thought based on sth

  pain plus reflection is equal to progress.

. conscience: 'ka:nfens

- the part of your mind that tells you whether your action is right or not

    How could you have no conscience?

    I have a clear conscience.

. premise: pr3mise

    - a statement that forms the basis for a reasonable line of argument

    the basic premise of her argument

. understanding

    - a way in which you understand sth

      As my understanding, you dislike me.

. comprehension [ˌkɒmprɪˈhenʃn]

    - ability to understand sth

      His behavior is beyond my comprehension.

. dignity: dineti

- a sense of your own importance and value. That makes yourself and others respect you

  It's difficult to preserve your dignity when you have no job and no home


